Hi everyone,
My son is turning 14 on Tuesday, and I want to upgrade him from his Buzz Lightyear alarm clock I bought him when he started kinder! 😂
I think it would be cool to get him one of the options below, but don't know which one and the pros/cons of them.
They're not much help at my local JB, so thought I'd ask you guys for your advice.
NB. He's autistic and is obsessed with the weather each morning, giving me the idea he can ask it, not me! He does have an apple phone but rarely uses it.
Thankyou in advance! Sorry for long post🤭
If you could be bothered with reason for your vote I'd appreciate it.
Have you thought about a weather station clock that will give him the weather in his own backyard. Depending on the type you can setup one, or two, sensors for outside and the unit itself detects inside. We have a couple and they are good for detecting internal/external temperatures so we know, e.g. when the Temperature outside is cooler than the temperature inside to start airing out the house in summer.
They also help when we are working out how many layers needed for a Melbourne winter morning.