First post here. Im looking for next build so this might worth it.
Decent price with free shipping.
Enjoy gaming everyone :)
Or maybe a 5700xt
Agreed, I thought it was a 2070 super and copy and paste the deal. Realised when you mentioned it
$828 - ASUS GeForce RTX 2070 Super Overclocked 8G EVO GDDR6 Dual-Fan Edition VR Ready HDMI DisplayPort Gaming Graphics Card (DUAL-RTX-2070S-O8G-EVO)…
Obligatory wait for Ampere news comment.
Also, a 2070 at USD $440 for a basic GPU shroud is a bit much to ask given the existence of the 2060 Super.
It was funny how recent news has been represented in different ways in terms of Amperes potential performance.
Nvidia RTX 3080 leak could rock AMD's Big Navi plans
Same news, but completely different take way probably depending on who has paid them the most.
This is the 1st gen I've cared for the GPU releases, is it always this full of speculation? So many articles claiming they know something, then point to the same rumours from months ago…
This kind of rivalry has always been around but different talking points. With recent strides that AMD has taken in CPU/GPU space a lot of the conversation has changed from 'who is better value' (which was AMDs only point of competition for a while) to 'who is faster'.
It's really good for competition as NVIDIA/INTEL have had the luxury of complacency for many years, and only now have to start properly inovating. Even if AMD is not the fastest, they have driven lots of progress in their competition. Consumer wins.
Edit: sorry to more directly answer your question, yes the rumour mill has always been this bad for GPU tech. Though to be fair, the rumour accuracy has been fairly high in the past, mostly since the OEMs leak the info in response to competitor leaks in a battle of 1 up-man-ship.
Even on each site it depends on the writer. When a history of slavering fanboy/girlism means I can predict how a new piece of news is going to be portrayed, it makes the story even less useful.
All current RDNA2 performance rumours are largely false as the board design hasn't been finished. At best, they'd be ambitious estimates from engineering sample testing and console performance.
Which fan boy negged me? I didnt make any assumptions about which was correct, just that the same news was interpreted in 2 different ways. What could I have said that warranted negative sentiment?
2070 Super go for $750 so $50 extra
which everyone should spend since already spending 700 lol
so im not sure if this is worth it
2070 Super is equivalent to a 1080 ti btw
Go for a 2070 Super instead of 2070 at that price point.
Recent deal $775 Delivered:
agreed, i thought it was a super and copied and pasted.
You'd be fun at parties.
what is wrong with having a sick duck? hahaha
the only thing that will win me over a 5700XT is a 2080 or 2080 Super (when one of us finds us a bargain!)
That's an awesome price
Edit.. Just realised it's not 2070 super
Been rocking one of these for the last month, I get great performance from it (provided your CPU is decent). Can run almost every title on highest settings, although can only achieve 50fps on QUAKE 2 RTX haha
Whats with the 2070 Super having 2 Years warranty that sort of sucks… was wondering if the Galax has better cooling then the Inno3d
I could be wrong; but isn't the performance of a 2060 Super about the same and better value than a 2070?
And at this price I think you would want to go for a 2070 Super for a bit more to make it worthwhille.