One for all of us to consider - more slavery death etc

A simple plea by those in Korea…

In part here is a quote

"In Korea, Philippines, Taiwan and other countries, workers making Samsung products, especially those inside Export-Processing Zones, suffer low wages, long working hours, and forced overtime without pay. Women, migrants, young workers, and students usually called “interns” are suffering the worst violations.

There has been a series of leukemia-related deaths in semiconductor manufacturing lines in Samsung Korea. More than 50 workers have died of occupational diseases. More than 100 are suffering from various disorders. Samsung has denied any responsibility for its workers’ health problems. As many more workers experience similar conditions, there is a need for unions, trade-union leaders and organizers and labor advocates to stand up for the Samsung workers, call for a truthful monitoring of health conditions and build legal cases. Samsung management must be held accountable for its grave violations of workers’ right to a safe work environment."


  • Thanks Ozpete, have only been interested in Samsung tv's. Now do i not buy Samsung to boycott they way they treat their workers and maybe they will start to loose jobs if others do the same? or do i continue to buy Samsung and hope somehow it changes by keeping these workers who are forming unions in jobs?

    Sorry i'm a bit confused now, or should i start shopping for turtle necks?

    • do a quick google search for Foxconn.

      i think you're going to run out of television brands you can afford.

  • +4

    all i can say is that this happens for all products everywhere

    there are even sweat houses in australia making aussie made products

    people who write these articles targetting one company sometimes have hidden agenda's

  • +1

    As djones said, it happens everywhere. Penny pinching accountants run businesses today and the human facotor is of no concern. They just want to make more profit than they did last year, that is their only interest. More global greed for the ceos, etc.

    I already hate Samsung junk but this report does smell of a hidden agenda.

    " or should i start shopping for turtle necks?"
    Mik, they're an endanged species m8! :-) :-)

    • well a recent apple article came out
      so it was time for a counter article, a samsung one

  • +5

    Just to play the devil's advocate: consider this side of the argument.

    We live in a society where we want everything cheap — all the newest gadgets, clothes, food, cosmetics etc.

    But you can't produce all these goods cheaply without having to use cheap labour. Companies and factories rip off their own workers so that they can give us the lowest prices, and it's not just Samsung that's doing it. After all, you can't compete with everyone else unless you cut down your costs by having your wages as low as possible.
    Take WalMart for example.
    Every Day Low Prices means Every Day Low Wages.

    So perhaps we as conscientious consumers should do our part and tell these companies to start charging us more for our products so they can start treating their workers a little better and pay them minimum wages, but face it, just what is the purpose of Ozbargain and what are you doing here in the first place? :)

    You want to pay as little as possible for your gadgets — that's why you have an Ozbargain account.

    Of course it's easier to just point your finger at the "penny pinching accountants" and say that it's completely their fault. But I think that's really ignorant of us to say that it's the company's fault, because its actually down to us consumers who decide whether or not the product is reasonably priced.

    Until we accept the fact that the reason that the Chinese and Korean labourers are getting paid less than minimum wages because of our tight-arse-ness, I don't think we have the right to boycott or push the blame on somebody else and neither does that solve the issue.

    • +2

      true that we want things cheap, but i really wonder how much the company is making of the cost price and the sale price. It's one thing saying the consumer force these corporations to scout for cheap labour, and yet you see after deducting their expenses these companies are making profit in the millions. And i wonder too, if we are in a state where demand is not affected by pricing (e.g. Apple fanbois), will the corporations really transfer their excess to benefit the factory workers? Or will they still provide minimal working standards and keep the extra profits?

      • couldn't have said it better myself

      • To improve working conditions, owners and investors of all the companies from mining, manufacturing etc. to retail have to agree to profit less from their investments. Consumers would also have to be willing to pay higher prices.

        Alternatively, all governments have to enforce an international standard on working conditions so that it would not be that profitable to shift operations to another country. Regulation would have to be constant and harsh penalties imposed for failing to comply.

        Like either of the above is ever going to happen.

  • we live in capitalism world. someone has to get screwed so someone else can be ok. people in korea working for samsung are probably having the same discussion as us about the poor suckers across the border who are working in crappy conditions. who in turn are probably having the same discussion as us about the poor suckers across the border who are working in crappy conditions. who don't know better.

    there are people who look at "us" and think we are working in shitful conditions. "7.25 hours a day!!! in a cubical in an airconditioned office!!! they have to drink instant coffee!!!" meh. make the best of what you can get/ozbargain.

    • I'm sure they envy our income, not our working conditions.

  • Anyone like to guess where all those who refuse to buy Apple products because of the slavery issue, are now. Strangely silent!

    • hi !!!

      the brunt of what i mean to say in the other thread i started is succinctly summarised by jsc above. that is all i wish to say.

      profits, pricing, poverty. i am not targetting apple in particular as of course since you have highlighted, many companies do this.

    • You conveniently edited out the most important part of the article you were quoting:

      "Sent from my iPhone"

      • me ? never !!! i have a HTC.

        • ah HTC

          Might be interested in this story


          @ Kirusan I am not having a go at you, to your great credit, you have acknowledged your change in position, pity others cant accept its not just one company that is "evil".

          Now I wonder where Asher Moses of the SMH is on this one….

          Just that the HTC comment was just a great segway… LOL

        • wow i never heard or knew about that ! where do you find all this information… hahah asher moses, that guy !

        • Ahhh that's a mod's secret… Hint try googling … "6 Letter word starts with G and ends with E" … LOL

    • I don't see companies like Samsung and HTC sitting on a huge pile of over 70 Billion dollars in cold hard cash.

      The whole point is that Apple are in the best position to take the lead and actually do something about all of this.

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