It’s Messed me up a little . Wondering what % of people it also has
Have You Taken Psychiatric Meds for First Time in Long Time Since Covid

Poll Options
- 64No
- 7Yes. Heavy prescription meds like Anti depressants anti psychotics Valium ect
- 5Yes. Self medicated . Alcohol ect
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
Are you talking to yourself in public?
Right now we couldn't tell
Stay awhile and maybe then we'll see
I know nothing about this area so curious. How has it messed you up a little?
What are the adverse effects that have 'messed you up' Ozbozo? Anxiety? Loneliness? Worry about the future?
Hopefully you are taking them while under a professional's advice OP
Yes, it messed me up very very very badly.
I started drinking quite a lot to reduce the anxiety. I have no other option except heavy drinking, because my current psych refuses to prescribe me anti-anxiety medication, and I am finding it impossible to find another psych. (Most of their offices are shut & they never call back, when I leave a voice mail.)
Is there anything you can get over the counter at the chemist instead?
I'm sorry this is happening to you.Alcohol will only
Make your anxiety worse.Are you able to go to your GP, get a mental health plan and with a referral? They're usually far more willing with one of those.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support.
13 11 14
We’ll help you! Tell us about your childhood…
This is a serious post and one that shouldn't be taken lightly by ozb members. OP I suggest you contact Lifeline 13 11 14 or talk with your immediate family and friends for advice and support.
My brother has increased his zyprexa lately.
We had a family tragedy and certainly covid restrictions around hospitals and funerals was tough on everyone.
So, I think covid added to his need to up his meds.
Any recommendations on psychiatrists that prescribe?
I have been on a lot of different psychiatric medications for more than 8 years, for severe Depression, Anxiety, OCD. In fact I am going back into inpatient care for a medication change next week. I am happy for you to PM me with questions if you like.
It makes sense that people would need to - there have been drastic changes in many aspects of life. There would also people people needing them for the first time too. People aren't dealing with typical stressors…
I'm lucky I haven't needed a dose increase (I'm already on SRRIs, have been for years) but if I had been in even a slightly different mindset when it happened, I would've needed dose changes/medication changes/counselling/etc.
If you feel like you need to talk to anyone, I highly recommend Lifeline - I'm not just saying it, I know a few people (some I'm close with) who have all had excellent experiences when they needed to talk to someone that day. They didn't need to know a full history - they are good at on the spot support.
Why did you stop?
Self medicated . Alcohol
I don't think alcohol fits "self-medication" definition!
Anyone can go to their doctor for a referral to a psychologist that bulk bills, see link… .
Psychologists aren't medical doctors, and their fees are never bulk billed, and have to be paid out-of-pocket.
One can get a Mental Health Treatment Plan, which partially covers the cost of 10 sessions with a Psychologist during one year.
This 10 session limit is a bit of a joke, because typically 10 sessions are not even enough for a Psychologist to start to get a general idea about the patient's background and past history, never mind, actually getting started or completing a course of treatment.
Usually a person will need to see a Psychologist on a weekly basis for at least a year, before they start to feel better.
I totally understand what u are going threw. I came unwell before the first lockdown and my psychiatrist for 2 years told me he can no longer help me ….and to find another psychiatrist( so so pissed off with him not wanting to try and help me no more) I started drinking (evenings) to help calm the 24/7 anxiety because my medication isnt working no more (and i now dont have a psychiatrist for meds). I had to quit my job this year because i could no longer function properly do my work and then i finnaly went to HOSPITAL. They didnt take me in… they got me help from the cat team. The virus started in Australia. I was put on psychiatric meds and finnaly changed my antidepressants. I have never been on psychiatric meds before and to me they dont really work… so i would self medicat still with alchole every evening (and taking my new meds). Alchole really helped in giving my brain and body a break from this breakdown im in. Alchole helped me to calm down for a few hours everyday. Alchole numb my racing thoughts. The first lockdown is about to start in a day…. -me:- i really cant handle more bad news as im still not better, this lockdown is to scary for me!! What if i cant get alchole? Im going to be all alone and im still not better! Me:- just kill my self, hang my self as the lockdown and virus i cant handle. …
I truly dont belive i will be still alive after the lockdown (suaside), so i asked a family member to move in with me (for the lockdown). This family member didnt judge me for my drinking everyday (im now drinking threw the day because of the lockdown and fear of family members dieing). So threw this lockdown with family member and me drinking, it really helped my mental state. It was nice to have someone to hang with, i start eating food again (hadn't eaten proper food for months), but stiĺl drinking everyday. I loved how the alchole would stop the 24/7 anxiety for some hours every day. Alchole was my best friend. I had tried valium and bettablockers in past to calm me down, but it didnt work for me. ATIVAN use to work but no longer worked (been on it to long) and psychiatric with antidepressants wasnt working yet!..So alchole was the only calming drug that worked for a few hours everyday (from the debilitating anxiety and depression 24/7). Lockdown then ended and family member went back home. I didnt know how i would go being back on my own, but my brain supprised me!… im oka being on my own and i think the meds are starting to work. My brain started to not like alchole no more, so i cut down drinking (drinking is now just a habit). I have totally cut down drinking to just once a week. Me:- ALCHOLE & MEDS & COMPANY HELPED ME THREE THE FIRST LOCKDOWN (it may sound crazy but its true). And I'm still on a waiting list for a new psychiatrist.
Tell us your situation.