This was posted 4 years 7 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, XB360] Xbox Games with Gold August 2020 - Portal Knights, Override: Mech City Brawl + More


pretty crappy lineup
2 original xbox games instead of 360 games is a copout

Portal Knights ($19.99 ERP): Available August 1 to 31 on Xbox One
Override: Mech City Brawl ($29.99 ERP): Available August 16 to September 15 on Xbox One
MX Unleashed ($14.99 ERP): Available August 1 to 15 on Xbox One & Xbox 360
Red Faction II ($14.99 ERP): Available August 16 to 31 on Xbox One & Xbox 360

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  • +4

    Game Pass has taken over as their business model I guess.

    • +2

      It makes sense. $180 a year for the full price ultimate per month. Some families only buy preowned games to play offline, so MS never saw a cent from those families. Now they can expect between $80-$180 a year from them.

      • +2

        Lol, those families will still just buy pre-owned games and play offline. MS still won't see a cent from them.

    • Yeah, I just bought a PS4 and signed up for Playstation Plus, and immediately got Modern Warfare 2 Remastered and NBA2K20, certainly not feeling like a mistake after the Xbox Gold garbage they've been peddling.

      • +1

        Been playing NBA2K20 on my Xbox with Gamepass for months before Playstation gifted it to me for free.
        Won't even download it on PS4.
        So many Playstation exclusives have been snapped up by M$ on Gamepass recently. Can now play older Final Fantasy games and all the Kingdom Hearts franchise on my Xbox.

        Only going to buy 2 more games for my barely touched PS4: FF7RE and TLoU2.
        Next console bought will be an Xbox but only when it gets cheaper and the bugs get ironed out :)

  • +2

    I don't care about games with gold anymore. It's all about game pass these days.

    • +1

      Given you lose access to the games if you drop Xbox Live Gold (for Xbox One at least), I don't really differentiate between Game Pass and Games with Gold other than the Game Pass games are typically newer/better titles that I'd want to play.

  • +1

    Yes, they have given up on Games With Gold. With 12 month gold subs gone & the push for everyone to move to Game Pass Ultimate, it wouldn't surprise me if Games With Gold vanished when the Series X arrives later this year (we wouldn't be missing out on much if they did).

    • +1

      Yep seems logical and since you can longer buy 12 months gold directly. Free live for all 👍

  • Wasn't there a rumour that xbox gold was going to become free soon? By that I mean the online multilayer aspect

    • Do you mean Xbox Live?

      • Yes. The names "Xbox Live" and "Xbox Gold" are interchangeable.

        • +1

          My bad, i always thought they were 2 separate things and and then there was game pass. All 3 together were Game pass ultimate

          • +1

            @TightTerry: I wouldn't listen to him, they are not interchangeable at all, Xbox live is an online service that expands over PC and Xbox consoles and is more than just online play, including friends lists, achievements, etc.
            Xbox gold is a service that allows online play on consoles and free games every month along with a few other bits and pieces.

    • World wide 20 million active gold live members back to April . 12 million XGP players. There's 8 million difference between these two groups.

      Business is business, if you are the manager, are you willing to lose this $60X 8,000,000 money every year?

      • No, but I'd be very keen to upsell them all to XGP Ultimate.

  • Meh, a bonus is a bonus.

  • +1

    Portal Knights is a lot of fun. Enjoyed playing that with the wife.

  • +4

    This is actually a reasonable month - portal Knights is great, and all of the other games seem ok too.

    • -1

      which month was unreasonable?

      • no month is unreasonable for just under $4 a month (via brazil live +vpn redeem) … lol

        • Yeah - just got a code then via… @ $36.66. Set to autorenew (and of course will change that) to get 13 months so is actually $2.82 per month. I suspect that Microsoft will at some time pull the pin on this little gambit but for now this is good enough for me.

          • -1

            @PlasticSpaceman: yeh i had to look around just in case it had stopped but others were still doing it .. anyway both this and office 365 (via discounts etc) for me are a bargain no matter how you cut it … and i hate subscription services being in IT lol

  • It always stings that bit harder when the back compat games are ones you already own digitally because worst case if it's an Xbone game I already have I can at least say "well I own it for real" but with how you actually get to own the back compat games, it's a bummer.

    That being said, I only paid a buck fifty for MX digital so it sucks, but I'll survive.

  • Was looking to purchase Override last month and am curious about Portal Knights.

    All in all, I'm happy with this months Games With Gold :)

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