What are your fav Frozen Chicken Nuggets? Steggles or Ingham or ?
Frozen Chicken Nuggets

Steggles dino snacks (tempura batter).
ingham tempura ones from aldi
Coles tempura in the air fryer are the best
Not exactly chicken nuggets, but if you're feeling adventurous give the Steggles Southern Style Chicken Strips a crack.
Karaage from costco. Actual pieces of chicken instead of reformed pink slime.
These cajun chicken chips from safeway, stopped selling them a few months back but were actually mouth burning hot
Woolies for me. Significantly more chicken % and cheaper. i.e;
Ingham crumbed nuggets, 46% chicken, $5.00 regular price
Steggles crumbed nuggets, 45% chicken, $5.00 regular price
Woolies crumbed nuggets, 52% chicken, $3.59 regular price
Also agree with the comment above, cant beat "Eastern Kitchen Kara-Age (spelt like this) Chicken" from Costco
I prefer frozen Chicken Nuggets cooked.
Do you guys know how much % chicken is present in McD, KFC nuggets?
McDonalds don't actually disclose it in their ingredients, I would suspect it is ~40%
KFC don't disclose their ingredient lists from what i can see
I prefer steggles ones, the meat have somewhat of a bite to them