This was posted 13 years 4 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation 3 250GB + FIFA 2010 or Tekken $199 + $18 Delivery JB Hi-Fi Online


1st Bundle - Ps3 Playstation 3 Slim 250gb Fifa World Cup 2010 Console Bundle - $199
2nd Bundle - Ps3 Playstation 3 Slim 250gb Tekken 6 Console Bundle - $198

You need to add $18 for shipping. Pickup not available

Note: The picture of the fifa 2010 bundle is in fact a world cup south africa 2010 bundle

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

    • Won't really work. Many Ozbargainers don't have accounts. I guess you could work it out by using the clicks and the user neg stock count, creating a sample, but it wouldn't be that reliable as there is data missing such as the users/non-users who clicked and such.

      • +2

        I guess I could check whether the sample is indicative of the population with a hypothesis test :P.

        • +1 for finding a use for Statistics.

        • I knew going through all that pain wasn't pointless!

        • +1

          tempted to neg for reminding me of that pain

      • Looks like a lot of orders are being cancelled. Guess there's no way of telling which negs are which :(.

        • How do you know this?

        • +1

          See the comments below.

    • Why are people positive voting! Argh.

  • +1

    Got One!!! MAny thanks jps433 !!!!!!!

    • Hmmmm now the price gone up to $599.. Hope they honour my order

  • Geeez cant be sold out like that!

  • sold out i think already tekken still the same price

  • +1
    • I ordered the fifa bundle but I wished I ordered the tekken one =(

      • Ordered the FIFA one because there was no more Tekken =(

        But can't complain hahah

      • +3

        Could have saved $1!

        • +2

          DAMN! Can of coke right there.

    • not anymore :(

  • now its south Africa world cup and not fifa 2010

    • Gone again. Looks like it keeps on changing from $199 to $599.

  • Looks like price error when JB updates website?

  • +2

    AHHH JB you've undone it again :/

  • Is that HP any good for 648?

  • +2

    scored 1 !!!

  • sold out?

  • +4

    not a pricing error cause it was on the home page of the website as a scoop deal so maybe they only had 20-30 in stock and they have all gone. The reason it keeps changing i would say people are taking them in and out of their cart

    • Well I've got one saved in my cart but I've already purchased one. If I get rid of it, do you think it will pop up as in stock?

      • Buy it and I'll buy it off you!

        • states multiple order will be cancelled

      • i think it will thats why the price keeps changing

        • Well I just removed it from my cart so it might pop up soon. Good luck.

  • Just save $199 :D

  • Is that HP any good for 648?

    • +9

      your soul

      • +10

        Bargains like this aren't made by companies so shits like you can profit from them. Just watch out. Someone might be there fake bidding on your listings ;)

        • +2

          Like JB or any company cares who buys how many and for what purpose. I already have a Xbox 360 so I would have ebayed it just like binks.

    • +1

      As much as your grammar

  • Geez that was quick… :(

  • If anyone who got the World Cup Bundle and wants to sell, please contact me, I'm willing to buy more than the JB price.

  • +1

    Got the FIFA deal

  • is it sold out?

  • Yep sold out about 10-15 mins ago.

  • Darn, too slow, missed out.

  • +1

    They phoned and cancelled my Tekken PS3 order :(

    They said a lot of orders went through and they don't have stock to cover them. There was a delay with stock numbers.

    • did u order 2 or something?

      • Just one.

        • When did you order it? Hope my phone doesn't ring.

        • +11

          Take the phone off the hook LOL

        • +13

          Haha. If they can't reach me then there's still a chance I might get a PS3! I call it Schrodinger's PS3.

      • I don't know what time. My order number is: #3439634

        • Mine's about 60 orders before yours.

    • nvm

    • Did they say why?

      • They didn't expect so many orders so fast. They over sold them and don't have stock to full fill the orders.

        • +2

          Wow, that's poor form from JB!

        • How quick did you order one? I am hoping i don't get a phone call now!

        • +8

          At that price, they didn't expect so many orders so fast? Are they mental?

        • Paypal says the time was: 11:21:45 AEST

        • Mine was canceled too I just checked the JB Hifi Website and it says canceled

        • +2

          Jb aren't mental, but it's not implausible to have no idea that sites like ozbargain exist

          Plus atleast they are being proactive in giving you an update, how many threads ate filled with people asking each other about updates?

        • +1

          from JB via email:

          Hi Guys,

          We regret to advise that your online order for the Factory Scoop PS3 bundle cannot be fulfilled.

          We only had a limited number of these bundles available and they all sold within half an hour. The offer was removed from our website immediately but a few orders lodged in shopping carts were received later.

          Your order has therefore been cancelled with no payment processed.

          We apologise for any inconvenience and look forward to offering you more Factory Scoop offers soon.

      • just received the same email

    • Got that phone call too, not happy :-(

    • +3


    • +3

      Funny if your order gets cancelled and you've already sold it.

      • -5

        haters gunna hate

  • +1

    Just checked the website mine was canceled too

    • What's your order number?

      • Mine was 3439653, So i was after maf101. Check the website under your View Order it will tell you if it is canceled or not.

        • Mine's processing. 3439573. If the OP can post his order number then we can get a rough estimate as to how much stock they had.

        • +1

          You might still be in with a shot then!

          Good luck to you

        • +2

          Mine is 3439592 and my order status is "In Progress" which changed from pending ages ago

          Hope it's ok!

      • sixnout mine is just after yours - let me know if you hear anything

        • caobey had order 3439682 (fifa world cup 2010 bundle) cancelled just wonder how many they had for sale.

        • +1

          No worries mate. Nothin yet!

        • UPDATE: Just now next to the Payment Method has changed to "Paid" and the Order Status has changed to "Awaiting Shipment"

          Think i'm clear. Hopefully u too PP!

    • I used paypal checkout and I don't have jbhifi account. how can I check my order?

      • Sorry can't help I am not sure. Maybe look in the email they sent you there might be a link in there. Or try looking on paypal and seeing if they have reversed it.

      • +1

        try the login page on jbhifi website, and puss the button to send the password to the email address you use with paypal, they will send it to you.

        • Thanks, it works. Jbhifi created account automatically for anyone that checkout with paypal

      • i used paypal. loggin in to check order. cancelled without any notification..

  • lol there is going to be alot of whingers here on ozbargain now when their order gets cancelled

    • +8

      You're an hour late lol.

      • I already purchased the deal from GAME the other week… not sure why my Neg has been removed even if my COMMENT is burried…

        • +1

          It gets revoked if your comment gets negged 6 times or more.

  • Has anyone had their PS3 FIFA Bundle cancelled?

    • Yes, I have. disappointed ..

      • same

        • not yet.
          my order number: 3416795 still saying in progress.

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