Chasing any deals for the Logitech g29 to suit a ps4
Any deals out there for Logitech G29 to suit PS4?

LMatt76 on 31/07/2020 - 12:19
I too am sitting around waiting for these deals - Seems hard to get a deal second hand too, people still want $400 bucks for one.
I am in the same boat. Wondering if there'll be more deals once G923 is out.
I just bought one from this bloke. Still two more available. Price is low enough that I was willing to take the risk. Seller feedback makes him seem okay.
You might want to check fb marketplace, scum tree, etc. Since esim everyone is after a wheel and prices have sky rocketed. Second hand is your best bet, people spend money only to use it a few times and then let it sit collecting dust after they realise its a pain in the ass to drag out every time.