Anyone Know if The Aussie 3DS eShop Titles Are Different to NA's?

G'day lads,

Just bought a preowned 3DS XL to play a couple of old DS games I have lying around, but primarily to play some of the later gen stuff i.e Pokemon Sun/Moon.

I own a Switch so I know that the e-shop holds virtually all the titles for that console, so I had assumed that the 3DS shop would have the same.

Now, I probably should have looked into this before buying this thing, but I realised I had been browsing the NA eshop titles for the DS, and there is very little info regarding the AUS regions.

I'd prefer not to buy physical since they're hard to come-by, marked up to oblivion, and with this COVID business I'd rather not go looking.

So, does anyone know if we have the full catalogue here, or did I just make a rather annoying mistake?



  • Definitely different. Oz is even different to Europe due to pesky Australian ratings costs for publishers. We suck. Basically a subset of the European range. At least you can set your Oz 3DS(some models, at least) to Europe, though.

    • Ah yuck. I'll look into that then I guess, cheers!

    • +1

      Australian ratings costs for publishers

      Nintendo and Australia started supporting IARC mid 3DS gen and ratings costs haven't been a problem since.

      Also if you've got an EU/AU 3DS you can change between any country in the region as long as you haven't linked a NNID, once you have you can't change country.

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