Iced Latte or Iced Long Black
Usually overpriced when not on sale ($3.50 @ Supermarkets, $4.50 @ Some service stations), lowest I have seen this on sale is $3.15
Iced Latte or Iced Long Black
Usually overpriced when not on sale ($3.50 @ Supermarkets, $4.50 @ Some service stations), lowest I have seen this on sale is $3.15
Also another fact, they removed his pipe from the logo.
Thought something looked different.
That’s a bit sad
Also also another fact, they don't call it "long black" but "americano"
Cool cheap jack stands
They are harder to crush but there’s a good chance if your mate isn’t 10 years old he’ll be able to do it
why are you attacking me like this
Don't mind this stuff but $2.99 should max RRP.
I've seen it for $5 at a service station
Seem to recall it being about $1.50 in Japan. But most food is cheaper there.
I wish it was that price here. I miss walking into 7-11 in Japan at anytime and just buying food, I lived off 7-11 food while I was on holidays there.
@timthetoolman: I remember seeing those, each night I would try a different can, and the cheap alcohol I got from Japan. Shame we get taxed here.
@timthetoolman: Suntory 500ml highball in a can with a plastic cup pre filled with ice and you're set for the walk home.
I do miss the vending machines and convenience stores, was a good 2 years living in Tokyo
@Deuce: Dad of the year here*. Fed myself and three kids for under AU10 from 7-11s on day trips out. Brilliant!
@rentonc: It was the best place, 7-11/Family Mart/Lawson helped me save a bit of money on food and alcohol.
@Deuce: You obviously haven’t tried the amazing variety of food we have at 7-11’s in Australia. Sangas you can’t find in Japan.
fruit is expensive
@first in line: Lol they probably think we're lying. First time seeing the prices of those apples. I cried inside.
@first in line: Always amazing quality though, each one of those grapes that cost you $15 a bunch was like an amazing plum
@first in line: Fun fact - the reason is due to local farmers there having a chokehold on supply, lack of imported fruit and the desire for Japanese people to have picture perfect fruit. Fruit is very much seen as a delicacy there, often given to others as a present. These factors mean you'll be paying $10 AUD for little bunch of perfect looking grapes.
Yeah, but that's at a service station.
Last time I bought a bottle of Gatorade from a servo I practically had to take out a loan.
Not much cheaper at the supermarket.
I’ve been getting them for 2.50 at Asian grocers.
185ml or 237ml? The real "JDM import" one is smaller
Parallel/grey import right?
I need them to bring the cafe latte (white can) as well here! I also miss just walking into 7-11 buying these drinks
I've been to some Korean grocery stores that stock the balck and white cans here in Sydney.
As the other person said most Asian growers carry the imported range, you can usually find rainbow blend at least.
I live in the Melbourne metro area besides a overpriced japan like vending machine I saw in Northcote, I have not seen it in my local Asian groceries
In Tokyo I often started my days with a Boss coffee on the way to work. I'd love to have more here.
But they cost $1. Almost the same as a coke over there, I drank that nearly daily too. The low price makes the convenience stores and vending machines actually seem convenient because things are cheap enough to want to purchase, unlike the massive ripoffs here.
Silly thing is I'm sure they'd sell over 3x more coke and others if they dropped the price by 1/2. Nothing quenches my thirst for a sugary drink like a $5 pricetag, so I probably end up buying some every couple of months at most.
Nothing quenches my thirst for a sugary drink like a $5 pricetag
That seems like a good thing if they’re expensive
the vending machines that serve the warmed up coffee cans/bottles are amazing. was definitely always something i grabbed from the station's local vending machine whenever i was heading into the city for the day.
I loved the warm tea from the machines, was perfect to keep warm while I was there in Winter.
Great stuff, have it every day when I'm in Japan.
Just a little info for anyone wondering… This stuff isn't the same as the Japanese version. It has been brewed for "Australian Tastes".
What's the difference?
Came here to post the same thing. I can’t put my finger on it but it definitely tastes different
Its not as strong or bitter for the long black.
$3.50 is overpriced and $2.99 is not? Quite confused…
But how big is their supply chain and rate of consumption? Canned ice coffee usually isn't cheap and are mostly niche imports(do suntory actually import these themselves??) Though I do agree with you price wise, rather expensive.
I don't think there are any other long black coffees in a can with no sugar added in Australia at servos atm so I don't mind paying the 3.50. You buy 2 and save 1 dollar (could save 7 if you didn't buy any) so not bad.
They're quite often $3 at Coles/Woolworths - Aldi might try to do better.
Had this for free at work, pretty average.
Looks interesting. Only 6.3 gms of sugar in iced latte and long black is sugarless.
Iced latte is lower in sugar because it also has artificial sweetners added to sweeten it up.
I like them both but they're just too expensive to have as a regular drink. I wish they were cheaper. Sometimes in Asian grocery stores they can still be very expensive.
Boss Craft Coffee is my ultimate fav.
Didn’t live up to the hype at all for me, surprisingly bland and unremarkable
Seems people getting nostalgic value out of the product, or liking the can, rather than actually reaffirming why this unremarkable 237ml drink is priced $4+ at places.
If this was in a 237ml "juice box" style pack, it'd be a retail failure and end up at clearance shops by the case, which speaks for the contents.
Same, an ok price compared to other places, tried one a few months ago and it was overly watery, the taste was dull. Each to their own I guess…
Also $3 if you have the 7 eleven app
Tried the long black and it was bland.
They have changed the coffee to suit Australia. So that's why it might be different.
They should have sold the Rainbow blend here. Even the 500ml bottles would have been good.
Seen the rainbow blend in some asian grocers!
For relaxing times, make it Suntory time
The opening shot of that movie is art itself.
It's often $3 at woolies
Yeah really miss those good days.. PS it's not about those cheap drinks in Japan
Family runs an independent servo, just wanted to let you all know that wholesale price per can comes to around $2.50, and we sell for $3.70 (though they go on special for $3.50 semi-regularly).
According to Suntory group (who makes it) canned coffee is still seen as a kind of luxury drink here, whereas in Japan (and Asia in general), ready-to-drink coffee and tea beverages are the most popular (for us it's carbonated stuff like coke) which is why they're so cheap there but run expensive here.
aka The Australia Tax
Minimum wage in Australia $20ph.
Minimum wage in Japan 900yen=$12 AUD.
Get paid more and just end up paying more.
3LDK 30 minutes from Tokyo = $200k AUD
3LDK 30 minutes from Sydney = $800k AUD
Wtf boss?
@Cielescha: Really 200k AUD for 30 minutes? Wow… I'm surprised for such a densely populated country.
From the above comment it sounds like more an example of supplier/distributor trying on a premium price tag, rather than economics…
Not saying I don't believe that they told you that but I don't buy whatever theyre saying. Shouldn't they be competing with coffee from a real cafe? $4.50rrp is pricier than a freshly brewed coffee.
That all said I am not really a coffee drinker and I accidentally upvoted this deal (argh slipperly touchscreen).
$2.99 isn't a bad price then considering 185ml Japanese cans are 185ml and these are 237ml.
For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.
$3 in 7Eleven Fuel app. I think it was 2 for $5 in store. I'm not sure. Got the 1 and its not for me.
Love the flavour but at that price… Nope
Meh, Kirin Fire is much better. More tastes, less sweet.
Love Fire!
These would be great for the summer in a tall glass of ice. How long is the expiry on these?
This is the worst product to bring to Australia. we have really good quality, and I’m pretty sure this stuff is drip tyre.
I think it’s nice for nostalgic value of the times when travel to Japan was still possible.
Where in Australia can you get cold brew long black (no additives) in a bottle or can?
The last we got was the Coffee Schnob products but they axed it. IMO that was genuinely a good coffee but we prefer Big M like taste here.
Online only offer though.
@StevePER: I’ve even brought it in store (not just woolies) many times, it’s not like it’s a rarity.
Good find but is it any good?
I see it is described with bright berry finish, where as the Coffee Schnob was mellow smooth mocha similar to Boss.
Woolies also carries Minor Figures nitro cold brew
I'm not sure which Boss coffee I tried from a vending machine, it was a black one. I couldn't finish it. It was vile.
Boss is the bottom tier of canned coffees in Japan so not surprising.
You had the iced long black one with no sugar whereas the light brown iced latte is much nicer
Taste like shit IMO
What does shit taste like?
Apparently like Boss coffee.
"You're in trouble pal, I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"
"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!"
Good stuff. Fun fact - the can is made of steel, not aluminium so it's much harder to crush (and noticeably heavier). Tell your mate to try and crush it when you're done, it's good for a laugh.