• expired

25% off Selected RM Williams Boots + Free Delivery @ The ICONIC


Edit - 20% cashback (cap $25) @ Shopback between 10am - 1pm!

There are 13 styles available at 25% off. Stack this with 25% cashback @ Shopback 20% cashback (cap $30) @ Cashrewards and it's a great good deal.

Prices after 25% off but before cashback -

Referral Links

Referral: random (664)

$20 off for the referee ($99 minimum spend), and $20 credit for the referrer.

This is part of Afterpay Day sale for 2020

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closed Comments

  • I got very excited for a second, I've been after some Kangaroo Craftsman for ages and you never see them discounted but then I clicked and saw the reason, the too-much-fast-food-poo brown colour and narrow fit.

    • +2

      G is the standard fit.

      F is narrow.

      You may well be looking for H - wide fit. Unfortunately, iconic doesn't seem to stock those ever.

    • Oops, my poopy internet posted twice.

    • +3

      The Kangaroo is really only a 'wear one every now and then' boot. The leather is too soft for regular wear. I found that out the hard way. Mine are ruined even after trying to take good care of them.

      • Oh that's really good to know! I bought them thinking they might be a suitable second pair as I already have the regular chestnut yearling ones. But following on from this I might just leave it as a dress shoe then!

      • +1

        Really? I've been wearing my kangaroo craftsman every day for the last year without issues. They wear at a rate similar to my normal craftsman

    • +1

      I've actually got this colour - I actually prefer them over the standard dark brown (own both). Go well with everything.

      • I have this colour boot too. Wife hates the colour, but I otherwise get a lot of compliments about them.

  • I really shouldn't spend the money, but…

  • +27

    i havent worn shoes for almost 5 months now…

    • +5

      How true! On the other hand I've come to appreciate thick wool socks instead…

      • You get them from the Port Phillip shop too? Lol

        • +2

          Nope, I actually bought mine from the local Woolworths a couple of months back. I never wore wool socks prior to this and thought they did a pretty good job keeping my feet warm.

          Here's a photo of the socks

  • +5

    "Prices after 25% off before cashback -"
    This hurt my brain

  • +12

    YES! final piece to complete my "Young Liberals" look!

  • +10

    RM Williams RRP is exorbitantly over-inflated now. These boots are worth $350 every day of the week but, $645 come on now.

    • +1

      I don't disagree, but they're still an excellent boot for their price point here in Australia. Americans are also starting to love them despite them being a whopping USD$500 retail.

      With that said, most welted boots after GST (and shipping) end up being a very similar price, $400+.

    • +2

      Only work shoes I've had last longer than a year without falling apart. Are there any cheaper alternatives that won't fall apart?

      • They're great boots, the ones I purchased for $350 5 years ago are no different to the same boots being sold for $645 now.

        When you say work shoes, if you mean "office-friendly" you could try something like baxter boots, same design cheaper price point https://baxterfootwear.com.au/products/goulburn/

        Check out Meermin shoes also, same quality around the $200 USD price point.

        • Meermin still ends up at about AUD$400 to your door (My Balmoral's arrived a few weeks back), which isn't overly different to this sale (not including Shopback) which isn't uncommon. Meermin can be a bit hit or miss but definitely make a nice shoe and have a great range of styles, however my RM's are ridiculously convenient and comfortable.

          Compare that USD Price points though, USD$200ish for Meermin, RM Williams in the US are USD$495 retail.

          I can wholeheartedly recommend Grant Stone as a competitor though.

        • Yeah this is in the office, although I do walk outside a lot with them.

          Thanks, will check out Baxter and Meermin.

        • Baxter's no longer made in Goulburn (now all lines are made in China) and their quality has gone with them. I bought my dad a pair I found in a local shoe shop that were made in Goulburn though and they were good quality - uglier than RMs though.

          • @Meconium: Damn didn’t realise they are made overseas now. I revoke my Baxter recommendation.

  • Finally, a price I’m willing to pay. Haven’t seen this since the qantas deal 2 years ago.

  • damn so many sizes sold out unless one has giant feet

  • Sydney boots in black looks slick.

    • Can confirm, have a pair myself.

      • +2

        have a pair myself.

        Me too!

        Wait, this is about the boots? Sorry, I'll see myself out. 😶

  • Amazing. Picked up a suede pair of comfort craftsman boots that I've been eyeing off for a while, for only $346!

    • Can’t see the comfort in suede anywhere? Do you have a link?

      • Only leather soles unfortunately, which is kind of the case across the board for retailers evne though the rubber soles suit suede really well.

      • Oops. Meant just the regular craftsman. In my excitement I also got the price wrong haha… was actually only $334.

  • Grabbed the 11 Rickaby's in Warwick (Burgundy-esque).. on top of the Comfort Craftsman deal from EverythingAustralian yesterday..

    Ridiculously good deal after the cashback, but it's going to be a hard one to explain that I needed more boots..

  • Don't need these boots during Covid. Need sleepers, and ugg boots may be!

  • -1

    how much is the comfort craftsmen after cash back?

    • Regular Comfort Craftsmans aren't discounted, so its 25% of $595 - $446.25

      • -2

        What about the other ones?

        • Take 25% off the list provided in the original post by Dealbot.

  • Thanks Dealbot.

    picked a gardener boots for $393 and shopback will make it a really sweet deal.

    • +1

      Shopback $89.49 tracked and confirmed.

      • now i'm hanging out for that tracking confirmation, cracker deal once it comes through

        • Any luck? I've had to manually report mine.

          • @japes: Ended up having to report mine too, fingers crossed!

  • May I please ask if these are unisex? I couldn't possibly wear these but the missues might fancy one. Could someone please confirm? Thanks!

    • +1

      Yep. Unisex, although women sometimes prefer the Adelaide boot, or ones with a cuban heel

      • Looks like I'll then have to check with the boss before I order anything here. Thanks for the tip!

    • -1

      They are not; RM Williams make specific models for men/women, except obviously the one linked in the post which is titled "Unisex…"

      • Thank you very much for that. Looks like the Unisex ones are long gone, and the missus won't be pleased if I got her 11 size because that's the only unisex size left.

        • +2

          Most RM Williams boots are Unisex, but in Men's sizing unless specifically a female boot like the Adelaide or Millicent. Check their website for models.

      • +1

        Not exactly true. All Chelsea models are unisex and we were told at RM William stores to market it as such (this was decades ago, but it's still likely true even with the introduction of the Adelaide). We fitted and sold plenty of Gardener & Yard boots to females, who were usually looking for a more casual or work-focused boot. Each store had a placard/chart with the AU/UK Mens/Womens sizes for each boot.

        There were even ladies who purchased Tambo boots (the very wide model).

  • Does this finish tomorrow? It's a shame I'll save up for next year's after pay day.

  • eBay had them on sale for 400-415 last year in October… Suspect this year may have repeat deals

  • any wide sizes? H width?

    • Negative - all G width on sale. Rickaby's are likely suitable for you (I wear an 11H but fit the Rickaby and Turnout nicely in an 11G).

  • now that i am working from home, i think it's time to get a gardener boot so that i can fix up my lawn during my break time

  • What would be the best style for farming/horse riding?

    • Anything with a leather sole for horse riding

  • How do you get the 25% discount I have tried to checkout but hasnt reduced.

    • same question…
      I don’t see any discount on checkout

  • Just checked

    It’s not part of the deal or it may have expired

    I can confirm that R.M. Williams Boots are not included in the 25% sale. You can check all the Boots included here: https://www.theiconic.com.au/mens-shoes-boots/?campaign=lp-a…

    • I think they’ve just sold out. I checked RM Williams stuff the morning the sale started, before this was posted, as I was interested in a belt and they had boots listed then. Either that or they removed the boots later on.

    • Sale was only on for a very limited time on 20/08/2020.

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