This was posted 13 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Subscribe for 12 Months ($14.99 USD P/M) to Your World of Warcraft Account, Get Diablo 3 Free


From the Webpage.

FAQ Link here…

"With Deathwing’s shadow looming over Azeroth and the mortal realms of Sanctuary steeling for war against the forces of Diablo, the World of Warcraft Annual Pass has arrived to offer WoW subscribers a chance to participate in both apocalyptic conflicts… without breaking the bank.

For a limited time only, players who make a 12-month subscription commitment to World of Warcraft through the WoW Annual Pass will receive the following epic rewards:

Diablo III FREE – Download the digital version via for free when the game launches early next year. This is the full game, not a trial edition.
Tyrael’s Charger WoW Flying Mount – Ride for the Archangel of Justice on all current and future characters on a single World of Warcraft account. Tyrael’s Charger will arrive via in-game mail with the upcoming launch of patch 4.3.
Access to the Next WoW Expansion Beta Test – Get a guaranteed spot in the beta test for the next World of Warcraft expansion (at a time to be announced in the future).

You can pay for the WoW Annual Pass on a monthly basis at $14.99 per month or according to the billing plan of your choice. To participate, you must be 18 or older, have a valid credit card, and have registered a full version of World of Warcraft on or before October 18, 2011.

Sign up for the World of Warcraft Annual Pass here, and then keep an eye on the World of Warcraft community site or the Diablo III community site for future announcements regarding the launch dates of these bonuses.

For more information on this offer, including eligibility requirements and details on how the World of Warcraft Annual Pass applies to players who plan to purchase the Diablo III: Collector’s Edition, please read the full FAQ."

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closed Comments

  • +8

    LOL, Blizzard must be terrified they're going to lose people from WoW to Diablo 3 and never get them back… this way they can lock them in to both games. :)

    • Nah, most WOW players will just go back when they finish Diablo 3( if they play it in the first place)

  • +3

    Damn you Blizzard! WoW will not get me back!

    For anyone who couldn't be bothered doing the math, it's $180 for a "free" Diablo III. I wonder what they'll be offering when Diablo expansions come out?

    • +3

      It's like making a deal with the devil. Only you pay HIM to take your soul.

      • Do not entertain the devil, seek Jesus whom dies for our sins.

  • yeah, didn't c that one coming. Would be interested if it inc D3 beta.

  • +5

    Good deal for people that already play WoW frequently.

    Not for me though, I'll have D3 on its own thanks!

  • you can use the 6 month one right, so its actually cheaper than the $15/month

    • i meant as in 6 months x 2

      • -3

        Yes, for 2 x 6 months it would be $155.88. For 1 year, it's $179.88. So you are in fact paying $24 for Diablo III, it is not free. Very misleading.

        • He is saying that you can use the 2 x 6 months to go towards the one year as oppose to 12 x 1 month.

        • No it's not. You can buy the 12 months using any plan you want.

          "You can pay for the WoW Annual Pass on a monthly basis at $14.99 per month or according to the billing plan of your choice"

  • +2

    Also good to note from the FAQ that this promotion allows the use of game cards to count towards your 12 month commitment, so it can be had for a bit less if you can find discount time cards some how.

    Also if you choose to purchase the collectors edition, it can count for 4 months towards this too. For people who want the collector edition bonuses and are also regular wow players this is pretty neat, as you can enjoy the physical copy and extras while still enjoying part of the discount from this promotion (although you will pay more for the collectors edition, of course)

  • Isnt this already out of date or have i missed something ?

    To participate, you must be 18 or older, have a valid credit card, and have registered a full version of World of Warcraft on or before October 18, 2011.

    Its already the 22nd ?

    • think the idea is that this promotion is open to current or ex players

    • It means that if you created your WOW account after October 18 2011, you won't be eligible.

      • I'm surprised they did this as they could make a lot more money from newcomers.

  • +25

    Pay for a 12 months supply of heroin, and get some cocaine for free!

    • Lol.

    • LOL!!! Great analogy! So TRUE!

    • +1

      IT'S A TRAP!!

  • Not bad but Blizzard games are games that i want hard copies of. I want to get the collector's edition, not an online one. A pity because its making me considering signing back up to wow!

    D3 ~90. Leaves 12 months of wow for $90 which equates to $7.50 a month!

    • -3

      Probably another $7.50 a month for the Diablo 3 subscription as well.

      • +1

        Diablo 3 isn't subscription based.

    • $90?! You can pre-order it on CD-WOW for $55. Official retail price is likely to be $59.99 (USD).

    • +1

      You can still buy the collectors edition for this(mentioned above. You just enter the code to your account and get game time

    • I think they don't give you a hardcopy because some people might just resell it and they would lose out

    • If only this came with the collector's edition..…

  • +1

    My housemate (the guy who posted this) is busy playing WoW, so even though I've told him this you probably won't get an update on the title in a while.

    You don't have a $15/month subscription. You can use the 3-month or 6-month at a time options which come out at $14 or $13 a month. You may as well go for the 6 month option since you're committing to 12 months. Meaning it comes out at $155.88 for D3 & a 12 month subscription of WoW. If you're going to be paying for WoW anyway (and I hope for your sake you're not, but hey, it's a reality for some of us)… it's a nice bonus.

    • You are correct - disregard my comment above. Not a bad deal.

  • -7

    hah 14.99$ is the individual month payment price. 3 months is 13.99 and 12.99 for 6 months. in other words, bodgy deal is bodgy.
    D3 serial keys will be available in the end for fair cheap, your looking at 30-50$ when it rolls round. not entirely worth it to know you will have to pay regardless of getting bored or if you dont have the spare money for it (times of tight budget).
    not that great of a deal. you will get d3 next year for 20$ more and your not in a situation where you constantly have to pay for a game.

    • In your dreams. You can't even get StarCraft II for less than $50 yet.

      • Agreed. Blizzard games take a lot longer to drop in price than any other.

      • -3

        even at 50$ its still not a great deal (i only paid about 60$ on release for a hard copy). thats even ignoring the fact for a 12 month subscription the price of each month should be lower down at around 12$ a month, meaning the total you would pay would be 36$ less then if you paid month by month. your only saving 14-34$ for a full one year commitment.
        its far from a bargain.

        • +1

          I've read over your comment five times trying and make sense of what you're saying but I just cannot.

  • i can seen a ton of people signing up just for the beta access alone

    • Well if it was for the Diablo 3 beta access i would have got it but its for the pandorum xpac for wow " boo " kungfu panda " .

  • -2

    Going to wait and get it from Cdkeyshere or CJsCDKeys or somewhere else cheap.

    • Blizzard games usually don't sell much more cheaper on these sites unlike most other PC games.

    • Will wait and see what LE editions if any come out. WoW developers are like a 5yo playing with a chemistry set, mixing everything together to achieve balance but only getting a brown sludge. I don't think I should pay $180 more for a game still in beta.

  • You will probably be able to preorder diablo 3 for $70 on sale like you could starcraft 2 when it was first released. I preordered starcraft 2 from dicksmiths a few days before it was released for $70.

    • +1

      Same here! $69.97 was a great price.

  • Just realised this'll bump up the value of my WoW account with all classes but shaman at level 85.

    Unfortunately,while I'm not playing I'm also not selling.

  • I can feel the gravity from the black hole for free time that is WoW pulling at me.
    Thou will not suck me back in!

    • Got me back in yesterday when a friend told me of the deal. :)

    • +2

      You used the word "Thou". It's already too late.

      • +1

        RIP Wampus's free time.

  • +1

    Just grabbed 5 60 day timecards for $18 each :D at Clive Peeters. Sadly I couldn't grab a 6th as they ran out. If anyone wants to try and pricematch I'll upload a receipt.

    • $18!! cheap as! put receipt up maybe ebgames or somewhere will price match for me as no clive peters around me

    • yes please! which state btw?

      • Victoria (see below).

    • +1
    • Just added the time cards + a 3 month subscription to WoW totalling $131. This is what shows up on my account information now:

      Game Time

      Source: 1-month Recurring, $14.99

      Renews: 11/18/2012 3:07 PM

      Annual Pass

      Ends: 10/23/2012 3:08 PM

      • Shame, you should have re-sold the cards for profit. Anyway, thank god Clive Peeters are gone. Hated their ads.

        • They're going for about $28 on eBay so I wouldn't be making much anyway.

  • +2

    Dammit, I just decided to quit WOW and now no longer raid. Told my guild that I was planning on quitting and now there is THIS to entice me. It's been five years now and I thought I was going to go…

    Hmmmm, time for some heavy thinking…

  • I'm not sure I would do this. I love WoW but I only play in bursts, subbing for a couple of months, then stopping for a couple of months. 12 mnths in a row isn't something I'd usually do. I think it would work out cheaper for me to just buy Diablo 3 when it comes out.

    But on the other hand, guaranteed beta access AND a special mount… its kinda tempting.

    I guess if playing for a full year is something you would do, then the annual pass would be awesome value.

  • They introduce these offers to try reduce the decline in subscriptions in the few months leading up to the new expansions etc.

    I've seen the numbers in players decline myself, people get bored of the same content and just stop playing till the new expansion comes out. I no longer play because the game is just way too boring, but I do still follow it hoping they'll introduce something to pick it up again.

    • The new expansion looks promising. Pokemon battles? Yes please!

  • +1

    Shows us how desperate they are to keep people on their WOW subscription, as if they know the new expansion's bound to cause another tide of rage quit.

    I mean, really. I could accept WoW:pokemon (see the announcement made on blizzcon). Official gold/cash trade's fine (AH-able $10 pet). Balance's out of window but thats nothing new - its like that ever since GC took the leader designer job. But the new talent "tree"? "TREE"? Seriously?

    Start from 11 "level"s of talents, cut to 6 levels, then to 6…talents PER CLASS? you get to choose 1 from 3 every 15 levels?!

    Somehow I failed to notice that "suitable for 2-4yrs children" sticker on the package. Oh well, guess Im just too old for this…

    • +1

      It's OK mate, GW2 will come out eventually.

  • So much WoW hate and QQ in this thread. Focus on the deal. If you're not a WoW player at least half the year, then obviously buying even the collector's edition is more economical for you. If you play WoW six months out of every twelve and plan to get into Diablo 3, then yes this is a great deal.

    And for all the haggling over subscription plans, if you're locked into 12 months then you're still better off buying the 6 months directly from Blizzard (at the current exchange rate) than any game cards.

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