Looking for actual advice pls.
We have a really badly designed (but brand new) bath/shower combo.
Been living not long in this brand new rental unit.
The bath has got a raised lip but then a tiled trough all around it, which collects water (tiled wall and everything), and then some of the water completely soaks most of the bathroom floor, meaning we can have nothing on it like a bath mat or a loo mat, any books, any clothes or anything. Tough particulary on winter mornings/nights when the tiles are freezing.
Are there any solutions that we could do as a rental?? The place has not been lived in before.
Its a lovely bathroom but an awful design fault.
If it had a shower curtain, that could at least keep the water contained in the bath, but nothing like that is installed on the wall…
Any ideas? We are worried about longer term water damage in the trough, slipping on heaps of water when we get out, never being able to use a bath mat (it gets soaked immediately) etc.
Diagram or photo, please. https://imgbb.com/