Recommendations for new laptop ($2k budget)

Hey OB!

I'm in the market for a laptop that can double as a gaming and work device. Would prefer if it is thin and light and 'non blingy' (no RGB lights needed) so it can pass as a serious corporate machine but crank the FPS after hours. Only other preference is 1TB storage. $2k budget (give or take).

Anybody out there with a recommendation? I've Googled and researched quite a bit and I feel I've gone down quite a deep rabbit hole, so figured it was worth asking here. I also can't seem to find many 'bargains' for models that fit this description at the moment.



  • +1

    what about a Dell G7 with rtx 2070…
    Use DEAL30 and EPP5 to bring it down from $3499 to $2327 (no CR).

    Or a Dell G5, with rtx 2060?…

    Discounted to $2294 atm, and you can get 6% cashback on top

    • Great suggestion - thanks!

  • +3

    Here are some options I'd recommend.

    ASUS Zephyrus M

    Aftershock Vapor 15 Pro or Aftershock Vapor 15X
    These two are IMO the best Intel based laptops on the market. Very very small sized laptops with solid build quality. You'll find reviews on them under the name Eluktronics MAG 15 or XMG Fusion 15. The 15X is better and newer but idk if they're actually shipping them yet

    The G7 as recommend by the other person actually looks nice, it's a new model so no actual reviews, the reviews you find won't be relevant to it. It's pretty big ofc, 17 inches.

    Would not recommend the G5, it's pretty rubbish. The AMD version of that laptop is a bit better and cheaper G5 SE, but still eh, it's a budget laptop and it shows (in everything besides the performance). It's also not a thin laptop, it's a chonker. The AMD version was on sale for $1600 I wouldn't pay any more than that for either the 5600M or the 2060 model.

    None of these laptops will last long off the charger, if you want something that you can actually use like an ultraportable laptop the ASUS G14 is really your only option. Unfortunately it's really hard to find it in stock ATM, Jbhifi have it in stock but $2600 for the lower spec 1650ti version, it's not great value, if you can find the higher spec (1660ti or 2060) model for the same price that might justify the premium a little more. It doesn't have a webcam, that might be a dealbreaker if you need it

    • Thanks for this, great information. Really appreciate it.

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