Hi all
I have just left my employer of 6 years and want to know if i can contact clients that i brought to the business when i was employed? I would have been dealing with most of them for around 5 years befire i joined my employer in 2014, I would say 10-15 clients. I dont have a copy of the contract (need to find in my garage) and i didnt leave on the greatest of terms with my employer. Can i contact these people that had been dealing with me before i started to work with my employer? Thanks for your help in advance.
You need to see what your contract says. All depends on that.
The contract may have clauses saying you cannot approach employees, clients and potential clients that you were aware of for a period of X months or y years. Also, it may not have that clause.
If the clause is there, the business can take you to court and you can then fight it if you so choose. The things the court will look are things like is the time period reasonable compared to your role and period of employment; did you sign the contract willingly or under duress; etc
We can't really provide more guidance here without knowing what the contract says.
Final comment: Restraint of trade clauses are legal in most cases. It's only in very specific situations that a court would rule them as void.