Samsung Galaxy S5/S6 in 2020

Hey guys

I posted this in another forum and people basically looked at me like I wanted to go back to the days of horse and cart. But basically I'm just after an el cheapo phone, and I had a go of an s6 and it seemed to do everything I needed.

I was just wondering about it's software tho and if it will run the banking apps, like up, and if its security will be safe to do so



  • +1

    S6 stopped receiving security updates since 2019 (and S5 earlier) so any new bugs / flaws will not be fixed. So while it will probably run the apps, I would say not worth the risk. Even S8 is on quarterly updates and will stop within a year I think.

  • Just spend some extra dollars and get a more recent model. Also being that old the battery probably won't last that long. Mind you I think my S5 battery lasted for at least 3 or 4 years before the battery finally started to not hold charge and the Ebay ones are useless. That was from a year after release.

  • I am still running an S7, but think it may be reaching the end. All banking apps, etc, still run. 7-11 app is the only one I know which doesn't.

  • I sold my s5 about a year ago. Was getting quite laggy, esp invoking the camera. The eBay battery would last about 12hrs of light use. About the same as the original. Currently running an s7 which I’m quite happy with (after my wife snaffled my s10e).

  • But basically I'm just after an el cheapo phone

    Best Budget Smartphone (Under $300) in 2020

    • Plenty of options for a budget mid range phone out there. I would get a brand new budget phone rather than a really old flagship that was released in 2015.

      At least some of those will still get updates n such.

  • If you know how to root and flash custom ROM's, consider installing Lineage OS as it supports the S6 with Android 10. I have it running on my 2013 Note 3 which only supports up to Android 9 and runs faster and more responsive than stock, which Samsung officially stopped supporting after Android 5 Lollipop.

    I also have a Samsung A30 for work and I prefer the Note 3 over this.

  • -1

    Big no to get an old android phone. They lack any software/OS support. Save your self the trouble and get a cheapo one that’s been released recently.

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