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Earn 6,000 Woolworths Rewards Points with $50+ Spend Per Week for 4 Weeks @ Woolworths

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Spend $50 or more in one shop in-store or online over the next 4 weeks to earn 6,000 bonus points.

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Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +2

    Coles is much better in term of spending and rewards for me.

    I have spend $50 and $60 multi shop 4 weeks for 10,000 points

    • +2

      flybys is poo poo

    • -1

      agree poor offer, looks like coles are behind in sales hence chasing more revenue

    • Have recently got so many 4000 & 3000 bonus pt for $50 spend from Woolies.

      Much easier to do a single $50 spend & get the points, than 4 weeks of shopping & waiting!

  • +1

    my offer is horrible. spend $105 each week for the next 4 weeks and earn 10000 points. what a rip off.

    • i got spend $290 each week for 2 weeks and get 10000, yours is easier than mine

    • I got the same, $105 per week for 4 weeks for 10k points. Crazy. I don't spend anywhere near that much at woolworths each week, not sure why they'd offer that to me.

  • +2

    Woolworths are very tight with the points. You would reckon they would at least try to compete with the Coles offfers

    • Have got so many 4000 bonus pt for $50 spend recently. And 2k bonus points for 5c min spend! Received 38k bonus points in 2 weeks!

      Coles don't have such good offers like those good ones!

      Woolies 3000 bonus pt for $50 ended today. (Now down to 2300 pt for $50.)
      But this one is hardly worth the bother..

      • +1

        Woolies want me to spend $50 x 4 weeks for 6000 pts ($30) which is a big yeah/nah as I am doing a Coles 4 x $50 for 10000 pts at the moment

        "2k bonus points for 5c min spend!" - now we are talking!

        • +1

          Yes - A poor offer from Woolies this week. I won't be shopping as have stocked up.

          Got the Coles offer - but can't do 4 weeks of shopping. I'm full!

          Woolies refunded a $200+ order, but still delivered it! I love stuff ups😉

          Bought a banana (18c) & received my 2000 pts!

          My Woolies offer is 9000 bonus points for 2 weeks of $220 spend. Coles offer is better!
          Tell them they're dreaming!

    • Coles withdrew their Suncorp Gift Cards just after Covid hit, Woolies still has 5% off.
      So they're winning on the GC front.

    • +1

      You would reckon they would at least try to compete with the Coles offfers

      Done. Received a much better, more flexible offer than this:

      Week 1 Spend $30 get 1,000 bonus points
      Week 2 Spend $40 get 2,000 bonus points
      Week 3 Spend $50 get 3,000 bonus points

      Receive "up to" 6000 bonus points (for up to $120 spend)

      That's equivalent to Coles 50pts/$ on 4 weeks of $50 spend for 10k bonus points. And better than the 30pts/$ in this Deal.
      But much more flexible!

      Only need to shop in Week(s) you choose to receive that week's points.
      I regularly used these offers last year, only in Week 3 - for best pts/$.

      • Got the same offer.

        This is not as good as the previous two $50 for 3000 points offers. Good to know that it is ok to shop in week 3 only to get the best value for $ spent.

        • Got those offers on same card over last 2 weeks.

          Pts/$ (the higher the better)
          1000 / $30 = 33.33
          2000 / $40 = 50
          3000 / $50 = 60!

  • One of many offers discussed in comments in 2300 Points When You Spend $50
    Pretty poor offers this week compared to previous offers & Coles regular 10k pt offer for same spend.

  • I got spend $80 over two weeks for $4500 points
    Does that mean I will get 4500 points in total or 4500 points each week?

    • 4500pts in total

  • $180/wk over 4wks for 16,000pts for me :(

  • I got another different one, something like 4300 total points for $155 per week over 3 weeks. Not sure how they worked that one out since there is no way I'll be spending that much!

  • +1

    I have a backup card I don't use and on it received Week 1 Spend $30 get 1,000 points , Week 2 Spend $40 and get 2,000 points, Week 3 Spend $50 and get 3,000 points. needless to be say I will be using that card for the next 3 weeks. I didn't get anything on my main 2 cards.

    • You can just spend in the week or weeks you want. I only spend in Week 3 of those offers for best savings. Last year received that offer most weeks on different Rewards Cards.

    • Just received that offer👍

      Note the different wording of this offer:
      Earn up to 6000 bonus points - meaning if you miss weeks, you still receive points for the week(s) you shopped.

      Other offers require shopping every week to receive Rewards points!

      Better than this Deal as only need to spend $120 over 3 weeks to receive 6000 bonus points!

    • Do you change the name for the second card or is It just a clone?

      • It is in the name of my dog! They don't check.

  • Got 10,000 for $260 spend, but for 2 weeks only. Think I bought too many eBay gift cards last month and now they think I'm a big spender!

  • Looks like I got the worst offer; "$255 spend per week for 1600 bonus points"…

    • That's terrible. What are your usual shopping habbits?

      • For a few months start of the year I did often spend up to 200 per week. But the last few months that has come down to about 100-150 per week. Yes a completely terrible offer…

  • 3000 points for 3 $100 shops lol.

  • What a stupid tracking system, Woolworths reward have, they detected me and emailed me to spend $240 per week for 2 weeks to get 10000 point($50)… Woolworths you expect people to spend $500 to get $50, stupid tracking AI.

  • +1

    Honestly, posting these targetted 'specials' is silly and clogs up the system. noone else can benefit from it. We all should stop doing this. I could just as well post 100,000 points for $1 spend/week and nobody would be the wiser.

    • +1

      Pointed out above, this offer had already been discussed in a Woolies points Deal.

      As there are numerous different offers, there is usually quite a discussion.
      But no need for a new Deal for every offer…

      If you don't want to see these offers, try hiding them.

      I could just as well post 100,000 points for $1 spend/week and nobody would be the wiser.

      Believe me if you posted that as a Deal without proof, it wouldn't be long before people downvoted your "Deal" & it was removed. Just try it!

  • Has anyone tried swapping EDR accounts when using online shop?

  • I haven't gotten any email offers in weeks. Logged on to the website and saw that I had to verify my email address, despite having previously received email offers. Could be due to downloading the app?

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