Busted laptop keys... Can I replace them individually?

hey guys

ive busted a couple of keys on my 8 year old samsung laptop. i was searching on ebay trying to find replacement keys and retainers but didnt have much luck.

Is it possible to find individual keys from the manufacturers and ebay etc or will i need to buy a new keyboard assembly?



  • Not 100% sure, but have you also looked at AliExpress? I believe their prices are usually much less than eBay for a laptop keyboard replacement part, depending on how common the part is.


  • +4

    Could try https://www.replacementlaptopkeys.com/ for replacement key hinges and key caps. The price can range from $5 to $20 depending on the make / model.

    Main Problem: the shipping cost is $4.25 USD.

    I just went on eBay and found a brand new keyboard assembly with backlight for like $20 AUD shipped from China and replaced the whole darn thing. If you have several busted keys it's more economical to replace the whole unit rather than individually.

    • Thanks mate,

      How long did it take to replace the keyboard? (just after an idea of labour time in case I have to pay a repair shop)

      • Because I have prior experience with fixing Dell laptops in a school, only took me around 15 minutes max.

        If you are fixing the laptop for the first time, you may find it helpful to:

        • Download the service manual for the laptop and find out what screws or plastic locking tabs are holding the keyboard down. You may need a screw driver, perhaps a plastic pry tool if you want to avoid scratching up your laptop but it's optional

        • Watch a Youtube video on how to replace a laptop keyboard (bonus if you can find one that fits your model). Generally speaking, laptop keyboards are connected to the laptop using one ribbon cable plugged via a ZIF connector.

      • Takes about an hour, fairly straight forward.
        Computer shop will charge an hour or 2 labour at $100-$150/hour + Parts (Which they may say is $150+).

        I used to work at a computer store and we made a killing off the average consumer with things like this and we were still cheaper than all our competitors in the town I lived in.

        • Yeah I'd expect as much. I'll probably just buy the key kits first and see if I can get a backyard phone/computer tech to fit them. Otherwise the same deal with a new keyboard assembly I'll buy online.

          Its only a $200 computer so I can't really justify paying out $150 plus in repairs.

    • Ok cool yeah i think the repairers would probably sting me but i dont really have much aptitude with these things lol What do you think would be a fair price for labour? $50 tops?

      • I have no idea, sorry. I've never run or been a customer of a laptop repair service business

        • No prob. The link you shared has the two key kits I need for $5 each. Thinking I'll just buy them and find someone handy to fit them. Seems to be the cheapest option to try anyway.

  • +3

    D_dn't w_rk f_r m_.

  • eBay sells individual keys

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