I work in the tourism industry permanent part time - my employer accessed job keeper and I haven't stopped work since the pandemic began - we've been able to make it through though business is up and down due to the various lockdowns in Victoria.
I'm a bit confused about some things and apologies for my ignorance. My employer is trying to keep all employees around the $750 mark during quiet periods but giving us normal hours when it's busy.
Can my employer ask me to work extra shifts for less pay?
Am I still entitled to annual leave and sick leave benefits on jobkeeper?
Thanks in advance
I'm a bit confused about some things and apologies for my ignorance. My employer is trying to keep all employees around the $750 mark during quiet periods but giving us normal hours when it's busy.
Can my employer ask me to work extra shifts for less pay?
Not 100% sure what you're asking here?
Quiet weeks - you work enough hours to equate to about $750 of earnings (e.g. if you earn $25/hr, you get 30 hours, which is $750)
Busy weeks - you work "normal hours" (not sure how many this is for you?). Presumably this is more hours than during quiet weeks, as you mention extra shifts. But I'm not sure what you mean by less pay. You should still get at least $750 per week in this case?
Am I still entitled to annual leave and sick leave benefits on jobkeeper?
Yes, you do, but you may not receive any extra take-home pay as the employer has to top up your pay to $750/week.
The annual leave and sick leave benefits will include:
- Being paid super on the hours that you are on leave. The employer does not have to pay super on top-up amounts, only on amounts paid for work/leave
- If you are not working on a day that you otherwise should have been, taking annual or personal/sick leave would be authorised leave. Just not showing up could be considered an unauthorised absence or abandonment of your position