I just saw this on their home page. Good reviews in other websites. Other shops sell it for at least $769 (appliances online via ebay)
Mod: Further 5% off with 92RFLE0M94J67B brings it down from $599 to $569.05 until 11/7. Original Coupon Deal
I just saw this on their home page. Good reviews in other websites. Other shops sell it for at least $769 (appliances online via ebay)
Mod: Further 5% off with 92RFLE0M94J67B brings it down from $599 to $569.05 until 11/7. Original Coupon Deal
Interesting. Rust on the inside or outside?
rust from internal leakage? care to elaborate? looking into buying a front loader for the first time. i dont understand how it would rust on the outside. cheers
@benboo: I have the model up from this, more washing options etc. Though I have never seen this 'rust' being mentioned, had it for around 3 years and I have never had an issue with it. Looks just as new as the day I bought it, just a bit of dust on it.
Reading some reviews and apparently it only spins at 1200rpm so heavy items like towels come out wet. Could be a show stopper for me.
1200 rpm is average? That's enough for towels.
Downvoted for asking an honest question… wtf. Some seriously screwed up ppl here on OzB.
Yeah I don't agree with that, for the record I didn't down vote you. I was just pointing out most washers are 1200rpm, and only some will come with higher ie 1400rpm. 1200rpm has never been an issue for me.
If anything, top loaders spin actually slower - ie 800 or so, so things come out a lot wetter in them than front loaders.
I have the WH8560J3 WashSmart which I paid $598 for, and the DE8060P2 Condensing Dryer which I paid $828 for, that I bought at Harvey Norman in January last year and I love them. Apparently I forgot to vote the deal up. I recommend the condensing version of the Dryer to avoid the laundry getting damp, although it is more expensive, it's worth it.
For some reason I thought they had similar product codes but they are a perfect match (unless the wrong product code was specified on the invoice).
I haven't seen any problem with rust or any issues whatsoever, but I'll be keeping an eye out based on someone's comment above (I have a two year warranty). Perhaps their problem is the result of a non-condensing dryer, or perhaps a leak?
This was the first brand new washer/ dryer set I ever bought, having only ever had second hand washers beforehand. The joy of using a decent washer and finally having a dryer is brilliant. And since I've racked up heaps of eco-points in other ways (i.e. riding my bike in the city for twenty years, etc.) I felt I earned the luxury of a dryer. It helped that a tree fell on my clothes line and crushed the living daylights out of it, mind you.
The only problem I heard about, from the Manager at my local Harvey Norman, was the lint filter getting misshapen or affected by the heat. He later gave me a spare one plus another spare part which slides out (not sure what it's called and I can't find a link) and some other parts that came in the same box for free. The filter looks great after 18 months, no issue at all, but I don't use them too often like a large family would. And I always empty the lint (which is a surprising amount) and the water that collects in the tank, after every load.
Oh, also, I was going to buy the Stacking Kit that goes in the middle but opted out because you need to drill it in place. Instead I bought the thick plastic cover (can't find a link) which was made for it. No wobbling whatsoever (don't think it would wobble either way). I also bought a second one for the top of the dryer to keep it safe from moving baskets to and fro constantly. I got both covers at cost price. I'm lucky to have a legendary Manager here. The Sistema laundry basket (x 4, on sale) and buckets (x 6, on sale) finish off the set perfectly.
Anyone have opinions on this? Looking to buy a washing machine as my partner and I are moving into an apartment and we need a new washing machine. This seems like a decent one for a good price??
I own this exact model and have had it for a few years now with no sign of rust as mentioned above. Also the spin of 1200rpm is plenty and towels come out fine. Still needs to be hung up or put in a dryer like any other non combination washing machine. Highly recommend would buy again. The front panel looks really nice too.
How long does the 'Everyday' Cycle take? I like a front loader that can do an hour cycle - I find quick wash too short, and cottons too long.
Yes - Every day cycle took 59 min.
Was just about to order one only to find no stock in VIC and back order likely over 1 month according to their Sales Team. I’ve now ordered through E&S via price match for $599 delivered (they didn’t check local VIC stock on JB website and didn’t seem to care). So my order is now roughly $20 cheaper than this deal via JB who charges $55 delivery to me. Thanks to OP.
i tried to get E&S to price match as well, but they quoted $654 because JB charges a $55 delivery fee. called up appliances online got priced matched $599 delivered.
I have one of these. 30 min cycle is all you need. Does the job but in 3 years time you get a lot of rust .