Can Anyone Suggest a 5G Service Provider Which Gives High Network Speed?

I've being using Optus for almost four years with their cheapest SIM-only plan, which is around $40-45PM. I am wondering if it's the problem of my handset (Samsung S20+ 5G) or plan, my speed test under 5G never exceeded 300 Mbps across Melbourne CBD zone. Is there anyone who has the same problem?
Although my plan does not lock 5G, like Telstra does, yet I am aware $45pm is not a bargain for a common 4G plan or a 5G speed with such speed, especially during covid-19, we are almost at home.


  • +6

    5G never exceeded 300 Mbps across Melbourne CBD zone.

    This is your issue. It's going to be hard to achieve this with so many tall buildings.
    What are you doing on your phone that needs more speed than this?

    • +3

      What are you doing on your phone that needs more speed than this?


      What are you doing exactly that 300Mbps is not good enough?

      Most commercial offices in Australia don't have close to 300Mbps download/upload speeds.

  • +4

    I'm of the understanding that the first wave of 5G here is only meant to be ~500mbps max, not the glamour 1000+ that mmWave tech will bring in the future. I thought this was just pimped-up 4G, on similar bands, similar tower locations. True 5G will need transmitters ever few 100 metres.

    • +4

      Also… what on earth do you need more than 300mbps on your mobile for?

    • mmWave is good for highly congested cities as propagation distance is quite limited. But in here we are even using low bandwidth 700 MHz even for 4G for extended coverage.

    • Then I don't know why we bother to build 5G. It's not too fast compared to NBN or other Broadband. Even worse, the telecom company charges all those costs directly on customers' bill. My wife's Telstra plan is now $55 compared to $40 when we joined Telstra three years ago, both are the cheapest plan.

      • +1

        People said the same when we had AMPS and NMT. Why bother with GSM?

        Upgrading bandwidth is the natural progression of technology. Things get faster and smaller (except for phones, TV, monitors).

        • Yeah, that's true. I just think being the first customer of new technology isn't very wise. My poor Samsung 5G, I shouldn't have bought you so early. Maybe next year will be a good start for 5G handsets.

  • 300mbps should be fine for gaming, etc. What are you doing on your phone that would need more than 100mbps?

  • 5G Telstra in Sydney CBD, and I hit 298.8 and second test gets 327.1Mbps. So not hugely more, if you do a restart do you get faster internet? I notice on my optus 4g modem I get faster internet when I do a reset.

    Though personally not sure what I'd do with 300mbps speed, in my current usage especially as mobile internet isn't the cheapest for me.

    • -1

      man that's shit - i pull 370Mbit over 4G at home on occasion, and speeds are always in the 250s. sydney inner-west, telstra 4g.

      • +1

        You know marketing spin. Someone people will always lap it up like gold.

  • +2

    No one's asked yet, why do you need more than that on your mobile?

  • I’ll take a punt and say 4K VR. HD VR requires a stable 50Mbps while 500Mbps is the minimum for 4K. The faster the better so that the user doesn’t get motion sickness.

  • I don't need that high speed actually. I happened to watch on Youtube that 5G speed can max at more than 500Mbps in other countries. If this 5G can only max at around 250 Mbps at my place, I might consider change my plan to a cheaper one cause 5G data is so expensive right now. As mentioned by someone above, the saving on my mobile plan is enough to change to a higher NBN plan.

    Thank you all, guys.

    • Your post says that your Optus plan doesn't charge you extra for 5G, so why is any of this a concern for you?

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