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Fusion WPI/WPC Protein 1kg $47.70 + $9.95 Delivery @ Next Level Fitness


High quality protein on sale $47.70 for 1kg.

FUSION PRO-MIX releases slow, medium and fast digesting proteins designed to encourage rapid muscle nitrogen retention followed by a controlled anabolic release of amino acids.
FUSION PRO-MIX has been enhanced with L-Glutamine to further help prevent muscle breakdown during and after exercise.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Kfc 9 for 9.95 better value?

  • What's normal price?

  • +2

    How is $47.70/kg for WPI a deal? And no nutritional info and ingredients listed on the website?

  • 30 grams of protein every 3 hours.

  • +1

    How is this a bargain? Certainly not cheap compared to other WPIs on a cost/kg basis. Must be premium?!

    • +1

      premium rip off

  • If I wanted a protein blend with added glutamine, i'd stick with Protein Matrix+ from bulknutrients ($63 shipped for 2kg).

    • pureproducts on eBay is cheaper, free shipping too.

      I used to take WPI from VPA then Bulk Nutrients and now Pureproducts, taste wise Pureproducts is the best too.

      • any side effects from pureproducts protein? price looks alright..
        I was taking BN for few years with no issues but after they changed their supplier (a year or so ago) I started getting crazy night sweats when taking their powder.
        I bought Musashi when it was on sale and didnt have any side effects. Finished Musashi, returned to BN and bang! night sweats are back.
        I tried different diets, changing workout routine, etc until I found out that it was BN protein causing that.

        PS are those guys not just reselling BN? website content looks very similar..

        • No side effects so far, but I wasn't having any effects when taking BN previously too (> 2 years ago).

          I don't believe they are the same, WPI chocolate tastes very different from the BN one. The 4:1:1 BCAA also has some awesome flavours.

  • +4

    Sheesh… this is OzBargain mate, not OzPayOTTPrices

  • Rip off. No bargain. Trying to get free advertising.

    • +1 for the -1

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