I have 2 Aluminum Sliding Doors they've dropped so not level and need to Repair - Replace them
The adjustment /rollers appear to be press fitted, lift system is 3 notches of different heights for the rollers
(rollers have been replaced) and are at the highest lift.
I need a tradie who knows how to repair /replace with a different type of roller system to lift the door up.
Do this type of trades exist ?
Manningham vic
Aluminum Sliding Door Repair - Replace

Last edited 31/07/2020 - 16:59
You might find that the rail or track that the rollers glide on have become severely worn away. It's fairly common if your track faces a windy or abrasive environment — the little bits of sand and grit wears the aluminium away. That can account for a bit of a drop and cause the door to roll out of the track at times. You can repair these without having to rip out the whole frame, you can buy the suitable replacement profile extrusion and glue it on the worn one. I have seen such a replacement kit at some of the larger Bunnings, usually the aisle where you buy flywire and such. e.g. https://www.bunnings.com.au/rolltrak-2370-x-6-x-4-4mm-miracl… https://www.bunnings.com.au/cowdroy-2500mm-aluminium-sliding…
The track does show uneven wear.
Since the track has uneven wear I wander how it may effect the unworn track
Thanks for the links especially the miracle cover, I din't know it exists
Is it possible the floor has dropped?
Yes carpenter/joiners exist.