This was posted 4 years 7 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sandleford 20L Red/Yellow Metal Fuel Can $29.99 (Was $46.99) @ Bunnings


Sandleford 20L Red Metal Fuel can $29.99
Sandleford 20L Yellow Metal Fuel can $29.99

Bunnings price matching Aldi

Sandleford's 20L Red Metal Fuel Can is designed for harsh Australian conditions and is tested and certified to Australian and New Zealand Standards. This fuel can is tough, safe and durable, ideal for both domestic and industrial use.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +7

    Price matched for Aldi up coming sale.

    • +54

      Shame Harvey Norman don't sell Jerry cans. Otherwise, for a price match, I'd ask if Gerry can?

  • +1

    Nice find OP

  • +1

    Does anyone know if it has a funnel for easy pouring into the mower?

    • +42

      If it's not too full you can do it without the funnel. My neighbour Jerry can

    • +5

      Well, the original (designed for European war conditions) incorporated one of these:
      "When the can opens a thing nicknamed a "donkey dick" comes out which is a flexible fuel spout."
      I don't know if the Aldi or Bunnings version include such a spout.

      • +12

        Incidentally, my uncle Jack has a donkey. The other day I helped my uncle Jack, off the donkey

        • +5

          Your uncle Jack would probably get along with my uncle Mike. Although he doesn’t very much get along with his spouse! Lousy hunter that man. Often after a day of her mouth watering just longing for some meat she will scream out “come on Mike, Hunt!”.

          • +2

            @ripoffmerchant: I think she might be related to my distant cousin. She married a bloke who made Cider. Unlike your uncle though, they got along great, and she loved his Cider, and every evening she had a Cider. She begged for it, and just couldn't get enough.Oh, his name is Tom Dickins.

    • I bought this one 3 years ago with out funnel. But the sandleford funnel sold separately which around 13 bucks.

  • +1

    This doesnt come with a funnel, however is very good quality and has a good locking mechanism.

    • What's a suitable funnel for these to get fuel in the car without splashing and being safe?

      • -1

        Safe? lol

      • -6

        Any $1 funnel? If you need to ask my dude, handing fuel may not be for you.

        • +7

          Obviously you have never transferred fuel from a Jerry can into a car before. A 20L can weighs 20+ kilograms so try Holding that with one hand and tilting it while holding a crappy floppy funnel with the other hand.

          • -4

            @Logical: Do you even lift, bro?

          • @Logical: Many times.

            You put the jerry can on the roof, put a hose from the can to the fuel tank, and jiggle til the flow starts.

            Why is there a funnel for a jerry into a car?

          • +1

            @Logical: Done it many times for my 4WD using a large plastic two-section funnel (oval shape with metal snap-in filter), which allows the funnel mouth to remain horizontal and stable in the tank inlet, hence you only need to lift and hold the jerry can. Quite solid but yes you still have to take care. Something like this .

            I also have a clip-on spout as mentioned elsewhere, similar to this:… Prefer the plastic - faster and has a filter.

        • and leaks according to reviews

        • +1

          I have that. Mine doesn't leak, but it takes forever to empty the jerry with that pourer.

  • +1

    Sweet, saw the ALDI special and was hoping they'd price match. Now they have, sweet.

    • +8

      Your comment is two sweet

      • +1

        You're on a high tonight!

      • He's huffing fumes.

  • +1

    Ah shiet, i remember they run out of stock during lockdown, people try to stock petrol and gas…

    • I saw one guy filing up 6 of these when petrol was at its lowest point

      • I don't really understand the logic with the people who do this.

        Is it really worth spending $200 on jerry cans to save, at most, $90 (on 120L of fuel) if the price were to double from 75c/L to $1.50/L overnight? It'd only get you an extra week or two's worth of fuel.

        Unless you've re-purposed your home rainwater tank to become a redneck petrol storage tank, it is totally not worth the hassle.

        • +5

          I'm confused about why you seem to consider jerry cans to be a single use item. I have two jerry cans that have paid for themselves many times over doing this. Before covid the price oscillated between ~$1.30 and ~$1.70 very predictably every fortnight and I knew how much petrol I'd use bar any unplanned driving and they'd be the perfect top-up while petrol was expensive.

          I suppose if you're talking about buying jerry cans in the last few months then yeah - pretty silly, given that no one's really driving anyway.

          • +1

            @wlim8: I have 80L of cans that have saved me over and over again. About 2 weeks ago I bought over 100L including putting some in my car and got the 4c off at Woolies servo Plus got another 4c off per litre by buying 2 milk bottles for $5 which ended up only costing some 90cents with the discount. The next day fuel went up 40c per litre!

            • +1

              @Logical: Lucky you! Honestly, I usually don't care too much about prices between different servos on the same day but it's times like those when the difference is 40-50 cents that the jerry cans really look like the smart way to go.

              If you haven't already, you can add your car's details onto the carsales app (they don't have to be real) to get an 8c discount + an ongoing 4c discount after that at Coles Express & Shell. You don't have to hold onto the physical dockets for the discount and I use my Coles card for an extra 5% discount although the in-store ones sound just as good. At least around my area the days of Shell always being dearer than the other servos are over. Just lets you fill up at more places.

        • +5

          you dont need to… petrol will float at the top n rain water will stay below…
          just remember to siphon from the top when u need petrol… 1 tank 2 purpose…

        • Some people don't get the concept of opportunity cost

        • You mean before or after the trucks stop?

        • +2

          When you're a frugal ozbargainer like me, you stop via a local mechanic and take their used 20gal oil drum for them.

          Either clean them out, or dont, if you drive a diesel.

          Cheap home fuel storage.

        • Nice avatar.

  • I have a plastic Jerry can I use to store fuel for the lawn mower, is it worth upgrading?

    • +2

      Is Jerry an offensive term for Germans or something? Why is this a metal flask and not a jerry can.

      • WW2. The "Jerry" can is credited for helping Britain prevail (after they stole the German design).

      • +1

        Probably trademarked.

    • Don’t waste your money. Thank me later

    • +3

      This is actually a downgrade.

      1. Metal is too heavy for ease of pouring
      2. Too heavy for just moving around
      3. Prone to rust
      4. Plastic cans usually have inbuilt Flexi funnels
      5. Plastic has a bit more give, good for extreme temperatures, can expand slightly in the heat.
      • Depends on your requirements though.

        1. Good quality plastic jerrys can be quite heavy. The added weight of the steel is a negligible extra compared to the weight of the fuel (particularly at 20L)
        2. As above. What's too heavy? That's relative to the user. I have one of each here. Plastic is 1.68kg. Steel is 4.26kg. So, about 2.5kg heavier. More than I thought it would be but still only 13% additional weight.
        3. Plastic degrades over time and becomes brittle and cracks. Much quicker if stored outside, on a trailer or vehicle. I have thrown away 2 because of this
        4. The built in funnels are even worse. They crack and leak. I have thrown away a few because of this
        5. Plastic changes shape easily (a bit more than slightly IMO) and the container becomes wider making it harder to get in and out of storage holders

        Having said that, I have only 1 metal container and 5 plastic, as its just a pricing decision. I only buy them when on a decent special, and steel ones rarely are.

          1. You're right it's a matter of personal taste as for what's too heavy.
          2. I haven't had to throw any away, live in the shed when not on the 4WD
          3. Haven't experienced this either but I will agree plastic cracking wouldn't be uncommon.
          4. Yeah you're absolutely right here I totally forgot when they get stuck in the stinking holder on hot days.

          I guess I would say ultimately I don't think the steel can provides more value for more money. At best, it provides the same.


        Did you know…
        Plastic Fuel Cans should be replaced every 5 years.
        They are not designed to last any longer. If you want a can to last 25 years, buy Metal!

        Also somehow i don't think your plastic ones are going to survive all of these tests especially fire and driving on top of it.

        The ones in the above links are made by Valpro (who make them for Proquip and Repco own brand) and are not the same as the Bunnings one though.

      • Plastic vents fuel fumes. End of story as a metal fuel can will preserve the correct mixture for 6 months or more. Plastics just can't do that.

    • Not unless you have a very thirsty mower or own a mowing business jesho. Fuel has a shelf life altho I've never noticed much diff with older petrol in my vehicle or mower, must admit.

      Metal jerries don't leak fumes if that's an issue. Most plastic does in higher temps, even if you double cover the spout. Been there, done that.

  • +1

    Reminds me of Days Gone

    • +1

      or the Mad Max game. As soon as I looked at it I had a vision of exploding it with a shotgun.

  • -1

    Cheap but unsafe. Especially if you live near the bush

  • Can I leave this in the car and won’t leave any odours or bad fums?

    • +1

      I would not store this in the cabin

    • No guarantees. Fuel expands in heat, and whilst the lids have a good seal when its in good condition, the built up pressure may break the seal. These fumes also creates a fire hazard. In cooler climates, ie sub ~24 degrees, you'd be OK though.

  • If I buy a cradle, Can I install this on the back of an SUV or I need to pay mechanics to do it?

    • +1

      If you have the materials, skills and tools, no reason why you can't.

      Less a mechanics job, more a fitter or 4WD shop.

      You can buy holders designed specifically for a lot of vehicles. Do some research.

  • +4

    From my experience, I wouldn’t buy this Jerry can. It is very hard to transfer the content into your car. The spout which you can buy optionally does not sit perfectly when connected to the Jerry can. I end up spilling fuel all over the car and if your car is a petrol, you’ll be exposed high risk of combustion. Secondly they never store tight. My whole garage smells like fuel just having them overnight. And yes I’ve changed the gasket on the lid and it didn’t help

    There are better designed cans out there with screw on spout. If you can afford it, there are metal ones with screw on spout as well. Unless you’re driving on very rough corrugation, I don’t see problem with plastic cans.

    • And they rust

      • From the outside in. Fuel will inhibit the rust. So if its rusting, you'll know with a simple inspection. Keep them dry and they won't. If you see a bit of rust, brush it off and paint it with a metal paint.

    • Thanks for the feedback

  • +1

    I'm in the process of turning one of these into a mini bar. Can't comment on use as a fuel receptacle. Just wish they sold green ones.

    • Spray paint, $4.50 a can

    • +1

      Tried to figure out how this could be a mini bar…..came across this youtube video:

      Fair amount of work, but looks good!

      • Not too much work when faced with stage 4 lockdown. Actually the part which has taken the longest is making the shelf to go inside. Only have a jigsaw so lots of cutting and sanding to get it right. Almost done.

  • I have some rarely used 20L Scepter Wide Body Jerry Cans (was on E85, used on a long trip once), can sell for $25 each

    • The scepter wide body ones are great, made in Canada. I bought my 20L ones from Bunnings for around $18 back a few years ago.

  • Everyone should ditch Bunnings and buy the Aldi one in protest of price gouging Australian consumers!

  • Anyone getting days gone flashbacks?

  • +2

    Just what I wanted for the frunk of my Tesla!

    • Trunk, or boot?

    • To go with your generator for the outback trips

  • is this better than the plastic ones. I have a can i bought like 12 years ago. still going ok.

    • See my discussion with cruiseonroad above. Depends on your requirements. 'Better' is subjective.

      • Fair Points you have made there. I'm not much of a 4WD er. I just buy fuel when it's cheap and store it, so I can use it when it's expensive. You know, cos I'm cheap. Also, I keep separate Gerry cans at home for my bike and the lawnmower.

  • How long does 20L of petrol last before going 'off'?

    • Supposedly a few months at most. (someone check my facts?) This will vary greatly with storage. ie. dry cool place as opposed to in the sun. You can get additives which slow the degradation process.

      • Pretty right according to the experts. Depends on the use and the engine. Probably not smart to keep petrol for 6 months+ for your late-model car but most mowers won't care. From memory most??? mowers only want 91 if you're planning on sharing between car and mower.

  • History
    The name of the jerrycan refers to its German origins, Jerry being slang for Germans.

    Jerry was a nickname given to Germans during the Second World War by soldiers and civilians of the Allied nations, in particular by the British. The nickname was originally created during World War One.[13].

    The name Jerry was possibly derived from the stahlhelm introduced in 1916, which was said by British soldiers to resemble a chamber pot or Jeroboam.[14][15] Alternatively, it may be a simple alteration of the word German

    A jerrycan (also written as jerry can or jerrican) is a robust liquid container made from pressed steel. It was designed in Germany in the 1930s for military use to hold 20 litres (4.4 imp gal; 5.3 US gal) of fuel. The development of the jerrycan was a significant improvement on earlier designs, which required tools and funnels to use, and it contained many innovative features for convenience of use and robustness. After widespread use by both Germany and the Allies during the Second World War, today similar designs are used worldwide for fuel and water containers, some of which are also produced in plastic. The designs usually emulate the original steel design and are still known as jerrycans. The original design of jerrycan and various derivatives remain in widespread military use.

    thanks computer

  • I have one of these, been using it for a few years. It's very easy to use and is solidly made. You need to be careful connecting the spout to your petrol tank as it's not a direct fit, but the spout is flexible so it needs some slight bending. Also in winter the locking mechanism can get tight, but I assume this is to create a good seal. Haven't had issues with any smells. If weight is a problem you can always buy a jigging siphon, meaning it can remain on a table as it's refilling.

    Would buy again. Easily recouped the cost from 9/11 petrol fuel-locks pre C19 days.

  • +1

    Nice find.

    Keep that in mind.

    Red is for unleaded / 4 strokes (for mower / chainsaw) ; and
    Yellow is for diesel.

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