Our precious daughter came into our lives 9 weeks ago and I’m having conflicts with mum at the moment because she has a different viewpoint than what I do.
I’ve managed to secure a job after losing my previous one due to COVID about 3 weeks ago and there I’ve been times when my wife hasn’t been coping so I asked my boss if it’s OK to take 3 days off to help her get back on her feet.
The boss says it’s perfectly fine because he went through the same situation as I did and he said family should always come first, in which I had always believed in before we even wanted kids.
Now, my mum and I had an argument because she said I shouldn’t always take time off work in case they won’t give me any more shifts. Fair enough, I’m financially stable at the moment but I said the boss is perfectly fine and he even gave me a day off this week to tend to my wife again.
If I don’t get any more shifts, so be it. Although, work may be hard to come by at the moment, as long as my family is doing well, that’s all that matters.
I need your opinion. Family first or work?
The decision is for you and your wife to make, no one else. Your mother doesn’t get a say.