Hi Everyone,
Love this community, have saved lots of $$$ so thank you to everyone!
During this pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of people wanting to invest in the sharemarket but have been investing without full knowledge about the company or what future growth looks like. They've simply been day-trading or investing for short term without knowing the full story.
I've started a youtube channel in which I discuss the following points so all investors can make a more informed decision 😊
- Background about the company
- How they've dealt with the COVID-19 situation
- Industry & Company growth
- Financial performance analysis
- Latest news
- Estimating future results
- Outlook
Just want to make sure that people we well informed about everything that is happening so they are not gambling away their hard earned money.
Here is the link to the channel 😊
If you like the content, then subscribe so you can stay tuned with all the new content 😊
Im still a slut for the fool