This was posted 4 years 7 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Pre Order] Cyberpunk 2077 - $73.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Currently at a much lower price than JB Hi-Fi (which retails for $79) for those who are keen for Cyberpunk 2077, coming out on November 19th.

Mind you, this is for the PC version only as the PS4/Xbox One versions are still retailed at $79 on Amazon. So, hope your PC can run it (whenever the specs list drops).

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Seems like the price is slowly climbing. Pre-ordered for $68 in November. No payment taken till dispatch.

    If you're after this, suggest order now from Amazon. If the price decreases, you get charged lowest price. If the price increases, you get charged this $73.99 maximum. Win-win.

    • +11

      I pre-ordered in October and got $5 Prime discount, so $63. Reckon it won't go lower than that from Amazon.

      • +2

        Double-checked and you're absolutely right, $5 discount making it $63. Even sweeter!

    • +1

      So aside from price, there is no difference in buying from Amazon vs directly online from GOG right?

      • +20

        Well, buying from GOG supports CD Projekt Red directly as more of the revenue goes to them.

        Buying from Amazon gets you a physical copy with map, art book, music CDs etc delivered with a lower price point.

        Both versions will require a full download (no install from disc).

        • +2

          Looks like this will be my first PC game purchase on Amazon then. Thanks for the clarification!

        • and you would have to wait for the code to be delivered? What are Amazon delivery times like with these kind of pre-orders?

          • +4

            @SlurmMan: in my limited experience of pre-ordering games with Amazon, they've come extremely early morning of. I pre-ordered Animal Crossing and it even came a day before release.

          • +2

            @SlurmMan: The code will be printed on a leaflet inside the box. My experience with Amazon has been positive and they always deliver to parcel locker on launch day itself. Great for Friday releases as can grab it on the way home for the weekend.

            Others have recently had a different experience particularly if don't live close to CBD or distribution centre. YMMV.

            • @Hybroid: Just to add another view - I was getting Day-1 releases from Amazon for a few games, but TLOU 2 was almost a week late (as it was for many), and I've heard a few similar stories this week about Ghost of Tsushima.

              While COVID's still a thing, I'd avoid Amazon. Getting Day-1 is worth the small increase in price (especially if you resell if you're on console).

              I'll think about giving Amazon another shot post COVID (but probably not).

          • +1

            @SlurmMan: My experience with Animal Crossing was that they didn't deliver on the Friday it was due and it arrived on the Monday. I contacted Amazon on live chat and complained. They issued me a $10 voucher to use on any fulfilled product. At the time I would have preferred to pay the full $68 and get it on the day. Looking back now, I guess $58 was a better deal. It wasn't great at the time as the game was a surprise gift, and I would have liked to have it on launch day.

            Fallout76 pre-order was also very delayed and didn't arrive until about a week later. Turns out amazon was doing me a favour with that one, as I returned it unopened for a full refund.

            I am hoping that Cyberpunk is delivered on time.

      • Do GOG pre-orders pre-download in the days prior to release so they're ready to go first thing on launch day?

        If Amazon are sending you a physical box with the code inside then, even if the box does arrive on day 1, you then have to download it before you can play. This game is likely to be a bit on the hefty side - say it's a 100Gb+ download (I have no idea if it is or not, but that would be consistent with some other big AAA games in the past year or two). If your download speeds aren't great then you might not actually be playing it until day 2. That wouldn't necessarily bother me (I'm usually happy to wait for stuff to go on sale, so I don't often pre-order anything), but if you're pre-ordering then it sounds like you're keen to play it ASAP?

    • +11

      Considering the familiarity of the delays and hype, I feel compelled to remind people of this:

      • +1

        While do agree, there are exceptions to every rule and I think CDPR are pretty much top of that exception list.

      • +2

        Except you don't pay any money for pre-ordering from Amazon and can cancel at anytime. Unlike other retailers.

  • +4

    Cheaper here still if you don't mind CDkeys

    • +4

      I highly recommend buying directly from GOG using Russian region VPN over third party grey reseller, at least you know they are still getting your money.

      • -3

        You’re literally just doing what most key resellers do anyway, abuse regional pricing for cheaper copies of games, just without the middle man.

      • This happened to me. Bought a far cry CD key, was bogus.

        Never again. Was a blessing in disguise actually as right at that time the paid DLC and pay to win models were getting started and I cut my gaming time drastically after becoming jaded.

      • and how much is it using russian??

        • 1999 Rubles, which is currently A$39.90

    • +3

      I've used CDkeys for years and haven't had an issue. I don't buy a lot through there, maybe 20 all up, but everything I've got has been hassle free fwiw/

      • CDKeys are alright, had one occasion where the newest CoD key was already used, provided proof via screenshots on Steam and they provided a new key in literally 15 min.

  • +3

    Jeez, so even if the release date doesn’t slip any further it comes out the same week that everyone is expecting PS5?

    • +3

      A lot people think this is intentional actually as Cyberpunk is confirmed to work on PS5 day one (with upgrade patch next year).

      19-Nov-20: Cyberpunk 2077 new release date.
      20-Nov-20: Rumoured PS5 release date.


    • Only an issue if you're buying a PS5 I guess, then again it could be a bonus? Either way it won't affect me.

  • What do you think the chances are for this to be delivered on release day?
    My recent experiences of pre-ordering games from Amazon are that they are shipping them the day after release day.

    • Not a prime member, but I preordered 2 games from Amazon recently… I would not recommend it if you want to play it day 1… or days 2-7 as well. Both my last preorders came a week later…

      • +1

        With Prime I usually get my orders within 36-48hrs of placement, never had an issue with pre-order games. I think Prime delivery and free delivery are different.

        • Free delivery when you purchase above $39 is just 'Standard shipping'

          Prime members get Expedited shipping (2 days in most metro areas)

      • There's a release day delivery option for this game though:…

        I had this option applied to my Xbox One copy: Your new delivery estimate is:
        "Cyberpunk 2077 - Xbox One"
        Estimated arrival date: 18/11/2020 - 19/11/2020

    • -1

      My recent pre-order of TLOU2 was dispatched the day of release.

    • -1

      Very hit and miss, but the wording of their shipping guarantee means if you complain if they don't ship it on time you're likely to get at least $15 or $20 credit on your Amazon account (just did exactly this with Paper Mario), did the same with Pokemon Sword / Shield too)

      • +1

        How do you usually manage to get between $15-$20? I complained about Paper Mario when it was shipped on Saturday - pretty much two days late as they should have shipped it on Thursday for Friday delivery. They tried to blame Covid-19 on longer delivery times but I explained that that wasn't the issue, it was Amazon who shipped it late. They then said "unforseen circumstances" and gave me a $5 credit. Better than nothing but $15-$20 would have been nicer :-)

        • +1

          I got offered $20 right away, honestly no idea. I do always go into detail that they're claim surrounding delivery on release date is misleading / false advertising if they continue to fail to do so as they have with a significant number of pre-orders I've placed.

          Lowest I've got was $10, but that was well over 12 months ago now. Prime member for 2 years.

    • -1

      TLOU2 came for me on release day though I had pre-ordered it a while back, and I just got Ghost of Tsushima on release day and I only ordered it like 5 days beforehand.

    • Ive pre-ordered 3 times, 2/3 have arrived on time, Ghost of Tsushima is potentially really late, supposed to be delivered on Friday but I've got an estimation for Monday-Wednesday.

    • I have Prime and TLOU 2 came didn't come on release (Friday) it came the following Tuesday :(

    • +2

      I've preordered a few games on Amazon now and they have all arrived on time. The most recent one was Ghost of Tsushima - dispatched Thursday via Express Post and arrived at 11am Friday on the day of release. Seems I'm lucky based on these other comments.

    • I've pre-ordered 4 games so far through Amazon and only one, Ghost of Tsushima, has arrived on release day being shipped the day prior locally from Sydney and ordered only a week beforehand. The other 3 were all shipped on release day (one ordered 2 days prior, the other two over 2 weeks prior) on Friday shipping from Melbourne to Sydney and being the weekend they estimated a Tuesday delivery, 2 of them ended up arriving on the Monday however and the other on Tuesday. Shipping from Melbourne was clearly the issue in my case of late delivery, all 4 games were listed as sold by Amazon AU and you'd expect them to have stock in Sydney of them all so why they needed to ship 3 of them from Melbourne instead is beyond me.

      So yeah I haven't had a great experience receiving Amazon pre-orders on release day, honestly though I don't care if I get or play a game on release day and will sometimes wait a while before playing it so waiting a few extra days for delivery doesn't really bother me.

    • +35

      You must be from the future. Is Covid over yet? Who will win this year’s premiership? I have so many questions for you.

      • No. Liverpool.

        I can answer those two questions now 😁

        • +2

          We got a british here!!!

          • +1

            @halil23: Guilty

            • @[Deactivated]: lol.
              In case you're unaware cnut was referring to AFL

              Funny thing, hope you're right regarding Liverpool as they're my favorite team!!

              • +1

                @halil23: Yeah I realised afterwards and Liverpool won the EPL a few days after my comment (which was a sure thing anyway)

                • @[Deactivated]: Oh shit, didn't know! Been out of the loop with soccer these days….

                  thanks for the awesome news!

  • +6

    Consider buying local if you can. Retail has been by KO'd by covid. In Nov when Jobkeeper ends we're gonna have a catastrophe on our hands.

    • +2

      I thought jobkeeper ends in September - did they recently extend it?

      • +1

        Nah you've got it right man, it's Sept 27. I remember the payments started in May and assumed it was 6 months from then, but it got backdated to 30 March.

    • -2

      They could extend it, but the fact that the liberals had a little “oopsie” already and over reported the cost of jobseeker/keeper by 60 billion makes me think they’ll find any excuse legitimate or not to not help support middle to lower class tax payers for any longer than neccesary, the pricks.

      • +3

        That wasn't the liberals, that was the departments overseeing it who decided that estimates for eligible people equalled eligible people. There were some people putting the dollar amounts they expected to receive in the place of the eligible employees

        As for no support, 50% of the population pays no net tax, so I'd say that's a fair bit of support.

        Link below from 2016 in case anyone is interested. Since then personal income tax rates have reduced for low income earners and tax offsets increased. Also welfare spend has increased, so it would be a fair assumption that it's higher than 50% now…

        • -3

          Using the Sydney Morning Herald as a legitimate unbiased source, my sides.

  • +9

    Not really advocating to, but I bought this directly on GOG via Russian region pricing of AU$40, (Rubles).

    I had to delete my cookies for GOG first, get sent the login code to email, all prompts are obvious regardless of language. I have been buying in Rubles for years and playing normally on AU account region without any issues.

    Charge is in Rubles, Up or Macquarie are direct price of exchange rate.

    • Can't get banned because they would know the card / paypal you use is in Australia?

      • Not sure, like I said I have been doing it for a couple years without issue, GOG is a company that provides an alternative to piracy with it's DRM free approach so I assume they appreciate people who still choose to pay directly.

        • Not sure if you know but GOG is actually owned by CDPR, the studio that is making Cyberpunk, so another reason to go with them.

  • +9

    Might not be very ozbargainy but I'll be grabbing the GOG version for whatever it costs. Assuming the game isn't a disappointing pile of shit. Rather support good devs with a direct purchase from their own store on the rare occasion its something I really love.

      • How so?

        I remember some kokatu article but it seemed a little overreaching to draw a clear line between the depictions of gender modifiability in 2077 and transphobia.

        • There is a picture of an ad in the game where the feminine looking model has a huge bulging veiny cock in her pants with the slogan of 'mix it up' or something like that, advertising a drink. In a game all about futuristic body modification, it hardly seems 'problematic'. The creators felt that the model was 'sexy' and being used as corporate exploitation in a world where body modification and non-binary gender expression has become the norm which seems to me at least, entirely realistic and the sort of advertisement I'd expect to see in a world where you can look and be whatever you want. The twitterati and tumbler armies felt that it was deeply disrespectful to be sexualising transpeople and that the ad was feeding into the trope of transpeople being weird and a joke. This complaint being levelled at the developers of what is the only AAA game I can think of where you can actually customize your non-binary character in whatever way your heart desires. Also they tweeted 'did you assume their gender' once which they apologized for. Maybe they did something else but that's what I'm aware of. Doesn't exactly scream evil transphobia to me or discourage me from purchasing their generally excellent products.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yeah that sounds about right.

            No representation in videogames - complaint.
            Representation in video games - complaint.

            "But you have focused on the sexual aspect of sex transitioning"

            "Yeah. As a desirable sexual characteristic in the 21st century."

            The saga continues…

  • I excitedly pre-ordered the PC Collectors Edition from JB HiFi for $429 as I thought it’d have exclusive one-off physical content (badges, statue, books, etc).

    Now that it’s been delayed so long CD Projekt Red have pretty much made all that available for seperate purchase and have given no update on Collectors Edition stack (eg walkthrough of statue manufactured, badges in detail, etc). And then they gave away the rest of the digital content due to the delays. So I feel pretty ripped at this point.

    After advice on whether get a refund from JB, get cheaper standard edition and count the difference towards an iPad or iPhone purchase. Any hardcore gamer (the types who ordinarily see the value of a collectors edition) agree?

    • Gave away digital contents?

    • -6

      So you didn't listen to people at the time who pointed out the foolishness of spending $429 on pre-ordering a game a year before estimated (not guaranteed) release, and now you're feeling "pretty ripped"! Next time, don't pre-order. It's that simple.

      Nothing against collectors editions, but only when they actually exist. A promise of a collection editions is exactly that. A $429 promise.

    • That collector's edition is sold out and will command a significant resale premium when it's delivered. In fact it's already double that on eBay. Cancelling would not be an economically optimal decision.

      • +1

        Are they selling at this price? Or sitting waiting for money-bags to come along and buy at any price?

        • There's probably not many buying them right now as they're all pre-orders with no buyer protection that far in advance but definitely will do in due course. I've sold plenty of collector's editions years after release for stupid money. People will pay.

  • -6

    PSA - do not, I repeat, do not buy pre-orders

    • +1

      PSA - nobody cares or asked, I repeat, nobody cares or asked

      • -6

        like all pre-orders, game will have bugs, won't be finished etc GL and GG

        • +1

          guy fawkes mask profile picture.
          saying GL and GG unironically.

          Yep, this is going in my cringe compilation.

        • CDPR are one of the few developers that only release games when they're ready. They pushed the game out because of this. Or to line it up with the PS5 release, if you're into conspiracy theories.

          It'll have bugs, like all games do, but this is one team that genuinely cares about gamers and tries their hardest to ship out an excellent product.

          • @cnut: Cares or has a successful business model?

          • -4


            "this is one team that genuinely cares about gamers and tries their hardest to ship out an excellent product."

            Oh please, that's so cheesy.

            Are you a representative of the company with inside information about their "care factor"?

            No, you are someone repeating a warm and fuzzy copy-paste about how much CDPR truly care, so "please pre-order their game". Pre-ordering is hilarious, especially when people splash down $400, a year before release.

            • @cerealJay: The game is $74, not sure what version is $400. I don't personally preorder games, unless it's a really good deal, but my point still stands about them.

              CDPR released a ton of free stuff for Witcher 3, and their DLCs were amazing value.

              As far as devs/publishers go, they're great.

  • +2

    Take this with a grain of salt, but for anyone like me planning on buying an RTX 3xxx, it's rumored this will come bundled with the new cards.

    • Same here, fingers crossed for a bundle with 3000 series, need an upgrade from my 1080, showing its age. Just hoping dont need to upgrade my PSU for it…

    • I'm only hoping 3000 makes 2000 cheaper

  • -1

    Soyberreddit 2077

  • -8

    I cannot believe nobody else has downvoted this.

    You get nothing in return when you hand over your money. November is way off, and there's no guarantee about that date, or the quality of the game.

    Bargain? No. It's not a bargain. If I sell $50 notes for $100 in my store, and then a competitor undercuts me and starts selling $50 notes for $70, their deal is not a bargain either.

    • +6

      You don't get charged until it's about to ship.

      • Is that some Amazon thing, or is pre-ordering in general no longer taking people's money up front?

        • It's an Amazon thing. Applies to everything on Amazon, not just games. It's still normal for other game vendors to charge pre orders upfront.

    • +5

      You do realise no money is taken on pre-orders until the item is dispatched right? I've pre-ordered it since November and haven't paid a penny to-date.

      This being the cheapest price available for the physical copy is the definition of the best deal for the product. Your subjective view is irrelevant.

    • +4

      You get nothing in return when you hand over your money.

      1) not until it is shipped do you get charged. So I haven't handed any money over
      2) You can cancel at any moment prior to shipment as simple as clicking on "cancel"
      3) I preordered the PS4 version in February and will only get charged $63 ($68 minus $5 preorder bonus which isn't available today). I'm saving $16 at this point in time. With Amazon it is in your best interest to preorder ahead of time because …
      5) If you preorder today and price decreases prior to shipment you will be automatically only be charged that amount. This is the preorder price guarantee. If price increases your preorder price will remain at price you preordered at
      6) Review embargo comes out with enough time to cancel the preorder
      7) If item gets shipped and you change your mind, as long as it is shrink wrapped you can do a free return by getting a free shipping label. Amazon is great, personally never did that but it is certainly an option

    • Got back to your hole.

    • +1

      Nobody tell them about kick starter..

    • +2

      You don't seem to understand how preorders on Amazon work. That's ok, the negs will teach you.

  • Ordering a 3080 ti just in time for this.

  • +3

    It's cool how this game is out on the 20th anniversary of deus ex

  • Remember, no preorders.

  • Real friends don't let their friends pre-order. Not even once.

  • Still tossing up if I should buy this on PC or PS4 Pro.. Not sure my specs can handle it at 1080p ultra though. R5-2600, 16GB 3000mhz ram, RTX2060 Super 8G, NVME SSD.

    • If DLSS is doing it's thing you'll be fine

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