Updated: thanks to BarginHunter for finding 50% off!. IRC is a really old, but still highly used chat system. I came across this promo when my trial just expired so I purchased my copy. This isn't for everyone but for those who still chat on IRC and are keen on using mIRC, You get 25% off. If you select United States, Alaska, you don't pay any GST as if you selected Australia as your billing location. My payment still went through fine through PayPal in AUD, just without needing to pay GST.
50% off mIRC Internet Relay Chat Client US$10 (~A$14.07) @ mIRC (Normally US$20)
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Yep. You used to be able to keep selecting later after your trial ended but now it kicks you out of the program.
Nope. It nags you on login but not required.
@Hybroid You must have an older version. The latest version I used, after the 30 days it stopped working and I couldn't use it. You have to purchase a license or it closes and there was no option to extend or keep using it.
Back then you could just use an online freely available key or a Key gen to "activate" your trial.
I know right. Was on there years and years ago and never paid a single cent to join the many chatrooms I been in.
Nostalgia …
I remember the trial lasting forever …
Yep. I just recently join back after a 10-year hiatus. I used to be all over IRC in High School ;)
that and icq.
and MSN Messenger. I remember when they closed the AOL chatrooms!
@Pixie13: Wait - I remember using something that was named ‘Goconnect’ for a long time but cannot remember what It was. Wow
Is it an internet service provider?
@TRAVELO: Bulletin boards with 14.4 on the I 486DX2 66 with turbo for me.
.#43#. Okay, no one use the phone, I am doing an important download.
@xoom: Yeah, it came with both 5 1/4 and 2.5 FDD, 512MB Quantum Hdd, 4Mb Ram. Dos 6.0 and Windows 3.1 running custom XTree gold, 14in crt monitor, 512k vesa video card.
@Nomoneynotalk: Hell I had a 2400bps in my first 286 AT 16mhz.
The glory days of PC!atx0
atzGood old Zmodem protocol to share sessions with my cousin and spend 45 minutes to download large GIF's.
"More Mandy" LOL@Maz78: We couldn’t afford a computer back then, we start saving for one during 386 and finally able to buy one at 486 time.
The good old GiFs and the fast download speed. Don’t know why people are complaining about the NBN.
@Maz78: Oh! Zmodem, used null-wire between two modems in the same house for networking without Ethernet back then
@bazingaa: Use the red crossover cable. First true multi computer network was a 10Mbps hub playing Doom
@Nomoneynotalk: My first PC upgrade was swapping out my DX 33 CPU for the DX2 66. More time was spent configuring the LED display on the case show “66” :(
Uh oh
uh oh
… every now and then I hear it as someone's notification chime.
and Napster and open FTP sites
@Maz78: i think that's an inappropriate question nowadays, what to say if you are gender neutral? hhmmm =/
icq…now there's a name i've not heard in a long time…
Just like WinRAR!
And winamp. And you gotta have skins for that.
It really whips the llama’s ass
Party like it's 1998!!
Let me open my real media player so we can party like its 1998.
Winamp ftw
Woah this takes me back.
/me floods #Australia
Alright Stormy
Hi #asd ;)
Don't forget lwaxana
/kick Ameowzon
TRAVELO sets mode: +v xoom
15/f/cali of course
/whois markymark2010
That's how online stalking began
IRC, where the men are men, the women are men and the children are FBI agents.
so true. 🤣
14/f/Thailand hihi
It's a short movie re-enacting a typical IRC chat room, and the whole a/s/l scenario. It's not a waste of 10:55. You will Rofflemayo.you were not wrong lol
Lmao nice one!
Directed by M.Night Shamalamadingdong
Just use Hexchat
oh shit. Saw that far too many times.
Riding the wave/merge back in and getting @ (OP) to steal the channel was the shiz!
What was netsplit! again?
So nostalgic
Efnet pron servers aren't working
( . ( . )
( . )( . )
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Can't help it, my weakness ;)
/Xdcc file warez
Turd, you need a refresher ;) /msg Turd xdcc send #1
IRC warez, only thing worse than usenet warez.. can remember downloading Windows 95 betas each week, would take a freakin' eternity and no one could call the house. And there was always one bloody part I couldn't find. Actually, I take that back.. downloading warez off BBS's was worse… dialling up with Telix at 1200 or 2400bps and spending 4 years downloading with Xmodem Ymodem or Zmodem.
But that's where you'd msg other users and see if you could swap missing parts, could even meet someone with access too some good ftp servers and would fxp for you.
I ended up meeting some fantastic people this way. The idea was to move on from IRC file sharingThere was also channels where you could request missing parts and the bot would announce for you every hour or so
I had an awesome thing going where a sweet dude called e0n had a heap of pub & private servers and would list them, I'd then fxp the files to a mate who for worked somewhere that had tons of storage space and a staff who had burning DVDs in their job description?
So I just sent the files, got the DVDs burned and they got them couriered to my door step
And people wonder why game pass and Netflix is seen as a step down for me
mIRC is not a file sharing program
It is a text chat program
We do not help with file sharing on this forum because:
Downloading files from strangers is a great way to get trojans/viruses.
It is against the AUP (acceptable use policy) of some networks/providers.
It often involves files that are illegal to share.
Please do not post questions on these forums relating to file sharing.
Usenet is actually quite popular for warez nowadays lol
Damn - I remember this program, so long ago now though.
Was a great place for certain Warez like Appz and Gamez hahaha :Pomg IRC brings me back, the good old days of waix and then waix donkey
Good memories. Every version since Feb 1995 is available here
Thoroughly enjoyed the random chat feature on that.
Wow you have to pay for mIRC now?!