Can you store the Woolworths out of stock refund voucher codes in the app or somewhere? Is there a better way than just remembering to use them when Ordering? It’s annoying that when you pay with credit card, they still refund as voucher with $30 minimum spend
Woolworths out of Stock Refund Vouchers

Last edited 11/08/2020 - 09:14
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Same with mine
I think if you pay with a gift-card (e.g. 5% off woolworths gift cards), they refund it as a voucher.
I had the same issue and it is annnoying AF.edit. didn't read OP that they paid with CC. Weird
You can call/chat online with them to covert it to an egiftcard if that makes it easier for you. That’s what I normally do as I don’t shop online often, note I originally paid with e-gift card, so maybe they will refund to your credit card if asked.
Needs to be at least $5 to get a Giftcard.
Is that confirmed by somebody else ?
Not that I know of. I try to pay 95% of it on a gift card and then the rest on cc to avoid having those codes created because something was out of stock.
Since you paid on a cc that is odd.
I may have it wrong, but that is a good tip if it works. Thanks
It works I do it all the time I use the gift card
Then always spend another 5 to 10 via PayPal
Incase and get refund via PayPal
Strange, my woolies refunds direct to my card if I pay via card or paypal.