72% ethanol alcohol
Polyacrylic acid
Plenty in stock at Spearwood, not sure about other stores.
72% ethanol alcohol
Polyacrylic acid
Plenty in stock at Spearwood, not sure about other stores.
They were 3.99 at Spearwood last week, so maybe, maybe not.
Yup, price was reduced. Got them when they were 3.99. Saw them 2 days ago for 1.99 so price dropped. Maybe due to WA having hardly any Covid cases so not much use for them anymore?
What's your verdict on feel/smell. Pleasant to use or annoying?
@team teri: I can confirm it doesn't have the gag-inducing smell of the one that you find at the entrance to Bunnings stores! :)
It actually doesn't smell very perfumed at all - the strongest smell is of the alcohol. I'm ok with that.
It's not super thick, either, but definitely passable.
@team teri: Personally, it was fine. Pleasant enough. Not as viscous. Haven't tried the Bunnings or Kmart ones where there were complains of smell? So, can't compare with those.
Heaps of stock last night at Jandakot
God dang it, I've been paying $12 in Vic
Well, you are in Vic. Hopefully prices won't increase due to panic buying.
Yep this is an oversupply. Spuds is like NQR here in VIC.
Is there a bbd on these? Thanks 💐
In what way can something like this go 'off' other than perhaps the ethanol evaporating to a level where it won't do a good job any more?
In the past some of the hand sanitizer I've had ends up going very watery over time.
Are Victorians allowed to come to WA to buy it ?
Yes after spending 2 weeks at crown casino Burswood. You may not be left with much cash though….😉
Wow, that's a cheap price! (in Greek accent)
Will this help keep out Clive Palmer?
Hope so
I would be a bit cautious of the Triethanolamine, I'm not sure if it's just fear mongering but when I was looking for a good aloe vera gel to use I came across a number of articles warning of the toxicity of Triethanolamine. I know it is common in cosmetic products, but I think prolonged exposure is not good. But, it might have just been false information in order to sell 'organic' products.
It does have a long very chemically sounding name that I probably can't pronounce. I don't trust it.
It's a perfectly fine pH adjusting agent. The issues is with the impurities which most manufacturers should keep an eye on.
72%, will that get me drunk?
No Mr Bond, I expect you to die… Ha ha ha
i bought something on… maybe ebay, it came with a couple of the 50ml bottles of this for free. i used it once and went back to aqium. this stuff smells putrid.
See; now they can't get rid of the stuff LOL
It should be a cheap commodity with some government subsidizing to create demand through advertising and lesson the burden of storing it in a big vat, ready to be packaged with demand spikes. Continued usage will help lower the spread of cold and flu, which will save lives and save billions for the economy from lost productivity from sick days alone.
The feds are already paying JK and JS. We don't need anymore QE.
Is this the whiskey flavoured version?
What % minimum do you need to kill Covid, if you come into contact with it?
Is it better to have higher % alcohol than 72%?
Gold standard is 85%v/v. Bare minimum should be 60%v/v.
anything around 70% is fine. if you go too high you lose effectiveness as it evaporates too quickly. the standard for cleaning benches in my government PC2 microbiology lab was reduced from 80 to 70% last year for that exact reason.
Same price at Bentley WA store.
Getting drunk tonight
Saw them at Spudshed Wanneroo yesterday but didn't pay attention to the price, probably the same ?