Where to get (nearly) free 18650s

I'm after a bunch of batteries and don't know where to best get old laptop batteries, hoverboards, electric scooters, etc.
Any hints?
In north west Sydney, ideally.



  • Hoverboards? Like the one Marty Mcfly used?

    • +1

      Yes, most people don't know this, but the 18650s are right underneath the flux capacitor!

  • Do you need to be usable or just the battery?

    • The battery packs can be dead. If they are, usually it is just one or a couple of batteries that are actually dead and stop the rest from working.

  • Aldi often reduce their 4AH xfinity batteries down to $20. You'll get 10 Samsung INR18650 20Q in each one.


    Batteries taken 2nd hand from laptops (and I've gotten heaps for my torch addiction) may not last long or keep a good charge.

    • how do you then solder nipples to the positive?

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