Until Aug 31st 2020 if you set up a shop on www.australianstores.com.au/shop you will not pay the 7,5% commission on any items sold. Setting up a shop is free. Therefore the only fee is the credit card fee of 1.75% plus 30cents. AustralianStores.com.au is a new platform designed to support small/medium Australian businesses making Australian products. It came about during Covid-19 when i realised the importance of supporting Australian small businesses. Anyone can set up as store as long as they sell Australian Made products and i am hoping that waiving the fee will give people a chance to try the site for free.
Setup a Shop for Free on AustralianStores.com.au and Pay no Commission on Sales until Aug 31st

Last edited 19/07/2020 - 21:54 by 1 other user
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That seems rude without providing any explanation of your neg.
So it will be 7.5% + 1.75%+0.3
It is just 2%cheaper than eBay and yet you may only have 0.1% customer basedSupporting Australian businesses lol. More like predatory fees. Ewwww
the fees are cheaper than Ebay, Etsy etc. They are used to manage website updates, hosting etc and anything extra is donated to animal rescues. The 2 directors of the company do not take a salary nor have we ever taken any money out of the business. it was originally designed to sell animal products to raise money for rescues. Then when Covid 19 came around we decided to extend it to support Australian Made and owned business. There is absolutely nothing predatory about the fees,
Everything on this site is made in Australia by small and medium businesses or by individual Aussies. Anyone who sells an Australian made products can set up a store for free and we only take 7.5% from each sale. We donate 50% of our profits to animal charities. The percentage that each store donates to charity varies from store to store
Straight from your website.
50% profits. After expenditures. This is like thank you water all over again.
"When someone purchases from your shop, the funds are transferred directly to Fur Legged Family, and then paid out weekly, every Sunday at midnight. Payouts are made directly into your designated bank account."
I think this post is going to get torn apart but becuz it is aimed at supporting Australian business ill like it
However as a consumer price and quality are what matters to me - if two items are of the same price and quality one is made in Aus and one made O/S sure ill buy the Aussie item.
However im looking just at my house now my Cloths are mostly made in China, My Car is Japanese, Washing Machine is Italian, Laptop is American and Phone is Korean etc
Other then 'food' based products i cant think of anything Australian i'd buy over foreign - it is quite sad i blame the government for creating is super ineffective tax system in which business in Australia simply cant survive add on the Unions making wages stupidly high in some sectors ie for a laborer in the city $55+ an hour for no skills….
I wish all Aussie businesses the best buy if your selling 12$ soap im going to stick to me 5 bars for 3$ packets etc
You sure your laptop is American? Or American branded and made in China.
Bless their hearts. They think their Macbook is made in America.
Yeah. Here I am thinking my $800 Bosch washing machine is made in Germany. Lol
The fact people are buying new goods made in China just because it's cheaper disgusts me. By voting with their wallet in this way, such people are effectively supporting ongoing genocide and concentration camps: https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/hrpgzt/leaked_drone_f…. I mean, good stuff guys for helping to sponsor the new Nazi Germany.
not a fan of how china government is projecting its foreign policy at the moment but F me, nazi germany and china in the same sentence? you're quite off the mark there!
Doesn't help either that Australia's manufacturing sector has been suffering since the Liberal government took over. (See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_in_Australia#/…). You're not going to find an Australian made car, or washing machine or phone.
Also with the current government, I wouldn't hold my breath on sensible spending. If you think wages are hurting consumers, you haven't seen the amount that the government has pissed away to cotton farmers, or the mining industry (or the many other vested interests) in the form of subsidies.
Small business tax has been dropping 2016 so blame tax all you want, but that's not the problem. Also not sure if you've had education in macroeconomics but higher wages are needed for a good economy, especially in our situation. It encourages people to spend more given that they have job security. Unfortunately, wages have been stagnant for years while inflation keeps chugging along. We have seen the casualisation of jobs and the labour market being saturated with foreign workers, both of which the Liberal government is responsible for (this shit wasn't happening before Abbott that's for sure).
Also also $55ph is dog shit compared to the amount of tax that big businesses, like banks, evade. Don't be Pavlovian to the general media; 'dole bludgers' and unions aren't shit compared to wasted government expenditure and tax evasion from big businesses.Govt need to pay dole which is better than part time job income so why work!
To pay that money, tax has to collect from small businesses as large businesses move tax offshore.
Workers in oz need better pay so increase it and top of it increase super. now ask businesses, do you want to pay that payrate and produce cheaper than china if remotely possible!
It's all interconnected.
Don't know what you're on about. I've been on both the dole and minimum wage work. The latter pays at least 4 times as much on a 40 hour work week. People who spout the lies like you do haven't had the experiences of us hardworking low-income households (or have other vested interests).
Like you have said yourself, big businesses have moved profits offshore to evade tax even though the sales took place in Australia and so should be subject to Australian tax laws. Now you're telling me we should pay our workers less instead of recouping the lost tax from big businesses??
I'm really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. The dole is not enough to cover rent and groceries. It is necessary for people like me to survive while we try to find work. It's as simple as that.
It's all interconnected.
What the hell is this website. You need a serious UI design overhaul.
As much effort has gone in to the website as will go in to supporting local businesses
probably Australian designed haha
A web designer with over 15 years professional experience in Wordpress development and UX/UI design
And he could up with this website?
Thanks for the feedback but unfortunately we do not have the money for this at the moment. The site is a couple of years and initially designed to support animal products and animal rescues. It was only due to Covid-19 that we have extended it to all Australian made products. This site is not owned by a massive organisation but rather designed by 2 animal lovers who wanted to raise awareness for animal rescues and create a constant revenue through sales of products. We do not currently have the budget to do a huge Ui overhaul but I am hoping once we get more businesses on board we can.
Could a non-technical person like me build a platform similar to this but for not-for-profit?
What skillset do I need to have?
Kindly PM me if you know the answer. Thanks in advance. Much appreciated.Refine search to Category = Adult Clothing. Thank me later…
hahaha, nice find
They must have fixed whatever you found, only Pandan Tea comes up now under clothing (but same product not in the food category…)
Gumtree would be a much better option. No deal.
oh look someone selling hand sanitisers there.. looks like chinese imports on australian store :)
this Site is like "My First Bootstrap Page"
I believe I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Very confusing direction that this business is taking. Some kind of hybrid pet adoption/ Etsy marketplace??
Fees are really confusing, just make it one single flat fee!?!
That website inspires zero trust
Why should I choose your business over a free offering such as https://squareup.com/au/en/online-store/plans
SquareUp has a lower transaction fee as well.
This site would make sense if the owner was spending real money marketing all the items listed on there, like printing catalogues or whatever. There's little risk of losing 7.5% of each sale if no one cares about finding this site in the first place. You're stuck marketing that site yourself, so you may as well be marketing your own site.
Fur Legged Family does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, completeness or timeliness or any other aspect of the listing information available on this website. Nor do we warrant that the products you purchase are suitable for your intended use.
Each seller is responsible for their own listings, and is subject to certain listing policies and standards. Fur Legged Family does not pre-screen sellers and cannot verify the validity of each item for sale.
I'm confused what this site is even for. PM me of you want your own website with your own store, you can set it up for free with Wordpress/WooCommerce and just pay me to do the bits you're stuck on. You keep 100% of each sale, minus merchant transaction fees from paypal et al. Everyone has and uses Wordpress, you'll never struggle to find someone experienced with Wordpress. If you have products worth buying then you should own your own website/store.
is it australianstores or four legged family? I’m confused af. What’s the animals got to do with anything?
Also the layout is very basic.
Gumtree or facebook marketplace. free and free.
This is shocking. I wouldn’t be so harsh if you weren’t charging absurd fees. You don’t even achieve your goal given there are multiple items that are literally not made in Australia which makes your site quite deceiving.
This whole situation is sketchy. Worse than other platforms, more expensive and doesn’t achieve intended purpose. This is not a bargain.
Could you please advise which multiple items are not made in Australia?
I just investigated a couple of obvious ones but there are still more questionable lamps / warmers. This stuff is rarely made in Australia and when it is, it’s expensive.
Quick search of this product reveals Australian company but product is indeed made in Chinahttps://australianstores.com.au/shop/my-blue-tea/just-blue-t…
Again, Australian company but product comes from Thailand (indicated by images of flowers picked in Thailand, trademarked process from a company called Thai Freeze Dry), seller claims nowhere that product is Australian but instead refers to it as Australasian Note: this seller is also selling pandan, jackfruit and durian products which to my knowledge are rarely if at all produced in Australia however I have no evidence to show that these are not Australianhttps://australianstores.com.au/shop/my-blue-tea/pandan-liqu…
Same seller with all the Asian products. This same product and brand is available on Amazon and is clearly marked as manufactured in Malaysia.
This is a tricky situation, might be a good intention, but it sounds like the platform is not doing anything to ensure sellers only sell Australian Made products besides listing it as a requirement in its T&C's, especially now the term Australian Made is being heavily regulated, it could open up messy cans of worms without some type of vetting process yet advertise all products are being Australian Made.
For small business, even 7.5% commission could be a large chunk of their profit taken to list on a platform that was not well known nor provides any active promotion or marketing services
I think this post is to just get clicks for SEO.
Welcome to the shark tank
Name doesn't make it Australian.
You must adhere to keep only Australian made products only.Can you advise which products are not made in Australia? Every shop to date has advised that their products are made here.
There obviously isn’t much background checking by your company.
Tried the site… Purchase was cancelled and despite informing me there is a refund, no refund was provided… a Concerned site…. stay away
The site has been going for 2 years and in that time we have had exactly 2 items cancelled. As far as I am aware both these people received full refunds. Can you please advise your order number and contact me at [email protected]
I find this post extremely concerning as we have always prided ourselves on our support.
2 years? But you you started: Then when Covid 19 came around we decided to extend it to support Australian Made and owned business.
Covid 19 hasn't been around for 2 years :(
The Site was trading as Fur Legged Family prior to Covid and was for animal related products only. This message is for Geeky who has made a very slanderous comment and I would like him/her to get in touch to back up the comment. If in fact he is waiting for a refund then please get in touch with me immediately as I am not aware of any outstanding refunds.
Geeeky. I have still not heard from you. Can you please get in touch re your cancelled order as I cant not find any orders that were cancelled and not refunded
Lmfao I've never seen a hand poured candle like that
The owner of the shop has assured me that all her products are made in Australia.
unfortunately it has been brought to your attention that not all products on your site are made in australia. someone pulled a swifty on you. which sucks. coz the idea behind your site seems alright!
@inamberclad: Thanks I will get in touch with the owner and ask them to remove any products not made in Australia or provide more evidence
Nice work detective. And this basis, I shall this downvote this post.
I did a bit of research. I could tell a lot of products weren’t Australian but didn’t want to make the accusation until I was sure.
is this the Oz version for Amazon/Ebay/Alibaba?
"AustralianStores.com.au supports small and medium Australian business by providing a platform to promote and sell their Australian Made products. 50% of profits are donated to animal charities."
I wonder how accurate this is….
Up till recently 100% of profits were donated to animal rescues. The 2 directors have never taken a salary or any money out of the business. We had to spend our latest profits on updating the site and on advertising. This will be my last comment I have tried to do the right thing and I am absolutely appalled at the response. I welcome constructive feedback on the site and the UI but not mean, unsubstantiated lies.
We had to spend our latest profits on updating the site
The UI would tell me you mustn’t have spent much money on the website.
Not registered for gst.. sub 75k turnover..
Care to highlight the unsubstantiated lies?
Bye bye