Seeing a forum about what you love about iphones made me want to post about this. Trump just announced that WeChat and TikTok will be banned within 45days on the appstore which will effectively wipe out Apple in China as we all know Wechat is more important than google services on a phone in China. It is not just a social media app but effectively a wallet, bank, uber and more in one. I can see iphones becoming essentially extinct whereas android would not be affected as there is no google play in china.…
As an apple hater, I am happy to see Apple's anticonsumer and anticompetitive behaviour coming to bite back. What is everyone else's thoughts on this? For me, although WeChat is not essential, it does help me stay connected with a family that is in China. What are everyone else's thoughts?
I thought apple was already banned in China? (I may be wrong though)
I've heard (which is probably wrong) people try to smuggle them in?
Edit maybe not all of them?