If yes, what are some of your favorite sites to shop on?
If no, what are some of the reasons you stay away from online shopping for jeans?
Do you shop online for jeans

Lalinac on 27/10/2011 - 19:32
sounds good , I'm going to look into it.
only neg with buying jeans online that i saw are based on some of the reviews on amazon,
some levi's have really bad quality control and the fitting/fabric varies ..so its the luck of the draw sometimes
some levi's have really bad quality control and the fitting/fabric varies -"bad quality"
glad you guys dont buy levis instore, cos they sell them here for 100-200$ , the price of premium jeans - when levis can be described as the trash of america, in terms of denim.
Yes… Levis when on sale. Sizes are generally consistent and I usually get them for about 30-40 each shipped.