• expired

25/5 Mbps Unlimited nbn FTTP or FTTN from $1.79/Day ($59.70/Mth) - New Customers Only/First 180 Days @ Launtel


I’ve recently relocated to Launnie so I wanted to check out what the local ISP had to offer. In my testing pricing varied depending on location; all I can suggest is enter your address and see what you get. Note that discounted pricing applies for 180 days from the date of connection and then reverts to the normal price.

I’ve heard about their daily rates and wondered what it was all about. It’s actually pretty cool because you can pause your service at any time (e.g. holidays, long weekends, or self-imposed TV binging bans), change your capacity as required (plan ahead for a house full of visitors, or see what 1 Gig feels like!), or add a static IP for an extra 15¢ per day. There are no contracts, no setup fees, no cancellation fees, and no download limits on most of their plans (see below).

They used to have a 7-day trial period however I was unable to find any concrete information on that. All their FAQs mention the trial and that it’s only available at select locations, but no mention of time limit. You’d need to contact them directly to find out more.

Now on to the pricing. All speed are in Mbps (Megabits/second), and all prices are per day; add 15¢ per day for a static IP address.

Fibre-to-the-Node (FTTN)

Residential Internet Premium - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 5Gb/Day 25/5 $2.28
Standard Unlimited 25-50/5-20 $3.15 $2.57
Fast 100 Unlimited 25-100/5-40 $3.58 $3.29

Residential Internet LoLow (plan 1) - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 Unlimited 25/5 $1.99 $1.79
Standard Unlimited 25-50/5-20 $2.28 $2.08
Fast 100 Unlimited 25-100/5-40 $3.00 $2.80

Residential Internet Premium Direct - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 5Gb/day 25/5 $1.99
Standard Unlimited 25-50/5-20 $2.86 $2.28
Home 100 Unlimited 25-100/5-20 $2.82 $2.75
Fast 100 Unlimited 25-100/5-40 $3.29 $3.00

Residential Internet LoLow (plan 2) - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 5Gb/day Unlimited $2.42 $1.99
Standard Unlimited 25-50/5-20 $2.86 $2.28
Fast 100 Unlimited 25-100/5-40 $3.29 $3.00

Fibre-to-the-Premise (FTTP)

Residential Internet Premium - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 5Gb/Day 25/5 $2.28
Standard Unlimited 50/20 $3.15 $2.57
Fast 100 Unlimited 100/40 $3.58 $3.29
Super Fast 250 Unlimited 250/100 $4.85 $4.56
Ultra Fast 500 Unlimited 500/200 $5.93 $5.64
Full Gig Unlimited 1000/400 $7.74 $7.55

Residential Internet LoLow (plan 1) - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 Unlimited 25/5 $1.99 $1.79
Standard Unlimited 50/20 $2.28 $2.08
Fast 100 Unlimited 100/40 $3.00 $2.80

Residential Internet Premium Direct - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 5Gb/Day 25/5 $1.99
Standard Unlimited 50/20 $2.86 $2.28
Home 100 Unlimited 100/20 $2.82 $2.75
Fast 100 Unlimited 100/40 $3.29 $3.00
Super Fast 250 Unlimited 250/100 $4.56 $4.27
Ultra Fast 500 Unlimited 500/200 $5.64 $5.35
Full Gig Unlimited 1000/400 $7.45 $7.16

Residential Internet LBNCo - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 5Gb/Day 25/5 $2.17
Standard Unlimited 50/20 $3.07 $2.17
Fast 100 Unlimited 100/40 $3.62 $2.89
Super Fast 250 Unlimited 250/100 $4.34 $3.98

Residential Internet LoLow (plan 2) - link to CIS

Plan Name Data Speed (Down/Up) Regular Discounted
Entry 25 Unlimited 25/5 $2.42 $1.99
Standard Unlimited 50/20 $2.86 $2.28
Fast 100 Unlimited 25-100/5-40 $3.29 $3.00

Referral Links

Referral: random (328)

$50 account credit for referrer, $25 account credit for referee. Min $50 to apply discounts.

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closed Comments

  • I signed up Launtel for my parents a few months ago. Everything is quite good from activation, support with very flexible pricing

  • Prices are different for different people.

    The address (FTTP Launtel POI) I entered doesnt have discounts even with the code.

    Launtel is great, use them for a location and it's great service.

  • As someone who has to use LBNCo, Launtel has provided the best pricing and service so far.

  • +1

    Switching to the NBN is going to hurt. Currently on a grandfathered Telstra cable - 110/5 - "200gb plan" (but they don't meter it!) - $29.95 per month. I get $20 off for 'broadband advantage' whatever that is, and $10 off for full service phone (which isn't even connected to the house).

  • Another vote for Launtel. After the 7 day unlimited data free trial at 1000/50 (though I switched to 250/100 for a day to test that speed out), I was disconnected for a month when I gave TPG 30 days notice (note that during the trial, I was connected to both Launtel and TPG on different ports). When I logged into my launtel portal to activate my service, it took 6 minutes from submission to activation. When I first signed up for the trial, it was 20 minutes from submission to activation, and that was at 11:50pm on a Friday night.

    They are also very active on whirlpool, and if you have any sort of problem, they are very speedy to analyse and resolve the issue.

    I'm about to switch my service off for a few days, as I'll be away from home.

  • +2

    Best support I ever had.

  • +2

    Best support. If you are moving in to a new place 100% go these guys.

    My plan was shift to belong but F them and their mandatory modem purchase. Also I believe their call centres are closed??

    • I was with belong on monthly basis before moving to launtel. When I told them I want to disconnect and the reason being internet not needed anymore, they just told me to keep the modem.

  • $83.65 to $85.78 for 100/20 Unlimited vs $89 with AussieBroadband. $32 saving over the first 6 months and then a $20 saving every 6 months thereafter.

    I mean a saving is a saving but dunno if its worth the hassle.

  • +1

    I did the trial with these guys on a Vocus POI (Nowra). I'm assuming the CVC was oversold as I was getting substantial latency and packet loss between roughly 7-10pm+. As a gamer it wasn't a good fit so I've gone back to switching between SL and ABB.


    That was a pingplot I did with no usage (I was away from home). Other nights showed a similar trend but others may fare better on different POI.

    • Vocus let’s them down. We are with Launtel on Vocus and I just am so over Vocus connections. Every Vocus provider has been let down by Vocus. One main reason now is that over dimension is on Telstra, Voda and Aussie connections already. We don’t get it, because apparently Vocus can’t be bothered. Launtel is above and beyond too good for Vocus.

      • Bogus Vocus!

  • Do they have a POP in each capital city yet?

    • No. Sydney and Melbourne.

    • who cares, if they can deliver…

  • how does the midnight to midnight charge work, can you set it on high for most of the day and then change to lower speed before midnight and get charged the lower rate and do that on a daily bases?

    • No, you will always be charged at the rate applicable to the highest speed you've had through the day.

  • +1

    Any reasonable/good provider below 50$ for at-least 25/5 mbps?

    • Flipconnect? Pre paid

      Haven't tried them though…

      • +1

        Thanks, heard about Flip from OZB only.
        Hopefully some new offer comes up with other providers as well(one month free or some $s off per month).

  • Great company. Signed up with them recently and were very helpful. Vocus poi so took a few days to get going due to weekend. Gave me a 7 day free trial as well. Suited me perfectly.

  • Just got connected on fttp. Took 5 minutes. Even before I could grab a cup of coffee. :)

    Great service.

  • OH man that full gig plan looks tasty…

    • awww, i cant have that…. TT_TT no ice cream for me…

  • +1

    Been with Launtel for about 3 months now. Very satisfied.
    Use the referral link above and there referee gets $25 credit after spending $50 on their service

  • +1

    Great provider, even on their Vocus network.

    Try it out if you're on FTTP, 7day free trial and just swap to port 2.

    I didn't think I'd ever leave my previous provider but I've found something better and am glad I gave them a go.

  • I keep refreshing these NBN deals, why they cancelled the discount on HFC users?

    My SL deal will end in next month , currently I'm thinking the tangerine 50/20 60$, any good deal?

  • What exactly is the deal?

    ADSL speeds for what others charge for NBN50.

    If you're casualy online or have a holiday home just tether or modern an Aldi pack.

  • There is already a post with this code.

  • +2

    https://imgur.com/a/R4uQ44U I believe this deal is only on POI's serviced by Vocus

    • Agree. No discount for me either.

    • Look at that I was right afterall.

  • They would work out about $10 cheaper than ABB a month on the 50/20 but $2.25 dearer per month than ABB on the 100/20 in my location, and that's including the 6 month discount vs ABB regular pricing.

    • I'm currently paying 90 dollars a month for unlimited NBN 100/40 through Superloop

      • ABB are 89 for 100/40. I noticed Tangerine are 75 for first 6 months

  • code doesnt work

  • Signed up with these guys on the last deal, my 6 months promotional pricing is coming to an end soon but I think I'll stay with them. Honestly loving their service, have had a few minor issues with stability (been an ongoing problem which dates back to my ADSL connection) and they've been super on the ball. Have even been getting replies late on the weekend, Damian is awesome.

    To top it off they just added their own POI near to me so it's pretty perfect! Wanted to download Borderlands 3 on the free weekend they just had, so on Friday I bumped up the speed to 100mbit and had the download finished in a few hours. Pretty sweet.

    $50 referral credits don't hurt either :)

    Give them a shot for sure.

  • yeah this is perfect deal for me coming off my Belong $55 deal, i was either going to start paying $60 but now i can just go on the 25/5 plan from launtel and pay the extra $1 for days that i need the extra speed, how other RSP's have not made a daily charge deal baffles me

    • I wonder what the Speedtest results are for Launtel 25/5? Maybe about 22/3?
      Compared to say 32/17 on the Belong Starter.

      It's always hard going down in speed, especially at the lower tiers.

      I suspect you will really feel the reduced speed. That slow upload has got to hurt.

      Well, the good thing with Launtel is that you can just change plans on a daily basis, but factor that into your cost.

      • have you seen Belongs shapers lately they have really figured it out now and limit the starter to 30/17, and standard plus to 45/17

        yeah i have factored in the costs i get 7 day triall anyway, plus its basically extra .30 per day to go up a tier or $1.00 to go as much as my FTTN line can handle until Feb next year.

  • Are the prices determined by the address? I get FTTP by Lolow but the discounted prices are higher than what's listed..

    • Yes, it depends on your POI and if it’s still with Vocus or direct.

      • How do I figure out if I’ll have direct or vocus service? Which one more expensive? I have been hearing poor things about vocus.

        Edit: I’ve discovered that launtel has presence in these pois:

        The POIs are:

        Hobart, TAS
        Launceston, TAS
        Queanbeyan, NSW
        Lidcombe, NSW
        Blacktown, NSW
        Eastern Creek, NSW
        Pendle Hill, NSW
        Liverpool, NSW
        Penrith, NSW
        Dalley, NSW
        Civic, ACT
        Darwin, NT
        Glebe, NSW
        Newtown, NSW
        Castle Hill, NSW
        Carramar, NSW
        Ryde, NSW
        Paramatta, NSW
        Bendigo, VIC
        Tamworth, NSW
        Coffs Harbour
        Port Melbourne, VIC

        So the others should be vocus.

        • +2
        • or you know like most people would do just put your address into the website and see what comes up, no point doing all that when you could of just put your address into the search option on the launtel website and see what it says is available at your location, im still with vocus in WA and expect to be for awhile yet but if it comes in 6 months i will be more then happy but i am fine staying around past then if i know its coming either way i am on FTTN so no difference to what hardware that gets installed at a POI anyway

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