LG GB-455PL Fridge Noise

Looking for some advice.

I have got a 6 month old LG fridge (GB-455PL) which is making this noise: https://voca.ro/iVzmv8e7sbn
I got 3 years extended warranty from Bing Lee.

After some investigating, I found the following:

  • If I open the door 1/3 of the way, the noise starts and goes away when the door is completely open. If I hold the door 1/3 open, the noise persists. I cannot replicate the noise all the time by opening the door 1/3 of the way.

  • When the noise does happen, if I gently close the door, the noise persists. To make the noise go away, I have to close the door a bit harder than usual or tap on the side of the fridge.

  • Sometimes the noise will go away by itself without me doing anything.

The noise is fairly noticeable.

The Fridge is running fine otherwise.

I called Bing Lee. They raised a case with LG. LG called me and booked in a inspection by a technician. But advised me that if the issue is not covered by Manufacturer's Warranty, there will be a call out fee of $99. Tech will visit next week.

I have never had to previously deal with retailers or manufacturers in regards to warranty issues.

The way binglee and LG handled the issue, is that reasonable and standard? Or should they have done something differently?

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank You.


As per the advice from @neo I did the following:

I cut out some cardboard box into 2 small pieces and placed it under the front feet. This has eliminated the noise. I did this yesterday and the noise has not come back. The fridge is running dead silent.


  • +1

    It's standard and from the sound clip (doesn't sound normal), it'll be covered by manufacturer's warranty. There is a temperature knob in the fridge with a range from cold to coldest. What have you got the knob set to?

    • The freezer is set to -18 degrees and the fridge is set to 3 degrees. There is no knob actually. It is digitally displayed.

  • +1

    OP I had the same doubt a few months back. the one I have now is my first-ever fridge I owned so it's more observable :)

    This sound is common and comes from the compressor when its working to keep your fridge cool. If you are still not satisfied Go to LG website and there is a issue diagnosis page with fridge sounds. Compare the noise.

    The compressor is working to maintain the set temp when you open the door which is a trigger for cooling loss.

  • Have the same issue with 2 year old LG GT-442SDC so had a look online and apparently buzzing noises are normal from the compressor. It's not a defect and not a warranty issue as there's nothing wrong with it.

    Smacking the side of the fridge does make it stop temporarily then starts up again. It also starts and stops periodically throughout the day.

    • Smack that compbooty

      • +1

        Smack my fridge up! - Prodigy

  • Wow, mine's nowhere near that loud. Get some of that packing foam (the harder stuff) and jam it between the side of the fridge and the cavity. Can't hear mine anymore, like it's not even on!

    • OP I think has recorded near the compressor which is loud.

      • +1

        I recorded it on the side of the fridge. Half way up near the door handle.

        • +2

          is the fridge in a slot i.e. not in an open space. Is there a wall surrounding it?

        • In that case, mine was probably about the same noise level. Give the foam trick a try if your fridge is sitting inside cabinetry. Even if it isn't my next option was to get some foam for underneath of it as mine is sitting on concrete slab and probably contributing being on a harder surface.

          • @neo: If I have to use foam to lower the noise of the fridge, does that not indicate an manufacturer issue which should be covered in warranty?

            • @dudebargain: I think you'll find most fridges are noisy, just that the inverter compressors are efficient at the expense of being a bit more annoying.

              Depends if it's just vibrations, like mine was. As soon as I put some foam it stopped the vibrations which was causing the noise.

              I guess you have nothing to lose by trying it. If it doesn't work then it may mean the compressor is no good and most likely faulty. If it does work then at least you can have some peace and quiet until you work out if you need a tech to come..

              • +1

                @neo: Thanks for your advice. I cut out some cardboard box into 2 small pieces and placed it under the front feet. This has eliminated the noise. I did this yesterday and the noise has not come back. The fridge is running dead silent.

                So I am guessing it was an issue with the leveling. Or as the fridge is on tiles, the hard surface made it vibrate and the cardboard fixed it.

                Not sure if it is an actual manufacturing issue. Or should I just cancel the tech appointment let it go.

                • @dudebargain: Definitely cancel the appointment.

                • @dudebargain: That's good to hear! I always suspected vibrations on the hard surface was probably the culprit, the foam was my stop gap solution until i got some foam pads for the feet. Guess I'll have to get off my lazy bum and fix it properly after hearing your story.

                  Enjoy your quiet (and efficient) fridge :)

                • @dudebargain: @dudebargain I have the same issue! Was the cardboard the miracle fix or did you end up getting the tech?

  • OP did you remove the black padding on the compressor when you unpacked it ? I did the same thing until I looked it up

    • I do not recall removing any padding on the compressor. But currently there is no padding on the back side of the fridge. Should there be?

      • My model had. not sure about yours. If you haven't touch it then its ok

        • I don't recall touching it. I may have. But the manual does not mention anything about not removing any padding though.

  • I got this fridge last month. No such noise coming from it.

    • Is you fridge on a soft surface like carpet?

      • On laminate tiles

        • If I may ask you another question since you have the same fridge.

          At the bottom front of the fridge there are 2 circular stubs.They are black in colour. Essentially they are the front legs which can be rotated clockwise or anti-clockwise. Are they in a straight line for you? Or is one a bit further back than the other?

          Thank You.

  • Some fridges use split pins to mount their compressor, they become loose and rattle when the compressor is running.

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