This was posted 4 years 7 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$3 Big Mac @ McDonald's via mymacca's App


Found this deal on mymaccas app today.

Seems like not targeted - as I have this deal on all my mymacca's accounts.


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  • +13

    $3 Big Mac

    That's probably all it's worth. They are so tiny these days…

    • +1

      Maybe you just have large hands.

    • +1


      they should call it small mac

    • +3

      Look at the Filet o Fish. It's literally 4-5 bites.

      • How small are your bites!!

        • I usually choke or have trouble swallowing if they're too big. I can finish it in 4 big bites.

          • @Orico: That's what she said

    • Yeah they are as undetectable as Corona

  • +5

    as I have this deal on all my mymacca's accounts.

    It's only on 7 out of my 9 accounts so possibly targeted.

  • Got it as well, but took a while for it to appear in the app.

  • Just wondering how many accounts do you have…

    • 3 … Sometimes they have different deals

      • How can you get 3 accounts running on one mobile device?

      • and how do you redeem them? do you have to go through the drive through three times?

  • +2

    Another good deal is the Mcburger Box of 4 classic burgers for $16.95. Choice of burgers include Big mac, McChicken and Quarter pounder. Its not targeted and you get a choice of burgers.

  • +1

    Only got on one of my 3 accounts so definitely targeted.

  • +2

    Had someone reverse into me then take off (no damage) but got the $3 burger…

    • +3

      Had one of those rounded big bum Mercedes Benz SUV Coupe`s growling at me for driving slowly in a drive-thru.

      What is with people who drive cars like that and people of that particular ethnicity……

      • +1

        Yeah had two different Mercedes drivers not give way. One was an older lady that tried to wave for me to give way to her. She was at a T intersection…. The other was a dude who just kept going after he got into a car park and ignored us. Think it's more of a money thing…

        • Just drive a shitbox and if they don't follow the road rules, they'll be the ones paying out the excess and bigger insurance premiums XD.

  • What are the limitations Around creating additional accounts? Is it just per email address, or per linked credit card?

    • I believe it's per email address and mobile number. I wouldn't be surprised if they blocked accounts who use the same credit card on multiple accounts. The technology exists.

      • +5

        Seriously? The trouble people go to to save $1 here and there on rubbish.

        • +2

          ripped Why are you here then?

          • @Rimzi: I'm intrigued in such a time in society, the lengths people go to in order to be unhealthy.

        • I'm with ripped its has not enough juice !
          2 Big Mac meals @ $8 has the appeal to go a little out of your way .

  • I've got $3 bigmac, $2 double cheeseburger, $1 cheeseburger on my one account and going to redeem all tomorrow for lunch, hehe.

    • Can't you only redeem one?

    • Share your wisdom on redeeming

      • +2

        You just have to redeem each one separately. e.g. redeem the first, then move on to next until all exhausted ;)

        • It’s so obvious.

        • Thought so but doesn't work that way. Have to collect and re-order i guess

          • @PinchFist: Not really. While you’re waiting for the first order, you order the second one, etc.

  • Just got 2 x small Big Mac Meals $9 :)

  • I just got a $2 for a big mac deal in my inbox.

    • Never got an offer below $3!

      • It might be because I ignored the $3 offer so they gave me a $2 offer to entice me.

  • I've got $3 big mac and a BOGOF big mac offer which is strange! Which is better?

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