Went into Myer Ringwood this arvo to look for XBox games and accessories in their 50% off 5 day sale. Asked if any Guitar Hero bundles were available as none were on display. The salesperson brought out a pile, the best value one being the double guitar GH3 for $10! Also had a single guitar bundle of GH3 for $10 and a single wired guitar GH2 for $2.50. So I picked up a total of 4 guitars and games for $22.50! GH5 single guitar bundle was $39. The saleperson said there were still a few more bundles (no more double packs though) out the back and said I should let others know. Didn't ask about other platforms. Price should be the same at all Myer stores if they still have stock as it automatically scanned at those prices (salesperson didn't have to do anything on the register).
XBox Guitar Hero 3 with 2 Guitars and Game Bundle $10 @ Myer

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Ive been hanging out for a GH3 Double pack for ages!
Please let us know!
SORRY GUYS! … got stuck at work all day… yeah picked up a PS3 version for 10 bucks aswell… and we don't have internet at work!!!! …. anyway! good luck! :)
How'd this go, I need to go to westfield anyway at lunch so I will check it out as well unless you give us info :)
So I went there just now in my lunch break, got the xbox 360 guitar + guitar hero III legends of rock game for 10 bucks.
This was the last xbox one, there was a ps3 one still there.
WOW - what a bargain!!
I checked mine nothing special GH5 $90, only a few $10-$20 games.
Victoria. But in the time you posted your little reply and awaited a reply you could've found that out for yourself by checking Google maps.
You didn't deduce that my "little reply" serves the purpose of alerting the OP to his/her omission, so that any future deals they post include this information, thus saving myself and a thousand other OZbargain'ers from googling locations?
good point Josh81.
As we dont want all the ozBargainers crashing the Google servers.learn how to google!!
Why are people negging my comments? My first comment is very polite, and represents the information stated in the Ozbargain title guidelines. And i finish the comment by saying that i think it's a great deal.
Then i get a condescending reply from Puff Braddy.
Followed by a couple more rude comments.
+'s for them, -'s for me. :D
Other members don't care about omissions in deals? Not to mention that it's unthoughtful for the OP to only think of their immediate "world".
If you don't know that mean not close to you than forget about it.
Not in myer highpoint shopping centre melbourne .$64.50 after 50% off.
Does Myer have 50% off in HP now? I went in on Tuesday and they didn't :(.
Would OP mine uploading a receipt? That way we can possibly try price matching this at other stores. Just an idea…
Doubt they will. Jb, Eb and Game won't, Kmart won't as its a percentage off (their prices are cheaper already so they would get more screwed) and Target i believe is the same rules as in no percentage off. I doubt Dick Smith would, Big W would propably say no as well due to it being % based as well.
I think njninjar meant price matching at another myer store?
Yep that's what I meant, sorry for the confusion. Surely MYER would honour a receipt from their own store, regardless of branch? Still not 100% though… :)
Clearance pricing is store-by-store.
I paid $30 at the Big W sale about 6 months ago for the GH3 double pack and
$20 at Myer for the GH5 Game and Guitar Pack. So this is a good deal for those older titles and accessories.Could this guitar pack of Xbox apply for Wii? My sister has just bought wii. Can anyone compare what's different between wii and xbox
Xbox, Wii and PS3 all on clearance.
Nothing at Robina & Pacific Fair
Thanks twisty. Saved me a couple of trips.
Brisbane city myer doesn't seem to have many bargains
2x xbox controls for $80 which is OK i guess. i forgot to check if they were wireless or notBrisbane southside
Indropilly has some for $46
carindale doesn't do games any moreBeen to Garden City? They still had a whole cabinet full of games 2 days ago.
when did garden city in brisbane have a myer
Oh actually its a David Jones, so that might mean they won't do this. Always get them confused.
Though saying that, apparently one is opening up next year! Not sure where they will fit a Myer!
Not a fan but a hell of a deal for those that are!
Anyone know if you can get Guitar Wall Mounts for these gaming Guitars since they are smaller then real ones
I Just sign up, But Dam stupid lady at Southland told me all XBOX 360 Kinect sensors are sold out…
FYI People in Melbourne. Chadstone has 5 left. I got mine for $99 bux today.. get into it peeps
Also remember, if they have a sign up, that the sign says "marked price". Myer have left the tickets on the items from their last cataloge sale meaning the current marked price of the games is the ticket price. When they scan it the price will be slightly higher then 50% off the marked price, just make sure to point out the sign does state "marked price" and they will honor it and take the remainder off. Got Pokemon Black version for $29.98 from them yesterday because of this (could have got Zelda for the 3DS at this price as well I would think if I had pointed pushed it, but I chose not too).
Tried that a couple of weeks ago an Myer Melb CBD. the guy there (older asian dude with glasses), NO. it is whatever it scans at!. I pointed out the -aat the time 40%off games and accs. and he still said no, the stcker on what I had was wrong etc. (I believe it was Singstar Guitar).
I went to Karrinyup, WA store tonight and people at 2 seperate checkouts told me it was off the ORIGINAL MARKED PRICE and that it was 'not in conjunction with any other offers' so would only let me have it for half the retail price. complete BS i think, and they wouldn't let me have it for 50% off the actual marked price. can't say i was impressed!
Penrith, NSW "has" 3. None actually…
Sydney City apprently has 1, can't confirm.
Guitar Hero Aerosmith bundle is $40 though, 3 of them in Penrith.whoa! chopping!
Picked up PlayTV for $50, don't think I will see it that cheap until after Christmas
Anyone know where I can get a cheap rockband drumkit + game? I've been so out of games that I figured they would be cheap now, but I've heard they don't sell the drums anymore. Can anyone confirm?
For X-Box, penrith had two when I was in there, call to confirm though…
awesome! i'll hit up chats wood tomorrow morning then :) and update on the situation.