Looking to buy flight simulator probably the ultimate one. where can I get it from? is it cheaper to get it from another region?
Microsoft Flight Simulator - Where to Buy Cheapest Copy?

My advise is do not buy straight away.
Check the Avsim forums. Many disappointed people, basically many bugs.
I bought it using the $1 gamepass and I am glad I have not bought it outright. People even filling in refund forms.As someone who have been playing flight sims for 20 years, this launch is a bit troubled. So save your money for now till they iron out the bugs.
Are you able to fly into buildings with this version? It was excluded from the last one that I played so I haven't played a flight sim since.
I'm genuinely curious.Recreating September 11?
Somewhat, not for planning attacks lol just curious about the logistics of how the events took place and the plausibility of the explanation that we've been told.
I think for fsx and fs2004 there were various addons that made buildings solid. But it would be a cool addition if it was in there
the plausibility of the explanation that we've been told
what about it? we all saw planes fly into those buildings. the flight side makes sense
if youre wondering whether jet fuel melts steel beams, get a building simulator
@crentist: Nope, I want to know if an amateur can hit a building with a plane.
2 amateurs, 2 planes, 2 specific buildings.
ASIO will be with you shortly, please stay where you are
Seems like such a silly thing to remove from a video game. It would be like removing guns from games due to gun violence. SMH.
Not really, you can still play a flight simulator without solid buildings. Or at the least, have solid roofs but have the sides able to be flown through (which I think MS Flight Sim has…?)
Turns out US society is only free provided you aren't offending war criminals.
Such a stupid comment, you can't remove what didn't exist.
@samfisher5986: It's ok that you don't understand, you're just naive. Flying into buildings was removed from flight sims in 2002.
@MeagerDollarBucks: Completely wrong, can't you read? That article just mentions removing the buildings because obviously, they don't exist anymore.
The only difference between the old flight simulator and all of the newer ones is that there is no plane destruction animation when you hit something.
You can never actually crash into something, it was more your plane breaking apart.
Flight Simulator 2020 is not Flight Simulator 2001. You are said they removed it from Flight Simulator 2020, when it never existed to begin with, 2001 is an old game.
@samfisher5986: Show me where I stated that it was removed from FS 2020, I asked if it was included.
My original statements were "Are you able to fly into buildings with this version? It was excluded from the last one that I played so I haven't played a flight sim since." and "Seems like such a silly thing to remove from a video game."
A "plane breaking apart" is called crashing and the ability to fly planes into buildings used to exist in flight sims and it no longer does. In the 2002 professional edition there was even an editor so you could design the buildings in the cities.
With the advancements in graphics I would expect the crash physics to be very realistic in this version and would like to know if the ability to crash into buildings is possible in this game.
You can argue and continue to be wrong but these are the facts.
@MeagerDollarBucks: You said "Seems like such a silly thing to remove from a video game."
In a topic for FS 2020, and no prior discussion of any game.
You seem to not understand game development, time passing does not magically mean the game programs itself to do what you want it to do.
@samfisher5986: Except that it was a comment to my statement "It was excluded from the last one that I played". That's a discussion about a different game. Can't you read?
You incorrectly assumed and made stupid comments however you now understand so we're all good.
@MeagerDollarBucks: The last one you played is in 2001 and you say they "removed" it from the 2020 version.. Not logical at all.
Do the Brazil xbox live gold upgrade trick and get three years of gamepass ultimate for like $120.
this game costs $99.95 though, paying $20 more isn't a deal :P
You also get loads of games on PC, on Xbox, all the new games for the next three years, you get xbox live gold too. And in three years are you really going to want to play Flight Simulator 2020 again?
You get like heaps of games (some being AAA), and not some cheapo mobile ones
More specifically
Is that really worth the extra over a PC Game Pass sub?