Chocolate Soft Serve Cones @ McDonald's

So looks like McDonalds is going to be getting a Chocolate Soft Serve Cone pretty soon, was going through McDonalds Kippax (Canberra) drive-thru and saw this(

The worker had no idea what I was talking about, so maybe in testing stage on their system, coming soon? Just thought is was interesting

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  • +4

    looks like an emoji on a cone

    nek minnit: choc sundaes with choc sauce

  • Interesting.

  • They're just going to add Milo to the mix.

    • They're just going to add Milo to the mix!!!

  • +1

    Not sure why Australia hasn't had this yet, Asia has had this for decades. The choc twist cones are so good.

    • +1

      I want the choc dip cones I had in Malaysia and Singapore from Maccas.

      • +1

        we need the mcspicy!

        • Aww yeah that's my favourite. But the HJ's tendercrisp with peri sauce will make do for now

  • Awesome. I wonder if they make money on those.

  • +1

    Soft serve dipped in chocolate please.

    • Hungry Jacks used to have this around 15 years ago, was so good!

  • They used to do chocolate soft serve cones like 20 years ago and they were the best…but it was always the case that the chocolate wasn't working :(
    …but so good when it worked! :D

  • They had this at my local Maccas…must have been around a year ago (maybe a pilot?), you could even do half/half (twisted together in one cone). Was sad when it stopped.

  • Doesnt the maccas at Circular Quay serve Choc soft serve … . havent been there for a couple years though

  • +3

    Great. Now they can have two ice-cream machines broken/turned off/in cleaning cycle, all the time.

    • +1

      I get what you’re saying, and it’s funny, but I’m sure that the machines are one unit capable of delivering both flavours.

      • +1

        LOL, I know, just a joke. I remember the old vanilla/half and half/chocolate, machine. I used to always get the half vanilla and half choc ice-cream.

  • For those in WA I was told by my local McDonalds that McDonald's Ballajura has chocolate soft serve. I have not confirmed this personally yet as I don't live near by. Can anyone confirm?

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