Does anyone have an Anne Pro 2? confused about all the different types of switches. Would like to hear which dwitch you have and why?
cherry, gateron, kaihl, red, blue, brown?
Does anyone have an Anne Pro 2? confused about all the different types of switches. Would like to hear which dwitch you have and why?
cherry, gateron, kaihl, red, blue, brown?
Holy pandas are calling me. Tempted also to go Kailh Cream(main keys)/Blueberry mixed. Show some desk flair with your function keys. I don't think I've ever used F8 in my lifetime.
There is a Wiki for mechanical keyboards, can spend hours reading up on different brands of switches.
and a Buying guide on Reddit…
So much comes down to personal preference, which you cannot always determine until you use the switch. I have three boards currently in use (Old school Ducky - Cherry Brown, Drop ALT - Gateron Yellow, Leopold FC660C - Topre).
My biggest issue is that even though the Topre keyboard is 5 years old now it is the most enjoyable experience to type on, with my biggest gripe being the key layout. I prefer the layout of the Drop ALT slightly more from a working perspective and having less dependence on the function key.
No comments from the Anne Pro 2, aside from recommending for a friend who was looking for an affordable keyboard.
anne pro 2 is generally regarded as an excellent value 60%, so if that's the form factor you're keen on go for it.
Cherry, gateron and kailh are all switch manufacturers. Cherry was the original, and when their patents expired Gateron and Kailh began making copies of "Cherry style" switches, which tend to be cheaper and are often regarded as at least equal in quality.
i'd recommend reading up on the 3 types of switches - linear (eg red), tactile (eg brown), and clicky (eg blue). like @veetor i also have box navies because they're basically the loudiest and clickest switces you get can. only way to find out what you like is by trying them.
If your looking from it from a bargain (“value”) point of view, can’t beat the Gateron switches compared to Cherry.
Kalih white box switches if you want to go for a proper clickbar feels.
Linear, Tactile or Clicky is personal preference and you’ll have to give it a go at a shop or a friend that’s deep in the mech keeb rabbit hole.
I personally have the Anne Pro 2 with Gateron Brown’s as my mini keeb I take around with my iPad or work laptop. Works a treat :D I do like the “slight” tactility of the switch compared to my Cherry MX red keeb on my workstation but some might argue (that the Brown) its just a scratchy linear…. you’ll know once you try it.
It looks like sold out world wide. Trying to find Anne Pro 2 Kaihl white box switch.
They has testers at JB Hifi.
Razer just released the huntsman mini, that might be a good alternative.
I bought the Anne Pro with Kalih Box Whites. Enjoying the increased tactility and sound.
Previoulsy used Cherry MX Browns, Topre, LK optical. Also tried Outemu blues, low profile reds.
Personal favourites are the Topre followed by the Box whites.
sold out worldwide
I don't have a Anne, but I have Kailh Box Navy switches because I like loud noises when I type.