This was posted 13 years 3 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Samsung 51" 3D Full HD Plasma PS51D550 $799 MYER No Haggling Free Pickup from Myer


Myer has 51" Samsung Full HD 3D Plasma PS51D550 for $799 on special until 23 October. Good luck haggling for even better discount and/or warranty. The guy wouldn't throw in warranty for me.

FYI out of box, there is 1 pair of 3D glasses if you were going to use it. Didn't ask him how much extra pair cost cause I wasn't interest. But based on DSE, they're around $150 RRP?…

Or can be had around 85 pounds from Amazon UK…

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closed Comments

  • +6

    'The guy wouldn't through in warranty for me'

    lol of the day

    • OP edited it..aww lol

  • +13

    Haha, free pickup?! - How generous of MYER :P

    • Well, I was procrastinating over the OO deal last time. I would have gladly picked up to keep the price under $800. All psychological. The sales rep said there wasn't any stores in sydney metro with stock today. But I placed order at 3pm today and pickup tomorrow 9am tomorrow. Not too bad.

      • +9

        Remember that a 51" TV is VERY big and a plasma MUST be transported upright. Never lay a plasma flat when transporting it.

        • Why not lay it flat?!?! Was never told when I bought mine…

        • Never lay it flat because of the gases. May not have been warned from rep, but the Box WOULD have warned you with a big arrow and the words "keep upright"

        • because of the gases??? is there a whole at the bottom?

          any more info?

        • +3

          Big ol' sheet of glass don't like layin flat :)

          BTW, These things use twice as much power (or more) as modern LED sets.

          And 3D? All the digital TV transmission sites in Oz have had their 3D capability decommissioned. I guess there's still 3D Bluray…

        • +5

          It has to do with it being a large thin pane of glass. Glass panes are always transported upright (ever see those 'glass trucks'?). If it is transported while laying flat, cracks may form because the up and down movement of the vehicle (bumps in road etc) puts stress on the glass and being so thin it is very fragile. You could of course try but not recommended.

        • i also was told so when i bought the same tv from HN(and i had to go back home and drive my old kia sportage 2000…it fitted perfectly :) ) when i got home and tried to attach the base the instructions sheet said that you have to lay the tv on a flat surface… LOL

        • Once at home it aint moving anymore unless you're laying it on your vibrating bed to attach the base lols.

        • I transported my 58" Samsung flat……all ok

          The Myer rep said its ok….if it breaks, let him know and he will say it was broken in warehouse LOL

        • +1

          For the sake of being smart, you have to return it to Myer, have them replace it. Will that dumb Myer rep reimburse you for the time and mileage costs? I guess since he is that clever, its why he still works at Myer LOL

      • +4

        I thought modern plasmas only used slightly more power than modern LED's and the difference was a matter of a few dollars a year.

        • You are correct. It's nothing, and you'll never get your money from "saving power"

        • This Plasma consumes 539kWh (Yearly Average)(350W max; 151W typical) - up to twice a similar sized efficient LED LCD - so about $70+ more to run per year in an average household. BUT, the price difference outweighs the energy cost savings, even over many years!

        • Just wondering how many hours of use per day you used when doing your calculations?

  • looks good to me :)

  • +1

    "no haggling" - how it should be.

    • +7

      Haggling is in my blood. Rarely I buy anything I cannot haggle - house, car, stereo all can haggle. No I don't work at Bing Lee :-)

    • +5


    • +19

      Dreamerman you forgot to add in girlfriend. My family friend tried to set me up with their daughter. I haggled. Got the hotter sister. True story.

      • Kudos

      • Legend!

      • +5

        Pics or GTFO.

      • +1

        Not thai is she? might have gotten the bait and switch

        • if so, might be the brother ;)

      • that's some legendarily awesome haggling skill !

  • sweet thanks. I assume you got 1 yr warranty though.

    • 1 yr samsung warranty + 1 yr extended warranty courtesy of my Platinum mastercard.

      This should be available if you have a gold/platinum/diamond MC/VISA/AMEX? card

      • +6

        yeah cuz everyone has a platinum mastercard :p

        • even Gold cards have this.

        • +5

          Bankwest has a zero annual fee platinum mastercard. Good for travel insurance and extended warranty.

        • Really? Cr*p I thought I was special :-)

        • +1

          Only the better people.

      • I also bought the 40" Toshiba LED advertised in their catalogue for $649 about 2 weeks ago. The rep was nice enough to throw in 2 years extended warranty for me. So I guess depends who you get and how good you are at haggling, might get extra warranty if you haggle enough?

      • I think you get 2 years extra, up to a maximum of 5 overall??

      • Just looked up bankwest - $190/yr platinum mastercard……

  • +2

    Gr8 price Thx !, but I hate Plasma screens…, I would prefer LED…, but then again Beggars can't be choosers, so i'll but it ! lol :P

    • +5

      Why do you hate Plasmas? They have better picture and these days are as efficient on power usage as LEDs.

      • +2

        unless you are unemployed and watch tv 10hours per day every day, i wont be too concern about power usage level

      • +2

        yea but the Burn(afterburn), the sheer heat they emit…, also how are they as efficient as LEDs when this Samsung uses a STAGGERinG 284watts with a mAX of 350w… ??!!

        Most LEDs power average range from 50w-100w…

        • Absolutely spot on. Plasma does in fact use a LOT more power than an equivalent LCD or LED.

        • Reddog888, numbers plz

        • burn-in has not been an issue with good brand (sammy, pana, pioneer etc) since 2005-2006

      • Also, it's hard to see a Plasma screen when you have the sun on it (which I have at my place). I heard LCD/LED has less of a problem.

  • oh well, with this size plasma, u have a decent heater in winter for living room.

    • I hope it doesnt get too hot. thinking of putting it in my bedroom which is tiny, summer is already unbearable without adding a plasma into the mix.

      • -5

        I had a 42" plasma, was BLOODY HOT after a few hours of watching, MOST fires with modern TV's are with Plasma screens…, FACT !

        • +2

          No proof , no fact


        • +2

          lol Shhh, I wanted to scare people away from Plasma's…, "Fact" sounded good at the end… :P

          Quick read of the AUS house burned to the crisp in 07 due to a Plasma…

        • +1

          Sure enough the old Plasma screens did have this burn in problem and heat issue but not the new ones that came out mid-late 2010. Also as many pioneer owners can testify once you go Kuro, you never go back

        • Good luck going Kuro given they haven't been made for more than a year….

        • I was refering to the the deep blacks that Kuro is known for. Also the fact that Kuro is Japanese for Black

        • +1

          I have a Kuro, hot as hell but I don't mind the picture is worth it!

  • +3

    how good are these based on reviews. anyone who owns them like to comment/?>

    • +1

      I bought this a week or two ago. Very happy.

      Very good picture - the latest $3000 TVs where the only ones that really looked noticeably better (unless comparing side-by-side). 1080p blurays are stunning, really vibrant colour.

      Connect up to 2 usb hard disks or thumbsticks at the same time, plus wired networking (you can get a wireless adapter extra), plays almost everything, including .mkv files.

      The 3d didn't impress me too much, but still, was as good as any TV I've seen.

  • +1

    going to try buy it at good guys, they should pricematch and maybe if lucky will throw in warranty. got that $50 voucher to use.

    • +1

      I like your OZBargain spirit and idea

      • +2

        my good guys did not want my business…. shame on them.
        They are just talk…

        • that is a shame. Im not sure I should even blow $800 on the tv but it just seems like a great bargain. hopefully penrith good guys will be cool with the deal.

  • For another 5% off in true ozbargain style: Buy a coles gift card at 5% off through entertainment book, social club, union or otherwise. Take said card to coles and use it to purchase a Coles and Myer Group card for an equivalent value. Redeem. Win.

    • The rep got me a MyerOne card. Said I'd get around $15 back from the points for buying this TV. Add it to your 5% for even bigger discount. Then call your mate to pick it up for you. Free delivery! =p

    • +1

      They allow you to buy a gift card with a gift card?? If so, would that work to extend the expirary date of the card - just get a new card and get another 12 months!

      • It sure does. But how many ozbargainers actually get close to letting their gift cards expire? Mine normally last about a week.

  • Free pickup?! ROFL. Are there any stores out there that charge you to pick it up from them?

  • Has anyone seen this in a catalogue?

    I just rang JB Hi Fi and they will beat price if I have a copy of a advertisement

  • I think Costco have these piled up at auburn went there last week not sure but it's also $799 no haggling need. I know Costco not in every suburb so if you can't get it local might wanna try there but try to avoid going after 3 pm cause it gets crazy there lol. They have samsung ua46d6600 LED TV there over a month now at $1599 when most retailers have them for $2000 plus. Above plasma very good tv FYI and excellent picture I myself bought the led wish I didn't have to but kids spend so many hours playing ps3 that burn in would do my head in samsungs are not as good as panasonic when it comes to removing burn ins.

    • +2

      burn in is not a problem anymore. i spend hours playing games as well but it wont have an issue

    • +1

      … <— (Those are just the ones that needed to be put in your paragraph)

      I kid. Thanks for the ideas ^.-

  • Is there any way to put one of these on hold? their phone lines aren't operating atm, but I'm pretty keen on one of these flatscreens here :):)

    • It doesn't end for another few days. They didn't have any stock for me immediately, but were happy to order from Samsung. I will get it tomorrow. So I'm assuming they can get as much supply as they need from Samsung? So give them a call tomorrow if you are still worried.

      • -1

        Thanks for that. I tend to miss out on these things, since ozbargain has so many users now.

  • +1

    I bought one a few weeks back. Very happy.

  • does myers pricematch interstate?


    Price match Dick smith + staff discount card … profit?

  • Large plasma TVs work quite well as room heaters in winter time :)

    • this is the problem, some people say they get hot others say they dont. My room is a furnace in summer, and not having an air conditioner I dont really know if having a 51" plasma in there will be bearable lol

      I will go and check a display model that has been running all day before purchase I think

      • They really do get hot. I wouldn't buy one if I were you.

    • Excellent. and I have poor circulation, so this is perfect for the lazy days during wint…oh wait that's uni semesters :( …er

    • Even large LCD's create heat, just not as much.

      I've got 2 x 27" Dell monitors plus a 30", and between the 3 of them, they add a degree to the room temp (large office).

  • I just called and my local Myer was not aware of this sale?

    • I think this is part of the 15% off on clearance TVs in their Mid Season sale.
      See the bottom of the last page of this catalogue:…

      • Apparently this product is not a clearance item, so it is still selling for $999. I called Sydney, Bondi junction and Parammata (which is where the receipt was from)

        • +1

          Maybe ring Paramatta and specifically ask to speak to Jason (the salesperson who served the OP)?

      • They're saying it's $999. the only products that the 15% of applies to is clearance and discontinued products

      • Scrap that. They've now increase the discount to 20% off on the TV's

  • ordered mine… should have it by end of week (they had to get from their distribution warehouse)

    Fantastic. Was a bit bummed about not getting it from for $880 but saved $80 this way

    • Which Myer did you call? None of the stores i've asked are aware of this offer

      • boirefish and bigguy7:

        ordered in person. I am in Sydney so not sure if other cities/states are having the deal. I did not have to ask for it - it was right there with the $799 (save $400) tag.

        • Which Myer was this at? I'm also in sydney :)

  • Did you order in person or over the phone?

  • Can someone post the power consumption figures?

    • yes power consumption and also how hot the tv gets would be nice to know

      planning to buy from good guy penrith on friday using the $50 voucher

    • 5 star energy rating. Around 540kw/yr (not sure if kw correct unit, but you get the drift). Similar Pana 50" 3d FHD was 5 1/2 star using just over 500kw/yr.

    • This Plasma consumes 539kWh (Yearly Average)(350W max; 151W typical)…

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