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Logitech U-E TripleFi 10 Earphones $199 - Free Shipping, RRP $499.95


Found this on the LogitechShop eBay profile. They are currently $349 on the LogitechShop website and rrp for $499.95

These headphones are highly rated. I've been tempted to get some before at a higher price, but at this price I'll probably bite.

Here is a 288 page thread on the audiophile forum Head-Fi, talking and raving about the Triple-Fi 10's:


Here is the US Logitech site with more details about them:


Edit: Syntax.

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closed Comments

  • Great earphones…although they are big compared to Shure and Westone. The fit might not be for everyone. Swapping the L and R can help (which I did) or they stick out a little bit.

    I had these reshelled into customs with an added mid driver in each side.

    They're usually ~$200 on US sites but you have to worry about shipping so +ve from me for price and local shipping and warranty.

  • +4

    I can't believe anyone in their right mind would pay $500 for a pair of earphones… :S

    • +4

      $500 is the STARTING point for in ear monitors. :)

      • -2

        I can't justify paying $200 for this or any pair despite how cool they look.

        • +4

          It's not about 'how cool the look'. It's about the audio quality.

          And for the comment below.

          You have 'earbuds', like your stock apple headphones that sit on your ear, or you have 'in-ear monitors' which the majority have rubber tips that go 'in' your ear and create a seal. (Which creates a better seal in your ear, resulting in more comfort and better audio)

        • -4

          ??????? dont most earphones go IN EAR

        • +1

          I presume you have these. If that's the case are you able to describe in few words how does this compare to lets say a $30-$70 noise isolation pair.

        • +2

          I'm no expert but here goes.

          There's a big difference between low-end, budget earphones and mid-range earphones. The difference is not as big between mid-range earphones and high-end earphones.

          Depends on what noise isolation pair you are referring to but generally the more drivers you have, the better the sound. Bear in mind, there's two types of drivers - dynamic and BA (balanced armature). Dynamic are like little speakers giving a full sound and BA drivers are more precise in audio reproduction.

          The TripleFis are fantastic bang for the buck and will be better than any low-end earphones and can compete with any mid-range or high-end earphone. If you're looking for a triple driver in a Shure or Westone, you'll be paying a lot more. The size of the TripleFis earpieces are an issue so they're not for everyone.

          Once you go custom molded in ear monitors though, fit is obviously a non-issue. They are made for your ears and create a great seal while being really, really comfortable.

          Here's my post on the reshelling component - http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/38946

        • +2

          I don't have TF10, but I have Shure SE530 which is on-par with this IEM (In-Ear Monitor). The sound quality is completely different with that cheaper IEM (like Sennheiser CX series).

          You can hear subtle musical instruments playing at the background clearer. Of course, if you only listen to pop, r&b, it won't matter too much. But, if you listen to a lot of jazz, classics, instruments etc, you can hear the difference. Also, you need to rip your mp3 to at least 256kbps.

        • Yeah, I would have chosen the Shure 530/535 if cost wasn't an issue as they would have been a lot more comfortable than the TripleFi before reshelling.

        • +1

          Comes down to what price you put on sound quality.

        • @Dr.Tenma dont most troll will get neg

        • dup

      • -8

        Yeah, IEM is just a fancy way of saying higher end earphones.

        • there are different type of earhones: in-ear-monitor and ear-bud. In-ear is like a ear-plug, while ear-bud is the one comes with your iphone/ipod.

          Why is it called "monitor"? because it's used by musicians on stage to listen/monitor the background musics and their own voice - without disturbance from crowd or speaker noise.

          So, there are "cheap" IEMs - for example, the apple one from apple-store.

        • -1

          Yeah, but usually the term in ear monitors aren't given for lower end earphones…they're usually just called earphones.

          True, you can use a Sennheiser transmitter/receiver in ear monitoring system with a crap pair of earphones connected to the receiver pack but usually higher end earphones/customs are used instead so that's where the IEM term came about.

          All the same thing though.

        • Sorry…when I'm saying earphones above, I mean in ear earphones.

        • The name probably did derive as a fancy marketing term for consumer level earphones but there needs to be a way to differentiate them from earbuds whether it be IEM or canalphones or in ear earphones, or something else.

          The reason you're more likely to see cheaper models just blandly called earphones regardless is because everything is dumbed down for lower tier markets. It's the same reason you see cheap music players referred to as MP3 players when nowadays that's not a very descriptive term.

    • +2

      Same thing can be said about shoes, clothes, tvs, games consoles, etc. etc.

      The point is, they are great quality, reputable seller and the lowest price.

    • Well its cheaper than buying $10k hifi speakers I suppose.

      Having said that, I probably wouldn't pay $500 for these earphones. For the same price, you can actually start looking at the Ultimate Ears custom in-ear headphones, like what professionals use at concerts. Those go from US$400 - US$1300 and are molded to fit in your ear.

    • I paid $500 for my SE530PTH and I don't regret it one bit.

    • I used to have the same mentality years ago but I've been converted.

      To me, it's no more absurd than someone paying $5000 on home theatre.

    • I remember the RRP being higher than this … like ~800-900. Wonder what's changed.

  • had a set of these before, you'll look like an alien when you use it as it sticks out so much.

    • Did you try the flip mod? Detach the L & R earpieces and swap them around. They then stay closer in to your ear.

      • yeah I did that as well definitely looked better but lolz falls out.

  • +6

    Just putting it out there that there were $199 last week on their sale… and will probably be $199 again in 12 weeks when they have their next sale. I wouldn't rush into a pair of headphones like these just because of the seemingly cheap price.

    • $195, wasn't it?

  • +13

    I will be waiting for LTS and COTD sell this for 3 for $20… i know miracle happens

    • Actually this is selling by LTS on eBay. I don't know why the price is not the same as LTS website.

  • -2

    Lets hope the cat doesnt chew these headphones! $200 a pop is certainly not cheap! Do they come with a LV or DG logo or something?

    • +8

      They come with UE logo which used to be worth something more before logitech took over.

  • Does this have mic built in? Want it for my iPhone…

    • Nope, you need the vi version for that.

    • These have detachable cables. So you can go and purchase the cable with the microphone component and use it with these.

  • No it doesnt have a mic.
    I bought it last time from their sale and it's definitely the real deal.

    • -2

      Yes….2 decimal place please I will order 10

  • These IEM's sound incredible! Would highly recommend buying them for $200 and I'm sure others will concur these won't disappoint.

    $200 would usually only get you a Super-Fi 5 EB.

  • +1

    There's limited application to expensive IEM's.. I mean, if you're going to fork out that kind of money, you might as well get some decent over ears and some cheap IEM's for the road (since it's loud in traffic during the day). That being said, if you like to relax outside or take a walk at night, these might be perfect. Also, these have been on sale for $99 before (in the US, I believe), and thus a lot of people are still selling them for around ~90-130 on forums (lol Headfi), posted to Aus since they're light.

    I've had custom IEM's, a good number of headphones in the past, and currently have both audez'e LCD-2 rev 1 & 2 (cost over 1k each) so I'm not a pure stinge, my opinion is only from personal experience.

    However, there are some people who just prefer IEM's. Those preferences are MOSTLY reserved for expensive custom designs though, and even then the greater majority beg to differ.

    Sorry for the apparent negativity - I won't be negging the deal because it's still an alright deal for an alright iem at this price.

  • Does anyone know how these compare to Etymotics? I used to own a pair of ER6i canalphones and they were EXCELLENT. Can anyone comment on these Logitechs vs the HF5 or ER4 series?

  • Wow..these are really cheap..got mine for $499 2 years ago, a triple driver iem. Check headfi forum for reviews.

  • Yep I can totally vouch for this IEM, I had this reshelled with UM before I got my 1964-Q customs

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