Where is the cheapest place to buy harddrives right now?

OMG, Harddrives have gone up 50% overnight! and i need to buy about 20 drives for my new business setup. where is the cheapest place to get some 500gig sata harddrives? overseas?


  • From staticice results
    Cheapest is $46.20 from ITSDirect (QLD)

    • na, they have put the price up already :(

  • +2

    wow, didnt noticed until you pointed it out… so weird,, i got a drive from msy last monday for 119.. now its 149..wtf

  • +1

    must be a knee jerk reaction to the floods in Thailand where WD make a lot of their hdds

  • Then do you need all 20 drives now, or can you add them in in a few months time. Say after the first fill up (allowing for raid etc)

  • How about getting some ext ones and taking the hdds out of their casing.


    • Why bother? You nullify the warranty, and it costs more than buying a bare drive

      A 2TB WD Green is about $104 delivered on eBay, and even cheaper if you are prepared to drive to collect.

  • Exactly as citybargainhunter said. Buy some external drives and take them out! You've even got an existing case to use later on!

  • Hell yea! THe 3 TB external I bought for 120$ is worth double! <3

  • Seagate Expansion 3 TB USB 3.0 Desktop External Hard Drive $123.95 USD Incl Shipping


  • You could use 1TB's - about $70 on Ebay… much better value


    (or edit that search to fiond 500's at about $50

  • +1

    Tracking prices on PCCG:

    Samsung F3 1TB
    Last Wednesday – $59
    Monday – $65
    Tuesday – $85
    Today – $109
    Next week - $$$$??

    Prices are expected to rise until early 2012, when Nidec once again resumes their operation.

    It looks like some insane price gouging has started to happen — hopefully SSD's retain their price instead of going up…


    We have some good news. Nidec is operating again, it seems.

    Nidec also said it would start making HDD motors in the Philippines and China to make up for lost production.

    • Great news!! I might hold off for a little while

  • thankfully I have plenty of disk space - enough to last me till mid 2012

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