1300 Numbers (Only The First Six Numbers Matter)

Yes has anyone ever noticed that with 1300 numbers only the First 6 number matter when calling?

You can try putting many numbers after first 6 numbers it will still connect to the number you want to call that is first 6 numbers? Even with any scam numbers like why and how?


  • +5

    This is how these numbers are configured to work. You would have seen 1300 followed by a word (1300 CLEANING), if you count the letters, often there are more letters than an ordinary phone number. Still works though :-)

    • +2

      Damn, This has completely blew past my mind. Probably because I never watch TV. Anyways time to change my marketing materials to sound more catchy.

      • +2

        I wouldn't use a keyword phone number to be honest. What I recommend usually is to create a unique phone number for each marketing campaign you run. If you have a good VoIP provider, you will be able to run reports on each number so that you know if your marketing efforts provide ROI

        • Maybe in the future. Were still a small startup and have a limited budget. Originally my number would be something like 1300 Events but in the case of having the ability to have more numbers without affecting the call, I can now make it 1300 Events Pro. We just use the number for sales, paying invoices and customer support.

          • @No Username: If you use different 02 numbers they are 0.65cts. I had a client with 1300 Events actually. It was $650 a year I believe

            • @Platinumtelecom:

              It was $650 a year I believe

              Sounds about right, 1300 numbers are cheap. 13 on the other hand…

  • +2

    All (*) Australian telephone numbers are 10 digits. Once the 10 digit is dialled the call goes thru. If you're slow at dialling and there's an IVR at the other end interesting things might happen.

    (* bar 13xxxx, 000, special testing numbers etc)

  • Yup Correct

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