For those of you who haven't seen it yet, Superman himself posted an insta video of himself building a gaming PC, I must admit it looks cool and now he's part of the PC master race. What do you think?
Henry Cavill Builds a Gaming PC

I thought it was very cool and my heart began to flutter as the video went on. Oops, the cpu cooler was mounted upside down! Heeheehee. The fact that a super rich Hollywood actor doesn't pay anyone to build a PC for him and doesn't go the easy route of buying a pre-built PC. It made me connect with him on a whole other level that I have never felt before with a Hollywood actor.
I agree,very human thing to get the cooler mounted upside down, and to rebuild it. Notice he blanked out all the brand names to avoid sponsorship issues, I think he bought all the parts himself .
Yes, it definitely fooled everyone who thought he was really Superman since he is such a good actor. I did think he bought the parts himself too, I can imagine him leaving the store with all the parts stacked neatly in a trolley with a big grin on his face happy to build his new pc.
There are some surprising nerds out there.
MMA fighter Mark Hunt, the granite-headed Samoan with a 30-13 K-1 record, was definitely one I didn't expect to see talking about how much he loved playing Age of Empires and CS: Source, to the point where it used to interfere with his training schedule.
Same goes for Mila Kunis, who sunk some serious hours into WoW back in the day.
Hell, even multiple-tour US Special Forces veterans can be obsessive gamers who compete in eSports.
At the end of the day, the video gaming industry rakes in more money annually than film, music, TV or even porn; it shouldn't surprise anyone that well-adjusted, successful, likeable and respected figures also partake in videogames and other nerdy pursuits like custom-building PCs.
Despite the fact both pastimes haven't fully shaken off that 90s basement-dweller image, they are definitively mainstream now and people really should stop talking about gaming and related hobbies in hush whispers like it's a cult or something. It's just another form of escapism, no more or less undignified than alcohol, partying, recreational drugs, adrenaline-seeking behaviours and all the other common distractions people seek out to take the edge off everyday life. You can be a perfectly well-adjusted, normal individual and still play video games, as long as it's not to the detriment of everything else in your life, the same with the all of the other aforementioned vices.
It's sort of like masturbation in that regard, literally everyone's doing it but a lot of people pretend as if there's some ambiguity.
This is like those fawning Kotaku posts that are literally just 'tee-hee, celebrity plays games! Just like you!' Yeah, it's mildly amusing that Superman built a PC for his IG followers, but did EVERY gaming website and even Ozbargain feel the need to reblog it?
He has been part of the PC Master race for ages. This was just his latest PC build.