Who Is at Fault - Car Accident

Please advise who is at fault on the car accident.

Driver 1 : ME : waiting for car behind me to clear my way so I can come out.
Driver 2 : Passed my car, which I check on my left mirror. Then reverse and trying to park next to my car (driver side).

Once he passed me, I move my car looking on any car coming from driver side, and behind.
During this time, Driver 2 started to reverse and I bumped in to his car.


Thier insurance company advised me that it was my fault as I did not follow s74.

**** The driver entering the road must give way to—
(a) any vehicle travelling on the road or turning into the road (except a vehicle turning right into the road from a road related area or adjacent land); and (b) any pedestrian on the road; and
(c) any vehicle or pedestrian on any road related area that the driver crosses to enter the road; and
(d) for a driver entering the road from a road related area—
(i) any pedestrian on the road related area; and
(ii) any other vehicle ahead of the driver's vehicle or approaching from the left or right.

I am arguing that he didn't follow 296(2).

** Driving a vehicle in reverse
(1) The driver of a vehicle must not reverse the vehicle unless the driver can do so safely.
(2) The driver of a vehicle must not reverse the vehicle further than is reasonable in the circumstances.

Advise what should I do? Am I at fault?
Thanks in advance.


  • +28

    its your fault for not checking.

  • What did your insurance company say?

    • +1

      What insurance? Its why they are posting here!

      • +2

        Sorry, I must be new here.

  • +15

    OP wanted to reverse out of a park
    Car A drove past and OP thought the coast was clear
    A then started reversing into the spot next to OP
    OP reversed into A

    You are at fault OP. You should have seen the car slowing then reversing in your mirrors.
    While reversing you should be looking everywhere behind you. In your diagram it shows you had empty spots either side of you so there were no cars obstructing your vision. A glance in your left side mirror would have shown the car still there with reverse lights on.

  • +11

    You're uninsured aren't you?

    Also, At Fault.

  • +5

    Based purely on info provided, imo you are at fault.

  • +5

    At fault.

    • +3

      I'll continue the chain.
      At fault.

      • +2

        Rolts used,

        Mine: At fault.

  • +9

    ** Driving a vehicle in reverse
    (1) The driver of a vehicle must not reverse the vehicle unless the driver can do so safely.

    doesn't this rule state what you're not following?

  • +8

    Thier insurance company saying that it was my fault



    • +6




  • Sorry OP you're pulling into the lane which has right of way, therefore impeding traffic.

    Although if the driver in the ROW drove far past the spot then reversed down the lane it could be interpreted differently as the other car was not driving correctly.

    Unfortunately you're at fault though if the second driver just pulled ahead so they could reverse into the spot.

    • pulling into the lane which has right of way

      no one has right of way.

      pulling into the lane and must give way to all other vehicles in that lane.

      Is more correct. Minor change of phrasing, important but subtle difference.

      • -1


        • Australia doesn't use the right of way legal concept in road rules like they do in other countries.

          • @whooah1979: I've driven in Australia, the U.K., B.R.D [Germany] and New Zealand, where many believe there is such a "right of way", however there is only a duty in set circumstances to give way.
            I'm not aware of a nation where a 'right of way' exist, except where such is one taken by rulers or military…

  • +2

    During this time, Driver 2 started to reverse and I bumped in to his car.

  • Please advise who is at fault on the car accident.

    If you need to ask then….

  • +2

    You coming out of a car park spot, is like coming out of a driveway. You give way to all vehicles and pedestrians.

  • +2

    OP were you in a carpark? If so, then I believe that the road rules you have cited do not apply (in a strict sense). Generally speaking,insurance companies usually deem any accidents in a car park as 50/50 responsibility (of both drivers). YMMV

    • +1

      Most road rules still apply in public car parks, as they are road-related areas

      (1) A "road-related area" is any of the following:

      (d) an area that is not a road and that is open to or used by the public for driving, riding or parking vehicles.


      Also Rule 11:

      These Rules apply to vehicles and road users on roads and road related areas.

      • I thought car parks in shopping centers etc are private property and the roads in them are treated as private roads?

        • It depends on the gate.

        • +2

          Nope, if they're publicly accessible, ownership doesn't matter.

    • If it's a car park the repairs are covered by each party for their car. Happened to me in the past, insurance pretty much said "we'll cover your car, they cover theirs". AAMI, NSW.

      • Surely it's determined on a case by case basis?

        • At the time the insurance ppl didn't even finish listening to me describing how everything happened. As soon as I mention carpark they said "each party covers their costs" so I didn't even bother submitting the claim, my damage was insignificant. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Was your car automatic or manual?

    • +3


      • +3

        Then it should be twelve.

  • -2

    Cyclists fault!

  • Please upload dashcam footage

    • +7

      ☑ MS Paint diagram
      ☐ Dash Cam footage

      • Dont have dashcam on back.


        • Good reason to park tail in next time.

    • I think you meant rear cam not dash cam since dashcam records the dash…..

  • +3

    Both vehicles was reversing and the collision was rear to rear? If yes than 50% 50% fault.

    • I think that's fair in this instance.

      They both should have checked.

      The other car could have parked almost anywhere else…almost seems like an insurance job, especially given they only have 3rd party…but I'm guessing damage would have been minimal…

    • +2

      Yes, agree.
      This doesn't have to be an absolute. Clearly there was an element of negligence from both of you.

  • +2

    ** Driving a vehicle in reverse
    (1) The driver of a vehicle must not reverse the vehicle unless the driver can do so safely.
    (2) The driver of a vehicle must not reverse the vehicle further than is reasonable in the circumstances.

    That also goes for you. So essentially you both are at fault.
    Both are reversing, both didn't have awareness.

    However you were exiting a car park and I believe the onus is on you more than them. You need to give way to all as you were exiting the parking spot.

    Most likely your insurance will pay for your damage (after you've paid the excess) and his insurance will deem he was at fault as well, so he will have to pay his excess for his repairs too.

    • However you were exiting a car park and I believe the onus is on you more than them.

      The RR 296 doesn't care. It applies equally to all vehicles that are reversing.

  • My question is how did neither of you realise you were both reversing when you were both next to each other?? Did it kind of seem like neither of you were moving?

  • Insurance company is right. You need to give way to them, 296 comes into play if you were, for example, parked stationary behind them and they back into you, or if you were driving forward and they backed out of a parking space or driveway. You needed to give way to them until they had done what they needed to do.

  • +2

    This is why I always reverse park. Easy to get out afterwards.

    • +1

      Perhaps that's what the other car was thinking…

  • +1

    You are.

    You even say YOU bumped into him - whilst reversing.

    You should have waited until Driver 2, was fully parked.

    It is quite clear you need to redo the drivers test in order to understand the rules.

    Who would you blame if you ran over a child??????

    • -1

      Both vehicles were reversing. They were both legally required to give way to all traffic.

      • Yea, but it was the OP who bumped into the other guy.

        • +1

          During this time, Driver 2 started to reverse and I bumped in to his car.

          Both vehicles were moving at the same time. Driver 2 "bumped" into OP rear just as much as OP "bumped" into driver 2's rear. This is a 50% - 50% at fault claim.

          • @whooah1979: Based on the image, depending how accurately the X is, I'd agree with you. But when the OP says he bumped into the other car(not that they reversed into each other), it sounds like it is his fault.

    • Can answer this question. OP would blame the child.

  • Of all the parking spots available, this person chooses to park next to you. I blame the other driver!

  • -4

    Are you both women drivers?

    • +1

      Ohhh. You didn't just go there.

      • -2

        Well alot of women don't turn there heads . Op said they checked her mirrors but never said they she done a head check

        • Wow, sexist much? Also, where was it implied that OP is a female?

        • +4

          Double down dude… ask what ethnic group they are as well. Then for the trifecta, you can ask how old they were…

          I've seen just as many idiot male drivers as I have female.

  • Your fault, no ifs or buts on this one.

  • and I bumped in to his car.

    You already answered your own question

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