Ordered a pair of reolink 5mp Poe security cameras today thinking its an easy installation. I soon realised that I would need to buy an additional 15m of cat 5 or cat 6 Ethernet cable + an additional Poe switch/injector. I am completely new to this so can someone help me understand the differences in the cables and the switches mentioned above. Can I directly connect the Ethernet wire to my router ( WRT32X). Also it would really help if someone could point me to right place where I can buy these things(officeworks, or places like centercom would have better deals?). I don't plan to have a NVR system as it increases the installation complexity for me, hence thinking of sending video alerts to a temporary Gmail address directly from the camera. I don't need a 24x7 monitoring.
Help in Installing PoE Camera That I Ordered

From memory you do have the option using a generic DC adapter on a lot of the Reolinks, which may help your setup. Assuming you're going the PoE route for everything via the ethernet cable:
Router -> Lan cable to PoE injector -> PoE injector -> Lan cable to Reolink camera
The PoE injector will also need a powersupply.
The set-up is actually really simple.
For a cheap PoE injector, something like the TP-Link TL-POE150S works well.
Nice work! what model camera Did you guy? Does it take a seperate DC power source (does it have two leads hanging off the camera?) if so, you can go for either one of these configurations.
Powered through Ethernet (PoE), something like this:
Router >>>> POE Injector >>> IP camera
OR, powered by a seperate power supply (normally a 12V wall wart), but still connected to your router with an Ethernet cable:
Router >>> IP Camera.
It sounds like your setup is simple, so I recommend to buy a passive power-over-Ethernet injector to power the camera (the first configuration). Make sure you put a microSD card in the camera as well to capture footage locally.
Not too hard and plenty of YouTube videos to guide you. It will be a good learning exercise. Reach out if you need help.
Thanks, I bought the reolink rlc 520, but now thinking if I should cancel and wait for a WiFi enabled camera. Based on the YouTube videos it does have a power connector and a Poe connector, I would also prefer to go ahead with option 1, however I m not sure if I can do it my self considering all the cabling that I need to route through the walls.
Ps: there's a modem in my garage having ports to connect the router in every room. My router is in my living room. Since wiring is concealed, the router simply connects to the port on the wall.
You will need a PoE injector. Explanation of what it does https://community.fs.com/blog/what-is-poe-injector-how-to-us… and the video shows you how to wire it up correctly.
If you have a pair of cameras you will need at least a 2x 1 port injectors… or a single 2-port POE injector.
Should not cost you very much https://www.mwave.com.au/wired-networking/power-over-etherne…
Thanks a ton guys..
I have a fttp connection and hence a modem in my garage and a router in my living room. Do I connect the Ethernet cable from the router or from the modem? If it's the router, will I need to call the electrician to route it through the walls internally? There are lan ports in each of my room which has internal connection to the modem which is in the garage.
Also, will I need to have knowledge of 'crimping' Ethernet cables? Saw some videos off YouTube…really contemplating cancelling my order and waiting for a WiFi one…Buy a TP Link Switch with POE output. Plug one of the LAN ports of the switch into one of your router lan ports. Connect cameras to switch. Can you move the router to be next to the modem?
I'd suggest the easiest way forward is to buy an active POE switch like TP-Link TL-SF1005P which is currently selling for about $50-$60. Your camera would connect directly to this switch, and the switch would connect to your home network. I use this set-up with Blue Iris, and hasn't missed a beat over a few years. You may want to consider restricting internet access for the cameras to avoid them dialling back to China for whatever purposes.
Rather than a POE injector I would go with a switch with POE which then gives you the option of adding more cameras in the future or network devices.
Random one found locally: https://www.umart.com.au/TP-LINK-TL-SF1008P-8-port-10-100M-P…
All you would then need to do is connect as such: Current Router/Switch >>> POE Switch >>> POE Camera
Just a suggestion, before you do POE etc etc, plug the camera straight into the router and set it up that way and make sure it works.
sure, will do..thanks
Just realized, it doesn't come with power adaptor…so essentially can't test without Poe switch. Is that right?
How did you go with everything OP? I'm in a similar situation.
Unfortunately these are still in box… I opened it once to just check if it works with just the poe switch and it does…so nvr not needed.
Happy to help if you have specific questions
You’d have the Ethernet cable go from your router to the camera.