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Samsung Galaxy S II - Unlocked - Only $499 + Free Shipping - Cheapest Yet


I was having a look through the Herald Sun this morning and spotted this deal.
At $499.00 + Free shipping it's the cheapest I've seen this phone sell for.

I've been using the galaxy s2 for a little while now and it's a great phone and for that price it’s a real bargain.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    looks like a great deal!Cheers~

  • +3

    wow I heard Samsung are going to start discounting their phones in order to stick it to Apple.

    Persoanlly I'll wait until the 4G models come out next year.

    • +20

      Unless you're with Telstra I see no point with 4G models :/

  • +3

    Must be grey import I think because 1 year warranty by them but still good price and should have easier warranty than eBay stores.


  • +2

    Insane deal!! You will sell lots :)

  • Great price but got one in hand already. Do they have a white version?

    • +11

      But is the Nexus actually better than the SGS2? In some respects it is actually inferior to the SGS2.

      Presumably the SGS2 will get Ice Cream Sandwich.

      And the lack of micro-SD expansion on the Nexus is annoying.

      • +2

        From what I've heard the new Nexus has 1280×720 pentile display, which is much higher than the SGS2's 480x800.

        Network HSPA+ 21 850/900/1900/1700/2100; EDGE/GPRS (LTE will be available depending on region)
        Processor1.2GHz dual-core processor
        Display: 4.65-inch 1280 x 720 HD Super AMOLED
        OS:Android Ice Cream sandwich
        Cameras:Rear cam: 5-megapixel, Front cam: 1.3-megapixel for video call
        Video: Playback and recording at 1080p (30fps, MPEG-4/h.263/h.264)
        Connectivity:Bluetooth 3.0, USB, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, NFC
        Sensors: Accelerometer, compass, gyro, light, proximity, barometer
        Memory: 1GB ram + 16/32GB storage
        Battery: 1750mah standard battery
        Size: 135.5 x 67.94 x 8.94; 135g

        • +5

          Yeah, it has a higher resolution pentile display, which means less sub-pixels (2 per pixel instead of 3 in the S2). Which should result in the Nexus having lower pixel density than the S2. But if you can't tell the difference (and you can't unless you compare them side by side) then it shouldn't matter. My issue is that the on-screen buttons will permanently take up screen space, possibly meaning the actual on screen space is the same as the S2.

        • +5

          Actually the SGN has a higher pixel density and subpixel density than the SGS2. This article explains things pretty well:

        • +1


          Actually, that's something of a misconception. The Pentile display was all but assumed prior to the launch because it's the only way to feasibly get that HD resolution on a mobile screen. The vast bulk of Samsung's mobile devices has used this technology with very good results.

          "Nexus having lower pixel density than the S2"

          Pixel density remains much higher, but even if you use the subpixel density calculation, then it's still higher than the SGSII (neos's link). Subpixels really only come into their own at the edges of text and borders of colour blocks, but with the 720 screen, it should be a negligible difference.

        • galaxy nexus has a 5mp cam which made me choose toget the SGS2 - ice cream sandwhich should be avail via custom ROMs at the end of the year/start of next year im guessing.

          good comparison here:

      • +2

        Sure, the GNexus has no SD, but the s2 has a 2 year old screen res.

        I'm waiting in the hope that the s2 HD is available soon. It's the best of both phones.. a s2 with the GNexus screen. It's only slated for Korean release atm.

        • it's not that big of a problem. DLNA and MHL are much better for those 720p/1080p videos and photos

      • Why would Samsung bother to update the software on the SGS2? It's much better for them for you to buy a new phone. I bought my sister the original Galaxy Tab 7" and was annoyed that the latest software firmware for it is 2.1 and there's no sign of an upgrade!

        • +4

          well would you buy a new phone if u know that the manufacturer wasnt going to update the software? that why its better for them to update the software even if its an older phone. Plus now they have an agreement with Google for all phones up to 18 months old.

        • Well it's supposed to be their flagship phone that's why. If they don't support their phones who would continue to buy them? They even gave a few phones away to the CM7 modding team to help them get started on developing unofficial ROMs when the SGS2 was released.

          By the way, the Galaxy Tab 7" was already being shipped with Froyo 2.2 when Telstra had their fire sale. And they have developed Gingerbread 2.3 for it, but I'm not sure if it has been released to Aust carriers yet. It's definitely available overseas.

        • they have developed Gingerbread 2.3 for it, but I'm not sure if it has been released to Aust carriers yet.

          yes it is available….. did mine a couple of weeks ago….

        • Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" should come with firmware 2.2. Samsung did release upgrade to 2.3, except not for Telstra. There is a way to put Samsung firmware 2.3 on the tablet if you really want to.

        • +1

          "Why would Samsung bother to update the software on the SGS2? It's much better for them for you to buy a new phone"

          The SGSII remains the most popular high-end Android phone on the market. There's no hardware limitation as to why it can't run ICS, so getting it on the SGSII will help get the software into the hands of millions of existing customers.

          As to why they wouldn't just limit it to their newest device? ICS isn't Siri and pulling an Apple would piss off plenty of people.

        • +1

          There is a way to put Samsung firmware 2.3 on the tablet if you really want to.

          yes…… go through kies and click 'update'

        • Didn't realise the firmware upgrade for GT-P1000T is already available.

          Samsung would normally offer 1 upgrade to their phones (maybe more). So, if S II comes with Android 2.3 to start with, then chance of an ICS upgrade is quite high.

        • I'm happy to stand corrected on the firmware for the tab, I was disappointed that it took about six months for the Telstra firmware to be released

      • Snip.

        • How could you be so sure?

    • +4

      Given the Samsung Galaxy S (1) is not even selling for $200, and neither is 3 generation old iPhones this prediction is way optimistic. You would be lucky to get one for $200 in even 2 years time.

      • +1

        Where to buy it for less than 200?

      • Okay so Buy Iphone 4s - 900$

        Sell in 2 years for 4-500$ (4-500$ Loss)

        Buy Galaxy S2 - 500$
        Sell in 2 years 200$ -

        Loss of only 300$


        Same could be said with the Galaxy S.. Buy for 400$ new, sell 2 years later 200$..

        200 $ loss? vs 500$ from Iphone :\

        I know which one I will buy…

    • -2

      Exactly, that's why I sold mine for $500 before it drops to $350…

      • +8

        so you buy phones based on how much they will sell for in 4-5 months time? WTF

        • +3

          Plenty do this to keep up to date with the newest devices. Personally, it seems like an awful lot of trouble just to sample the latest and greatest, but this seems very popular on Whirlpool.

          Buy outright > resell on the bay prior to new device launch and before the price plummets > Use that money to buy the newest phone with little or no financial penalty.

    • The S1 is selling for 350-400 out there though…

  • shipped from hong kong via DHL

  • waiting for the nexus in 3 weeks :)

  • I am not sure how the warranty works for the Grey import - Do I need to ship the phone to Kogan (who pays for shipping in this case?) and how long before it will be fixed?

    • By Australian consumer law, the vendor needs to be the one to handle the warranty process — so if the phone breaks you ship it to Kogan.

      Anyway see clause 2.5 for more details:

  • +7

    I'd buy one, but the Galaxy Note is expected to be released sometime next month.

    • +5

      If you can call the galaxy note a mobile phone that is..

      • +4

        unfortunately it seems with each new generation the norm is gravitating towards larger and larger.

        • +1

          But the Galaxy Note is a bit too large as a phone :p

          That's why they call it Note.

        • I don't think companies would be going over 4.6"ish. The note would just be samsung taking a stab at something new. I'm in re market for a tablet anyways, this will just hold me off until windows 8 is realease on tablets (nottoo fond on the current w7 tablets)

        • +8

          The same could be said of people.

        • The Galaxy Note is more than a phone gosh :\ I personally wouldnt go smaller than a 4 inch screen anyway

    • I don't think the Note will go down too well with consumers. The premise for its design is an all-in-one device that does everything a phone and the larger tablet can do. However, they seem to have disregarded the reason why there is that particular distinction. It is too large to fit into your pocket like a phone. At best, it is a small tablet, but one has to ask, what will it offer that a phone doesn't already do?

      • A bigger screen and stylus support is pretty much what the note is about.

      • +2

        I have a 5" Dell Streak which is a fantastic phone and fits in my pocket. Samsung's support has got to be better than Dell's (they never gave the streak 5 a chance) so I think the Note might be a worthy next phone.

        In the end it's just a big phone.

      • You realise that because the Note has smaller borders and so on, that it's only ~10mm wider and taller (not thicker) than the SGSII. I think people will be pleasantly surprised at how pocketable this thing is.

      • +1

        you do realise that there are ppl who uses and carries around a galaxy tab as a phone.

  • Great price and i'm very tempted, but i'm going to hold out. My 3GS is dying, but too many cool phones coming out very soon … GNexus, Galaxy Note (although it's as big as a damn tablet!), S2 HD, and S3 (although thats in Q2 next year).

    If you had a white version for $499 inc shipping, i'd buy it though ;)

  • white? or is it black only?

  • +1

    Amazing price, regardless of grey or not IMO.

  • Good price but it's gonna get better once Galaxy Nexus is released next month.

  • I already have one, but good price nevertheless.

  • This will work with the TPG network right? Thanks.

  • any news on white model ?

  • wow that's cheap!!!

  • i'm going overseas on friday morning - do you think it would arrive by then if I got one ? I'd consider purchasing one if I could claim the GST back.

    • Since no GST is paid on this import you don't get to claim anything back through the TRS.

    • That would depend on whether you're paying GST on the phone in the first place.
      Which would be something that needs to be clarified.

    • Yeah grey imports don't qualify for GST refunds because you don't pay any GST to begin with. Unless over $1000 or something (I can't remember what the exact threshold is for 'tax free' imports).

  • wow so much trolling. what are they trolling about? iphone?

    • +4


      Trolling in either Apple or Android threads about other products are inciting flame wars - trolling. There is no need to bring the hate here - trolling earns a weeks ban

      When someone replies to a deleted troll post, then they get deleted also as they either dont make sense or they add to the hatred.

      Play with your phone if its that great and you have the time to waste. Or go to dedicated sites that love the hate.

  • +5


    Best price yet. I can't agree with the "wait for the next model to come out" brigade. Surely a bargain is something that's fixed in a certain point in time - ie now.

    • like your thinking

  • I'm kind of confused why this deal is getting so much pluses when a short while ago you could get Australian stock for $590 from Unique Mobiles. Of course this grey import is cheaper, but, you get half the warranty and not from manufacturer. Could even add a year to aus stock warranty if bought with a platinum credit card?

    And, if lucky enough to be going away overseas within 30 days (I realise that's a select few) can claim back GST to bring down to $536.

    Am I missing something? I know this is still a good deal, but a 100+ voted deal? Isn't a reliable 2 year warranty worth some extra cash compared to a 12 month questionable one? Or have I underestimated how cheap oz bargainers are? Kidding!

    • +3

      It's pointless to me to have 2 year warranty! The phone will be sold after a year and a new phone will replace it, that's technology!

      • +4

        not really. the 2 year does have value. Makes it easier to sell after 1 yr. :D

        • It's only because you only can sell in Aus.
          It has a higher price if you sold it in HK. So no value to me!

      • Not if the warranty is transferable.

        • +1

          well most warranties only require proof of purchase. so technically yes. By the way ur sentence is the opposite of what u meant to say

    • +2

      Or have I underestimated how cheap oz bargainers are?

      Yes, yes you have. :)

    • +2

      Most people who buy outright do so because they won't be bound by a 24 month contract. So at any point, they can just resell their phone to fund an upgrade to a newer device. Considering this, the 2 year local warranty holds little attraction.

      • +4

        you can still sell the phone even if you are on a contract

  • +3

    For anyone unsure. This phone is a beast. By far one of the best purchases ive ever made. Build quality is amazing, the phone creams everything else on the market. And the screen size is beautiful. I thought it might be too big but after using it it really isn't as you use it the same as any smaller phone with 1 hand.
    Android is the future & this phone is how we get there

    • -4

      Get a cut of the sales, do we?!

      If it's your genuine opinion then noted.

      I pick one up from time to time when I go past mobile phone shops. My own opinion is that it's big and plasticky. The screen is impressive at first, but after using it for a while it seems oversaturated and chunky. Like the widescreen TV salesmen who crank their TVs to the max to get people to buy but then find it's totally over the top for cinema viewing when they get it home.

      I'm waiting for the Galaxy Nexus (or Nexus Prime as it should have been called if it wasn't for Samsung's cheesy marketing).

  • the best android phone this year just got better

    bring on Android 4.0 and CM 9

  • +1

    will it get cheaper again soon?

    • +1

      When the Galaxy Nexus S is released, the price may drop.

      • No "S" after "Galaxy Nexus".

    • every 2 weeks.

  • my girlfriend will be getting this phone.

    i understand its grey stock.

    Are the radios updated to Australian radios? How does the firmware update? Kies? or OTA?

    • kies

  • what are main difference between grey stock and australian stock?

    • australian stock meets a-tick approval, which I read somewhere has a radiation allowance rating lower than say, HK standards. No idea if this actually affects reception strength of the same model of the phone (as I hear local peeps complaining about reception most of the time)

  • Very good deal indeed. It's selling for like 550 bucks on Ebay.

  • +1

    Darn I paid $625 not too long ago.You can't go wrong buying this!
    Highly recommended, has zero lag in everything even when not rooted and kicks-ass and is a true worldwide phone as it has quadbands UMTS and GSM, does not matter if you are virgin, optus, Telstra, vodafone, you name it….. full speeds on all carrier except maybe Telstra 4G which is limited anyway. Most other makes are only 850mhz (nextG) 0r 900Mhz (YesG), in fact I dont know any other comparable Adroid has phone had quad bands 3G. Makes most Andorid looks lame as they tend to have limited tri-band or dual-band only and skip on the internal drive like SE or HTC's (I don't have anything against either brand BTW, in fact I like Sense OS just disappointing they always skimp on the internal drive otherwise would have bought the Desire-HD a while back).
    Only real competitor is Galaxy Nexus; but then you are paying heaps more, use this and upgrade next year LOL!
    If anyone knows this comes with any carrier bloatware as might be upgrading Mrs phone?

    • agree, really nice phone, i bought it right after it came out. but i don't really such a high spec phone, sold after 2 weeks
      zero lag is bit over exaggerated, like every other androids, it lags occasionally not a lot

      • sorry not trying to exaggerate, but I really did not experience any lag under my normal use.
        However Normal boot up times is expected. But relatively speaking in terms of other android devices I had used there is no noticeable lag as far as I am concern, (I only use documents, emails, internet browsing and some apps, to be fair, rarely play games on it which perhaps tend to use much more resources).
        I had use and tried a few handsets before and it does seems a lot faster hence my view of being lag free, compared with Galaxy S1, Nexus S, Desire hd, liquid metal and the Xperia Arc.
        Those using the Galaxy S1 looking to upgrade can get some idea of Benchmark test comparison difference to the S2 here too:

  • Pretty cheap!

  • From where?

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