Selling an Idea - Is This a Thing?

I have an idea for a clothing item which I think is pretty good. I've looked on the internet and haven't seen anything similar so in my eyes it should be a money maker for someone. I don't have the time or resources to pursue it myself but wondered if there was somewhere that you can go to and simply sell your ideas? In my mind there would be some kind of safe ideas 'marketplace' where people could bid for the rights to your idea and maybe pay you a sum of money to buy it off you.

Is this a thing?

Update: As expected the consensus is that an ideas 'marketplace' is NOT a thing and without money, time and real passion to bring that idea into the world, is likely a non starter.

Thanks for the feedback all :-)


  • Is it a hip pocket singlet? Always thought that was a stellar idea

  • +2

    Closest you can come to is probably trademarking or copyrighting the idea I guess? I've been told people look at interesting trademark ideas and buy it from you to make their own (or some just copy it anyway if they have laws that are less stringent).

    My 2c which you may, or may not agree with though, I feel like ideas are aplenty. As someone who codes almost every person I know comes to me with some app idea/program etc where they'd like me to develop the whole thing and then "we go halves in it". I imagine its not just the programming area this happens in. But the follow through and actually completing it I think is the big part.

    • Thanks, I tend to agree and most of the time you'll come up with a great idea just to find 100's for sale on Ebay already. Maybe coming up with an 'ideas marketplace' should be the goal :-)

  • +3

    Okay, Kramer

  • +3

    There are plenty of patent brokers online, that might be what you need

  • +2

    It's a mask with bluetooth built in… Isn't it?

    • Damn….

    • it has a camera that detects non-mask wearers as you're walking past them and sounds a loud alarm with the built in speaker

  • Yes, it's called a patent. Look up 'patent laws'.

    It'll cost you an arm and a leg in legal fees to make make the intellectual property (IP) yours. Searches will have to be made, sometimes internationally to make sure no one has your IP or something similar. Last thing you want is someone overseas copying it and making a million bucks whilst you own the Australian rights.

    Good luck.

    • Thanks, taking my idea and doing the groundwork to get it to patent stage is exactly what I don't have the time or resources to do.

  • +2

    Can i sell you the idea of selling an idea to someone?

    • :-)

  • +3

    Dude don’t sit on it move!
    Many years ago I had this idea about a device that could fit into the palm of your hand that was simple and clean lines with only one button. You could use it to make calls, send emails, surf the net and play music. Then one day I wake up and some jerk named Jobs beat me to it. JUST DO IT!

  • +1

    Kickstarter. Crowdfunding for ideas.

  • safe ideas 'marketplace' where people could bid for the rights to your idea

    Where will the buyer manufacture the product and will the country of manufacture ensure the safety of the idea?

  • +1

    Idea, capital and an appetite for risk.

    Without all three, you need partners (who can screw you out of your share) or you're dreaming.

    Kickstarter is a potential partner but that partner takes a big share.

  • Shark tank.

  • Find a Chinese manufacturer on Alibaba and get them to make it for you then sell them.

    You'll risk having cheap Chinese copies made but you'll have an actual product.

  • I don’t like your chances and for that reason, I’m out.

  • I've looked on the internet and haven't seen anything similar

    To be honest this is usually a sign. There's probably a reason that it doesn't exist. Either it's too hard to make, not cost effective, or there's no market for it. Just because you have an idea that doesn't exist doesn't mean it'll work ie: bluetooth face masks.

    Ideas are useless. Someone probably had the idea for the touch screen mobile phone or the electric vehicle but didn't do anything with it, we don't know them.

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